always, here. // emo!au

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you and shu are besties that are dating(?)
[ there's one part of this story where it doesn't flow by law, however this is a fictional world so it will flow the way I want it to c: -- tw angst]

"I don't know shu, everyday feels the same. I wake up, get ready for school, study, eat, sleep and repeat. I'm sick of it." you stared at the buildings in front of you, your legs dangling off the building. "well, you said this year felt different didn't it? so why the sudden change of heart?" shu sat down beside you, admiring the view.

"it does, feel different. It feels like, I have something to look forward to, when I go to school." you paused to think. "it's you, that I look forward to meeting." you looked at shu, who was already staring at you. he seemed taken aback at your straightforward-ness, but soon smiled. "me too. you make school interesting for me too."

you smiled back.

his hand inched closer to yours, pinky hooking onto yours gently. "so you'll promise me, that whatever you're going through, big or small, you'll share it with me, right?" you looked at your hands, nodding.

"hey. look at me when you say it." his voice was gentle, as if talking while trying not to wake a sleeping baby. you stared deep into his amethyst eyes. "yes, I'll tell you everything, from how annoying my alarm clock is to how fat my shit in the toilet was" shu laughed at how serious you sounded while saying the most absurd things ever.

"alright, you better keep your promise, especially the last part, it better come with pictures as proof" you made a disgusted face. "are you some kind of creep-" "NO! of course not! I'm just kidding-" you couldn't help but laugh at his panicked reaction.

"I know, im joking." he put his hand on his chest, pretending as if he just had the biggest shock of his life. "you're so dramatic." you shook your head at him. "how could you play with my feelings like that" he had a small pout on his face. "alright alright, you're so cute" you pinched his cheek as he scooted closer, smoothly interwinding your hands together.

"shu." you called out for him softly.

"hm?" he answered, equally soft.

"can I lean on your shoulder?" he chuckled softly. "of course, you don't have to ask" without hesitation, you leaned your head on his broad shoulder.

"shu?" you called out once again

"mhm?" he replied, as calm as before.

"nothing, I just wanted to call your name." he laughed, peeking over his shoulder to see you closing you eyes. "alright then, you can call me as many times as you want to" you hummed in reply.

suddenly, a thought struck you.

"shu???" you semi-yelled, bouncing up from his shoulder.

"what's wrong?" shu replied, concerned.

"isn't your birthday tomorrow?" shu took a sigh of relief. nodding his head. "it's nothing important, it's just like any other day" he smiled. "that won't do, you'll be 18 soon, we need to celebrate it!" he laughed slightly at your enthusiasm. "and how are we going to do that?" he asked, rasing a brow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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