You've Got Another Thing Coming

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Warnings: Angst, Violence, Blood, Gore, Swearing, smooches, vampire biting and fighting

Summary: Waking up in your old cell, in desperation to save the people working in the facility from an incoming force of destruction orchestrated by the very star of your dreams

This wasn't the longest she had been alone, but it was the longest she'd ever been shut in the darkness, unable to see the world pass her by. 

Though her body was long gone, her spirit remained in the cabin. Her body had gone on to do other things. It had run into the night and Aimon had come back the next day to a seemingly empty home. 

He'd waited, leaving the light on in the night, so she could find her way back. He had sobbed into his hands at the table, and it was the first time she'd been given the most amazing and tragic gift. To be able to read the mind.

He thought she got scared, run away before he got home. Maybe she set up with someone else, or had committed a heinous crime, but it didn't matter to Aimon, he'd always take his Yedda back, no matter what she had done.

But Aimon, just like the old woman had inferred, was just a man. He could only wait so long in this cabin, that only let its sadness seep into him like a rot. He could only live so long in a place that sent chills down his spine.

When he had eventually found someone new, he left taking everything of value, he'd tell people his tattoo was for a sister, they would never know, or better yet get it blacked out. 

The thought of her name, her memory being scrubbed out had made Yedda wail lonesomely into the night, but there was also relief. The kind of being released from a torture. Watching Aimon struggle day after day and not being able to comfort him, or tell him what happened. She had tried so many times.

The wailing at night must have caused complaints because the last time she saw Aimon, he was standing outside the shack, a torch in his hand and a secret tear in his eye.

He puts the torch to the dry hay he's placed around the cabin, and whispers as the fire works its way around the cabin, "I don't know where ya are, or if ya can even hear me Yedda, but if yas can. I'm sorry, my sweetheart"

With the walls of the cabin removed her spirit could roam a little more and over the decades the meadow grew smaller and the town spread further. Until her sanctuary was just another store. However, the large footfall of people did give her a chance to do other things, to learn from the thoughts of others, to grow her powers, to try to influence them in waking thought and in their slumber.

It wasn't as strong an influence as she might have liked, but it got rid of any types of business she didn’t like in her store. It was hers, this land was hers and she'd be damned if some greedy banker settled here.

She allowed bakers, blacksmiths, jewellers, tailors, writers and lastly instrument makers. Each one she would inspire to greatness, strange designs would fill their minds, an urge to create, but that often led them away from this small place. Eventually the site became associated with the inspirational, and it was coveted by many, but eventually the stories got lost in time, and it became a musical instrument store.

When Eddie had walked in that day, and she'd found his order at the back of the store, she knew she had to finally leave. 

The night before collection, Yedda observed the guitar. Her spectral fingers danced over the strings of the guitar, making it hum gently. As they passed over the pickups she could see what looked like the tiniest lightning bolts in between. As the special red finish was nearly finished curing, Yedda willed herself into the guitar, and it accepted her with no resistance, but the paintwork crackled with darkness, and the beautiful red became encrusted with black.

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