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Certain warnings should not be skipped.

This book is for readers aged 21 and up.

I, Tae Galaxy own all of the book's copyrights. It is forbidden to reproduce this book or its plot without her consent.

Violence, domestic abuse, PTSD, mental illness, rape, narcotics, manipulation, and other potentially upsetting material are all included in this book.

This includes a very sinister idea—both male and female rape is included.

Several times the main characters are raped.

This narrative highlights society's darker side, particularly the male rape that occurs frequently but is rarely spoken about.

None of the actions stated above, such as violence, rape, or drug use, are encouraged by this book.

Extramarital affairs are not encouraged in this book.

Hatred won't be accepted.

Please refrain from fighting with me in the comments because you found something in the book offensive. Simply said, I'll block you. That type of drama isn't my thing.

Please feel free to discuss your ideas and comments on the book with me. Describe what you wish to happen in the book's next chapter. Sometimes I give the reader's opinions some thought. If you have any concerns or questions that you do not want to discuss in the comments, you may mail me directly.

This was my first fanfiction, which I heavily revised.


I really hope you like reading this. ♡

Tae Galaxy

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