stuck in the abyss // neighbour!au

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you and shu are neighbours!
[you and shu are not dating here this is definitely not what shoe yummitoes would do but hey it's a fanfic LOL cold shu i guess ;]

"WAIT!!" you yelled after the closing elevator. if you were to miss this elevator, you would probably have to take the stairs, and 20 floors down was not funny. you were running late and the next bus was in less than 5 minutes. you had barely enough time to run to the bus stop, and so this elevator would be the decider of your life or death.

the person in the elevator seemed to hear your cry, and the doors opened again. however, when your eyes met a familiar pair of amethyst orbs, the doors started closing again. "NO NO NO-"


you managed to stop the doors from closing with your foot, making you let out a huge sigh of relief. you stepped into the elevator as the other person moved to the other end of the elevator. panting as you closed the elevator door, you whipped out your phone to check for the time. 12.47, i can still make it in time.

"would it kill you to take the next elevator?" you heard a scoff from the man to your left. "would it kill you to wait for someone to get on the elevator?" you retorted, scoffing back at him. "instead of making others wait how bout' you be early for once?" you rolled your eyes at his comment. "instead of criticizing others how bout' you just admit that you're a shitty neighbor?" you could hear his shoe tapping the floor in an irritating pace.

"im a shitty neighbor? im not the one who leaves my windows open screaming like a 9 year old in the middle of the night about some 2D character." oh no he did not. "excuse me? im not the one who is awake in the middle of the night yelling about whiffing my shots in a stupid shooting game." you turned your body to face the taller male. was he always this tall? he was basically towering over you. you tried to keep your eyes on his face, but you couldn't help but to check him out, his outfit, of course. he's lucky he has a nice body, and a good-looking face, too bad his personality does him no justice-

"are you even listening?" his deep voice snapped you out of your trance. "why would I listen to your bullsh-" suddenly, the entire elevator shook. the elevator came to an abrupt stop, the lights and ventilation were cut off. "w-what?" you panicked, spamming the buttons on the elevator. recieving no reaction, you tried to calm down, attempting to pry open the elevator doors with your bare hands. you weren't the strongest, but the heavy metal doors didn't seem to budge. you then tried to kick the doors open, and of course it didn't work.

were you really stuck here? you were scared, really scared, but you didn't want to give up yet. once again, you tried to kick the doors open, but to your dismay, it barely had any effect on the doors, other than the few scratches made from your shoe. you started to panic, your breathing becoming irregular and ragged, your body was sweating profusely, your head felt dizzy. no no no, i need to get out of here, cmon, let's try something again.

you lifted your right foot, attempting to land another harsh kick on the door. "kicking the door won't do anything, you've already tried thrice." your ears perked up at the voice. right, he was here too. "instead of using force how bout' you use your head instead?" you glanced at his direction, the light from the gap of the elevator was the only source of light that allowed you to make out his faint figure. he seemed so calm and collected, as if this was nothing out of the blue.

you pulled your phone out of your pocket, remembering that you could call for help. "don't bother calling for help, there's no signal in here" he immediately shut down your idea. "then what should we do huh? if you're so smart then get us out of here! instead of talking and acting all high amd mighty how bout' you do something useful for once?"

"instead of shouting you should consider keeping quiet, you're taking up all the oxygen we have in the elevator." you scoffed, looking away from him. this was what made him so irritating. "come here." he waved his hand, signalling for you to go over. "in your dreams." he sighed, moving closer to you.

"move. sit down." his hand tugged on your sleeve slightly, pulling you down. "don't tell me what to do-" "you're shaking. calm down first." you looked at your shaking hands. shit, i am shaking. "I'm fine, you done have to care about-"

"sit." his deep voice sent shivers down your spine. scooting your ass to the back of the elevator, you sat down, bringing your knees close to your chest. you were shivering, not from the cold, but more from fear. you never really like the dark, and being in a small space didn't make it any better. there was a soft ruffling of clothes noise and before you knew it, there was a warm jacket covering your shoulders. "im not cold i-" "im feeling warm, so i took it off." as if. stubborn mf.

"cover your ears, im going to hold down the bell." you quietly obeyed, cupping your ears with your hands. you could still hear the obnoxious ringing of the bell, but the sound was muffled by the loud thumping of your heartbeat. the ringing soon stopped and your cold hands were engulfed by a warmer pair. your eyes which you never knew closed, opened. you could barely make out his face, but you could have sworn you saw worry on his face.

"there was someone outside, im sure they've called the police, we can get out of here soon." you replied with a soft 'mhm', unable to find the strength to fight him off, or even retaliate. instead, you found his touch comforting, and his voice soothing. who am i kidding, his voice was always nice to listen to.

it made you think, where did it all go wrong?

his warm hands were still holding yours, while he was squatting infront of you. you didn't want to ruin the mood, but you couldn't help it. "was it me?" you felt him turn stiff. "i don't know what you're talking about." he mumbled, his volume no louder than a whisper.

"why? why did we end up this way, shu?" you could feel his hands slowly slipping away, letting go of your hands. he backed away from you, moving to the other side of the elevator, leaving you in cold silence. like always. and you both sat in silence. no one speaking a word to each other.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"HELLO? ANYONE THERE?" there was a loud, thunder-like banging noise against the metal door. "yes, there's 2 people here" shu yelled back as the door slowly got pried open. you had to cover your eyes from the bright light that was entering from the opening of the elevator. "you need to climb up here" the man instructed. shu looked at you, stretching his hand out to help you up. you took his hand, finding little to no strength to get up on your own.

"step on my thigh and get up." he placed his leg in a 90 degrees angle, allowing you to use it as a stepping stone to get on top. after you got out, shu swiftly climb out with not much issue. the officers asked a few questions and checked for your safety before leaving. "enjoy the rest of your day, we will call people to work on the elevator."

there was a moment of silence where the both of you didn't know what to say to each other. you took off his jacket, passing it back to him. "i don't want it back, you can keep it or throw it away, either way i dont care." how could he be so cruel with his words when he was so kind just now?

"go home and rest. you won't make it for your class anyways." "I don't need you to tell me what to do, mind your own business" the side of his lips lifted a little, "don't be such a bother next time, y/n" he walked towards the opposite direction, not even sparing you a single glance.

maybe, just maybe, there still was hope for the two of you. at least you now know that he still cared, he still cares. and that was enough for you.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

1477 words

[ngl this r/s is kinda toxic but ey im down for a pt 2 maybe ehe]

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