valorant...? // streamer!au

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you as a streamer au!
[you and shu are not dating here]

"hello chat! how are you guys doing! hihi!" you greeted your chat, smiling as you rocked your body from side to side, excited for today's stream.

after being in nijisanji en for a long time, you finally had the opportunity of collaborating with your favourite oshis in nijien. shu, uki and fuchan. and of course it would be on a valorant stream.

"okay, im gonna join vc now," you took in a deep breath, hovering your mouse over 'vc 1' where the other 3 were already in and talking. "not gonna lie, kinda nervous talking to my senpais," you mumbled to chat, letting out a small laugh, while they were still hyped over the stream.

joining the vc, you muted yourself, hoping that no one realised your entrance. but of course that didn't happen. "hello? who joined- oh- hi y/n~" shu greeted you first, followed by a few other 'hello's and 'hi's from the other two. "you came just in time, we were talking about something, we needed your- your opinion on-" fulgur spoke, his voice cracking into a kettle like screech near the end.

you blinked, confused. "uh, this doesn't sound promising, but sure?"

"so, we wanted to know- know- if- * kettle noises * size matters?" fulgur just sounded like a boiling kettle from that point onwards. you continued to blink profusely, your mouth agape from how speechless you were. this was definitely not how you expected the stream to begin.

"i- i- mean, size doesn't matter if that person is nice- or has a good personality..?" you started to question yourself on why you took part in this collab. "that's such a basic answer." uki did not hesitate to rebuttal. fulgur's laugh did not cease.

"wha- then what's your answer? size does matter?" you attempted to defend yourself against uki. "no it doesn't but I know fufuchan has a big one."

and there was silence.

"can- can we just start the game" you broke the silence, making shu laugh slightly. "god i didn't think this was how the stream was gonna start" you mentally facepalmed and the others laughed. "valorant stream gone wrong not clickbate" you couldn't help but to laugh along.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

the first match on breeze, you decided to play yoru. he was a pretty cool character, being able to fake decoys and teleport. fulgur of course picked breech, uki picked fade and shu went with sage. the 5th teammate chose sova. it was a decently balanced team.

as the game continued, you ended up competing with shu for top frag (basically the highest kills). and somehow the top frag was allowed to pick someone to do a punishment, or some kind of batsu.

the score was currently 11 - 7, with you being top frag with a kill count of 17. shu was just behind you, with 14 kills. "no cap, I think shu should start warming up his voice for the batsu" you teased, laughing as you landed another headshot at the enemy's killjoy, winning the round.

the score was currently 12 - 7.

"we'll see, we'll see" shu replied, his reply sending shivers down your spine. it was a simple reply, yet it sounded so ominous. still panicking from shu's reply, you whiffed your shots and got killed instead. leaving your final kills at a total of 18.

no way he would be able to catch up right? to beat me he would need an ace. no freaking way he was going to be able to do that righ-

pew pew

shu yamino shot down 2 people.

"shu??? ayo???" fulgur, who was spectating shu's pov cheered. 16 kills. "cmon shu, beat that bitch" uki also cheered for shu. "wha- y'all are fake asf. what happened to supporting me?" you jokingly scoffed.

"sorry y/n, we only stand on the winning side- OMG SHU" fulgur yelled as shu hit another headshot. that was his 3k. his kills were now at 17.

"last player standing."

"cmon shu, this victory is ours" shu quietly crept towards A site, planting the spike. he placed down a sage wall, blocking a possible entrance from the enemy. "to your right shu, your right" shu let out a soft 'mhm', aiming towards the right, and what a clean flick. 4k. his kills were at a total of 18 now.

usually you would want the match to end as soon as possible, but at this point, you wanted shu to lose so that the match would drag on longer, and you would have a higher chance of winning. "cmon shu, 1 more, just 1 more" fulgur cheered again.

"nah, no way. no way." you mumbled, praying for his downfall. "this is probably the only time I want shu to win" uki deadpanned, making shu laugh slightly.

just then, at the corner of the screen appeared a head. and of course, shu gamino hit the target, bringing home an ace, a win, and also a batsu.

the chat immediately blew up with 'sheesh', 'eyyyyy', and 'GG'. also a few 'lmao's at your downfall. "hm y/n, I think you should start preparing your voice for the batsu" karma is a bitch isn't it.

you sighed, accepting your fate. "yes, yes, what is my punishment" you waited as shu stopped to think for awhile. "check your discord" shu's smug voice did not sound promising. how bad could it be... right? shu was probably the most forgiving out of the three...

oh how wrong you were to think that.

shu: bark throughout the stream or go on a date with me.

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