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Warning: mature content/smut.


We longed for ourselves in silence. He enveloped his hands around my hips and I could listen to his uneven heartbeat. He was inhaling my scent which makes me even feel drowsy by his closeness. We looked up at the sky and enjoyed star gazing. All of my thoughts are clouded with his lust.

As I slowly scooted next to him. He suddenly pulled me closer and I repositioned slighter in his lap. I adjusted myself I sat above his groin and I supported my hands on either side of the slab. His face dipped on my neck, peppering me with light kisses. I bit my lips very hard. As he slowly unreleased my lips between the teeth using his hands. He said "Let me hear you" in a slow yet deep baritone voice. As he slowly snaked his hands in my hips and pulled me even closer. I once swayed my hips near his cock. He moaned. As he once started kissing my neck, showering me with kisses. As I moaned "Aeeee."

He stopped his action and looked at me as he cupped my face. I was merely looking down rather than looking at his face. I admit I am too shy to even face him.

He pulled me to one of the expensive suits. He closed the door harshly. As he positioned me on the back of the door. As he started kissing –my lips, he nibbled my lower lips and his hands slowly travelled inside my shirt as he played with my nipple. I moaned his name "Aeeeeeeeee." As he slowly travelled to my neck. He once started kissing, nibbling, and even biting me passionately. As I moaned his name again and again.

As he sat on the bed and pulled me to sit on his lap. He removed a few buttons in the shirt letting my shirt fall off my shoulder. I slowly snaked my hands over his neck and pulled him closer. He started nibbling and kissing my collarbone, and neck and slowly persuaded all the way to my nipples. He latched on my nipple. As he started sucking me out. I made a voice "Aeeeeee stoppppppp, it won't give milk." I moaned and moaned as I slowly made my hands to his hair. As he continued his business on my other nipple.

I grinded over him slowly yet sensually. He held me closer as he claimed my lips and started sucking me out of life. I grinded over his groin again and again. As he held my butt for support and didn't allow me to stop.

He let out a huge grunt inside my mouth. "Pupppppppp, don't stop". A huge slap was drawn on my butt cheek. "Slap". I moaned as he held my butt for support once again and started to grind me again him.

We moaned and moaned as we reached our climax.

I looked down feeling very shy to face him. He slightly lifted my face as I averted my eyes from the ground to his face. He came near me and whispered in my ears "pup, thank you so much for making my day special", he slowly came forward to kiss my lips lightly and he kissed the pinch of the nose.

I slightly covered my face with my hands, as he slowly unwrapped my hands from my face and he lifted me off his lap. He spoke, "pup, it's been a long day take rest now." I replied to him "Ae, I have job to do. I can't take a leave just like that without prior notice. Plus, I don't have any spare clothes to wear. Just drop me at my apartments." He looked at me with cute pouting 'why does he need to be very cute?' I slowly went near him as I snaked my hands in his shoulder and pulled him closer. He lazily wrapped his hands around my hips and he spoke "Pup, I can't sleep without you. Please stay with me tonight." He flashed a bright smile but I gave him a mischievous smile and asked him "how did you sleep without me till now?" He gave me an another pout and I finally persuaded him to the car after a long struggle.

He finally dropped me at my apartment and smooched a kiss on my cheek and bided his goodbye.

I finally slept without any worries because I know he will be there with me. 

Hello my dear Readers, 

Finally I'm back! I apologize for my absence as I completely has a packed schedule with my exams and other things. Here afterwards I will give out the regular updates guys. 

Think this chapter as a welcome back gift from me to my dear readers. 

Do vote, share and comment on the story. 

Do follow my account for more updates. 

with love


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