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Warnings: talk of drinking, hungover, vampire stuff, biting, blood, arguing, angst, kisses, swearing, a lil bit of spice, food, nausea, vomiting (once not graphic)

Summary: As the bond between reader and Eddie grows closer, he reveals more about what it means to be a vampire. A new dream starts putting pieces of the puzzle together.

Your eyes blink open, outside the sun is just setting. You try to sit up to get a better view, but a leg and an arm are thrown over you, and pull you firmly back towards Eddie, "No," he grumbles sleepily.

You smile looking over at him, his face totally hidden by his beautiful mass of perfectly defined curls, he's still dressed in what you had on earlier, as are you. You'd half expected him to be gone by the time you came round, just like normal, but he'd stayed, snuggled up next to you.

The only problem was, as much as you loved being totally enraptured by this sleeping prince, you were also horrendously ravenous. The cart of food is way too far out of reach. Your stomach growls loudly.

You feel Eddie's head move and his lips press up against your shoulder as he speaks with a little slur, "Could you think quieter? Jesus, babe." Your stomach growls yet again, and you wriggle your way out of his grasp to a chorus of much complaining.

You sit next to the cart and graze a little, a grape, a slice of apple, some juice, a sip of coffee, a bite of a pastry, until you're grabbing fistfuls of whatever you can find and can't fit it in your mouth quickly enough.

"You ok, babe?" Eddie's concerned voice stops you in your tracks, as you let go of a handful of some kind of cake you hadn't even tasted the flavour of, as it plops back onto the trolley.

"Er…yeah…was just…hungry," you say, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, and suddenly all the food and drink swirls in your stomach, sending you hurtling to the bathroom to throw up.

You hear Eddie rifling around in your suitcase before he appears in the bathroom doorway, with your set of aviator sunglasses on. "Well at least I don't have to feel like shit on my own," he laughs, and reaches for his head and tries to laugh quieter, "You ok?"

"Yeah, just hungry," you squint back, getting up to wash your face and brush your teeth.

Eddie cuddles up to the side of you, and kisses you on the cheek. Which is amusing because you can see him clear as day out of the corner of your eye, but in the mirror all you can see is where your robe and cheek press in.

He heads back to the room and sits down at the table, clearing up your mess, as gently and silently as he can, for his own sake.

You quickly scurry out to grab some clothes and run back into the bathroom and lock the door to get changed. Whilst alone you take a little time to assess the damage. You take off the bathrobe and note only a tiny droplet of blood has made its way onto it. Well that's a plus, he's not a messy eater. You can barely see the bite marks at all, it doesn't look all that different to a hickey. You hop up onto the sink to take a closer look and that's when you see the two tiny pin prick holes.

Since Eddie's fangs or any of his teeth for that matter were this small, it must have healed incredibly fast, which makes sense in a way, otherwise people would just bleed out. What if a vampire wanted you to bleed out though? You shake your head to stop your brain going down this rabbit hole.

You throw on the polo neck and jeans and join Eddie at the table.

He's made you a little plate of food up, "Just eat this…but slowly this time, alright?" He puts the sunglasses on top of his head and pretends to be looking at his phone, but you can feel his eyes staring at you.

Everlong - Let Me Call You Sweetheart Part 2Where stories live. Discover now