2 - Relations Retaliations

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"What were you whispering about back there?"


Y/n's Pov:

"What do you mean?" I said, getting clothes to sleep in.

"You know exactly what I mean. I mean, he would have spoke louder if he had known I wasn't near!" she stated like it was obvious. I sighed. "I dunno, just some, like, dumb shit again." I said, moving to the bathroom to change. "About me, though, right?" She had a hidden layer of uncertainty. "Well, yes, but it's not like I'll listen to him anyway. When have I ever?" I say closing the door. "And you wonder why he doesn't trust you.." she playfully scolded. I furrowed my brows thinking. If I tell her, I'd have to tell her my past, which would be unfair to, a, trauma dump and, b, not be able to hear har past. I sighed conflicted.

"Listen, If I tell you this, you'll have to tell me what's your deal." I took off my shirt replacing it with a comfortable dingy old band shirt. "What's my deal?" she repeated, not understanding. "Yeah, what's your deal? Like, why are you working with Silco?" I say, pulling my flannel pajama pants up and tying the drawstrings. "Okay, you first Princess." she 'flumped' on something outside my door. "What did I say about that nickname." I grumbled. "What? You're like the 'princess of the fissures!'" She mocked. "By that logic, you're the 'princess of the lanes.'" I retaliated. "Ha! Nah, that's my perfect sister Vi."

Even though her voice was cheery and mocking, the way she said her proclaimed sister's name was harsh and cruel. "Well, anyway, Silco was just saying some shit about how 'I should keep an eye on you', and 'not trust you' and 'be careful' because of your father." I unashamedly mocked Silco's words, walking out the bathroom.

Jinx was already changed into her sleeping clothes, and sitting on my desk chair. "My father? Vander? What about him?" I cringed at her innocent confusion.

"Uh, he uh, lead the bridge war about a decade back, where, erm, I had to watch my parents and little sister get gunned down by enforcers." I choked out, recalling my- what I thought were- suppressed memories. Why did it affect me so much? Was she the only person -other than Viktor- who knows?

"Y/n.. im so sorry, I had no idea. I know it won't make you feel better but my parents died in that war too. I was really young, so I don't remember it much, though." Jinx tried to offer. She was right, it didn't help, but it was sweet of her to try. I sat on the couch and she moved to sit next to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, patting one as I did.

"Your turn shawty." I joked around shaking her and we both chuckled. "After Vander took me in I lived with my brothers, they're the same age as Vi. I actually used to go by 'Powder' but uh, everyone said I was a 'jinx' and I 'jinxed everything.' And then me and Vi got in a fight, and she said it was true, so, here I amm!" She did a small little jazz-hand motion at the end of her sentence to compensate for her sadness.

"Ah I see. Well, me personally, I wouldn't take that. Your family sucks. Even your sister. Fuck your brothers, like actually. You don't jinx anything up! You're like, so cool! you make all these little mechanical toys! They're just blind. And jealous." I encouraged in attempt to cheer her up. It did seem to work though, she started laughing like there's no tomorrow. "Amen sister!"


I moved my hand to rub her back for a second before getting up. "How 'bout that story?" I smiled. "Yess! Please!" She bounced up like a child. "Okay, okay, settle down kid." I looked at the book options. "You know, you can read this yourself. You're a freshman this year." I looked at her from the side of my vision. "Yeah but you read it nicely. You have a good voice range for all the characters!" She shrugged. I rolled my eyes in amusement and I shook my head.

"Wait, that reminds me, I'm supposed to start highschool topside tomorrow." I stated. "Oh really? My schools topside too. I start Tuesday!" She smiled. "Me too. You're going to St. Mary's?" I asked, turning to look at her. "Yeahh, why?" She raised her brow. "I guess I'll be driving you there." I said, picking a book. One of my favorites. "You're going to? Great, you can hide me from my sister!" She exhaled. "Wait, driving?" She added.

"Yeah no shit, its like an hour walk, I'm driving up there, so I'll take you." I stated like it was common knowledge. "Oh, well yeah that works I guess. What book do you have?" She quizzically tilted her head. "Its a classic, probably my favorite series." I showed her the book. "#murder trending.." she read curiously. "Hm. Looks interesting!" She smiled. "Alright." I smiled patting her head and opening the book.


Next morning, 6:47 am

Vi's Pov:

I tumbled out of bed. No. I was tumbled out of bed. "C'mon Vi." Vander grumbled, "You've got orientation." He picked me up from the ground. "MmIdunwanna.." I managed to mumble out. "Thats what happens when you sneak out the day before school." He scolded.

"Get up, I want you out the door and ready to drive your brothers to school in thirty minutes." He patted my back. "Mhmm." I wiped the sleep away from my eyes.

I got up to see Claggor was already ready and probably upstairs while Mylo was snoring away on his couch. "Hm." glancing at him, I picked up a pillow, fluffed it, and shot it full force straight towards his forehead.

"What the fuck?" He yelled, jolting up and looking around. "Wakey wakey, time for school." I sang amused. He slumped up, mumbling a 'fuck you' and waltzed toward his pile of unorganized clothes while I grabbed mine off my dresser and went to change in the bathroom. I dressed and cleaned up, finishing with light eyeliner and headed upstairs.

"Will you be buying lunch?" Vander spoke as I walked up grabbing a gatorade to drink on the way since breakfast was quite frankly a waste of time, and not necessary.  "Yeah, I still have some money on my card." I replied. "Everyone ready?" An array of 'yes ma'ams' had followed.

"Great." I smiled. "Now get in the car. Before I leave without you." I deadpanned. The boys had rushed out the door as me and Vander chuckled. "Have a great day, hon'" Vander smiled. "Thanks, see 'ya later Van-man." I smiled and walked out.

School that day was uneventful, an orientation of how seniors have responsibility and they will be partnered with a freshman and all that shit. We had heard how there will be two new transfer students and how they might need help and such, and how we are responsible for lending a helping hand to them.

"What a load of bullshit." I mumbled before letting sleep take me.

I LIKE THE WORLD IN REVERSE (Vi x Reader) MODERN AUWhere stories live. Discover now