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Notes: This is the last part of this series. I hope if you got this far you've enjoyed it. Thank you so much for reading ❤️

Most of the trip to the island was pleasant enough, reminiscing and catching up between the three of them. You noticed a few awkward moments between Steve and Eddie particularly.

It wasn't as if those feelings were still there for one another, but neither could pretend it hadn't happened, but Steve's true love wasn't Eddie, or any of his other partners, it was his family. Although the weirdness of the situation wasn't lost on you, Mr Harrington had seemed to have made his peace regarding you and Eddie being together.

On landing you realised the expectations you have for Dustin's island had been way off the mark. You were all given large insulated coats to put on, and some wipes to remove some of the blood, and on the way to touch down was a battle against a howling forceful wind.

The futuristic estate itself was nothing short of palatial. The buildings were huge, but set inside the rocks to hide them away; however,once inside it was almost like a luxury resort.

Mr Harrington runs into the main living room and is immediately swamped by his ten kids, he has hugs and kisses for them all.

Next they herded to Dustin, where the kids are absolutely over the moon to see him in person and keep poking him playfully to ensure he's not a hologram.

You hang back with Eddie, who suddenly looks really quite nervous, you take his hand in yours, "It'll be ok," you try to reassure him.

You give the Harrington's a small wave hello, thank them for coming to the concert, the photograph they sent you, and then are rushed from the side by Sebastian. You pick him up in your free arm, "Hey buddy! I'm so glad to see you!" You press him to you in a half hug.

"I'm happy you're here too. I even made you a playlist, especially for coming home. I know this isn't our real home, but Dad said it is temporarily, so I think that means I can send you this now." He smiles up at you, and then looks at Eddie.

"Are you Ambrose?" Sebastian asks whilst getting out his phone to take a picture.

Eddie is very quiet, so you help out, "No, this is Eddie," and you show Sebastian that you are holding Eddie's hand.

"What happened to Ambrose?" Sebastian asks, "We thought you really liked him. Also two Eddie's around here is gonna get confusing."

"Well…" you try to figure out an explanation that Sebastian might find acceptable, but Eddie interrupts you.

"I used Ambrose as my online persona, but my real name is Eddie. You have another Eddie here?" he gives Sebastian a happy closed mouth smile.

Sebastian scans over Eddie, and despite the huge coat covering most of his clothing, asks, "Do you like Heavy Metal?"

Eddie laughs, "I sure do. What about you?"

Sebastian frowns a little, "I like it well enough, I just can't get this new playlist for our Eddie quite right. Would you help me? It's for Edina." Eddie searches the room for whom his Harrington name sake might be. Sebastian points at the toddler currently running around with a saucepan on her head bumping into things and laughing wildly.

"Figures," Eddie nods and laughs. "Sure, I can help you," he adds.

Sebastian lifts up their phone and tries to take a picture of both of you, "I don't think that will work buddy, but I'll send you one I made earlier," you quickly rifle through your phone and feel a little bashful, as Eddie peers over at your phone to see you scrolling through a bunch of his old photos you had edited yourself into, or the other way around.

Everlong - Let Me Call You Sweetheart Part 2Where stories live. Discover now