when shu slips up // streamer!au

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you as a streamer au!
[you and shu are already dating here, but the nijien members dont know]
(the characters mayb a little ooc)

today was supposedly a chill stream, just some minecraft with you and your chat. well that was until a few others decided to bombard your stream. not that you minded, but the chill stream quickly escalated to a chaotic stream.



"wait-" you were quickly interrupted again.

"POG chat that's so POG!"

"naur bro im out, im out, luca's gonna troll me again" kyo cried as he fell for another one of luca's pranks.

"w-what- how many people are online on the server?" you asked.

"uh- me, luca, kyo, vox and i think millie's gonna come online too later on" shu replied.

"oh? vox is online?" you were surprised. "why, can't I play myself some good minecraft?" he asked, feigning offence. "nonono, it's just rare that we are playing together"

"that's true, I think this would be our first collab together then?" you hummed in response. "yeah, it's because of the time zone, it's hard to find a common time" vox agreed.

"y/n do you have a house?" shu questioned. "uh- no, not yet- i've been taking shelter at luca's house actually." luca was nice enough to offer you a spot in his house until you were ready to build your own.

"oh. you can build your house here beside mine, uh there's an empty piece of land here" shu replied. "oh okay thanks~ but actually- I dont think I have the materials to build a house yet, so I think I'll do that later. I need to find some materials first"

"what do you need? I can help out with mining" shu's immediate reply made the others laugh a little. "i feel like im third wheeling in their conversation"

"no- no- cause that's what I was thinking too like, should I leave and like let these two have their moment or stay and enjoy the potential drama happening" you blinked at vox's comment. was it that obvious? you were confused.

"what? im just helping her build her house" shu laughed. "oh yeah, so that she can get out of luca's house and move closer to you hm?" kyo teased. "wh-what no?? there just happened to be an empty plot of land near my place- an-and y/n said that she hasn't built her house yet so i thought it would be nice for her to build her house there" vox only replied with an unconvinced 'mhm'. you couldn't help but to smile at his defence. "shu is so bad at lying" luca laughed. "i- wha- no! im just trying to be a good friend and help her out you know" shu defended himself.

the chat was immediately exploding with 'ayo??' , 'shussy' and 'flushed shu??'. you had to admit, that behaviour was unlike shu's usual self. "let the poor guy be. oh- i need gold, does any one have spare?" you asked. "uh yeah, here, is a stack enough?" shu threw you 64 gold from his inventory. "oh that's more than enough- thanks shu" shu replied with a 'no problem'.

"simp behaviour? what? im just helping her out! cant i help out a friend that need materials? just because i gave her a stack of gold doesn't make me a simp" you couldn't help but to laugh at shu trying his best to fight against chat. "take down notes yaminions, shu yamino is the type to give you anything you want, even 24k gold"

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