a confession. // student!au

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you and shu are classmates!
[a little ooc & a lil 🍋 :]

shu yamino.

the boy who was your classmate. the boy who was your friend. the boy who quietly topped every subject. the boy whose smile would always brighten your day. the boy whose laugh was contagious. the boy who couldn't help but to nerd-out when talking about computers and electronic related topics. the boy who was always seated quietly in the corner, yet always caught your attention. the boy who you liked, for a very, very, long time.

who wouldn't like him?

he was handsome, good-looking, smart, sweet, kind, caring, enduring, humorous, you name it? he's got it.

it didn't appear as a surprise when you told your beloved friends about your little crush on shu. they simply urged you to confess because it was 'so obvious that he likes you too'. you on the other hand, was scared shitless. you had a great friendship with shu, and the last thing you wanted was to ruin it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"good morning y/n!" shu greeted you, his hand ruffling your hair, making you lift your head from the table you were resting on. "morning, shu" you half mumbled. you could never understand how this guy was so energetic at 7 in the morning. and it wasn't like he had a proper sleep schedule anyways.

"did you do the math homework?" he raised a brow at your question. "why? you didn't do it?" cheekily smiling, you stretched out your hand, asking for his copy of the worksheet. he sighed, shaking his head as he handed you the paper. "at least try the questions, they're so simple"

"easy for you to say, my bad I didn't score at mathematics" you retorted, copying his workings on the blank sheet of paper. "if you need help you could just ask me to teach you, I'll be glad to help" shu offered.

shu? teaching me 1 to 1? I doubt I'd be able to focus. "I'd rather ask mysta than you" shu laughed, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. god, his laugh is so attractive. "touché"

you clicked your pen, placing it down. "thanks for the clutch" you passed back the worksheet. "don't copy from me again" shu jokingly threatened. "no promises" you shrugged, keeping the worksheet in your bag.

from the corner of your eye, you could see your two friends giggling. they were definitely talking about you and shu. here goes lunch break.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"girl, have you seen the way he looks at you? he's in love I'm telling you" mika teasingly slapped your shoulder. "yeah what are you doing? you should confess already- unless you're waiting for shu to confess first" mika 'ooh'ed along with enna's comments. (tbh enna aint the type to talk this shit but let's just play along its ooc anyw)

"no way, I don't think he likes me- he sees me as a friend, there's no way I'm gonna confess" you defended. "are we really gonna go over this again? girl, at this point I don't know what to do with you" enna sighed, shaking her head. "just confess, you guys have known each other for like what? 4? 5? years?"

"6, actually." you corrected. "yeah excatly, and you've like him for that many years, what makes you think he doesn't like you back?" you shook your head. "6 years and he sees me as a friend. nothing more nothing less." it was now their turn to shake their heads.

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