8 - Old Habits New Support

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This chapter may contain sensitive content. Its up to you to read.

Y/n's Pov:

"Sevika?" I called out. I had been looking for the giant woman for a good amount of time as she had said to meet her about fifteen minutes ago. I walked across the old factory listening for any sign of life. As I walked past Silco's office I heard his voice, and..

"Sevika?" I mumbled, inching closer to the door. All I could hear was raised voices, and not the words being hastily spat out. I slowly turned the knob and cracked the door open.

"You need to tell her!" Sevika now yelled. "The only reason I didn't tell her was to protect her." Silco replied calmly. "Protect her from the truth? I can't believe you." She crossed her arms from what I could see. "Our relationship is.. wavering," Silco started. "She's a fragile girl, I can't lose her." Sevika barked a laugh.

"You already are. She didn't tell you she goes to Vander's every week to see his daughter?" Sevika chuckled. "She what? That girl, she's getting into trouble." Silco sighed. Sevika scoffed, "One day Y/n will find out, and that day could be soon." Sevika spat, moving towards him. I furrowed my brows. Is it that serious? "Is that a threat?" Silco warned. Sevika paused, then moved back, sitting on the worn couch in his office. "Good. I'll be on my way to a shipment. Make sure not a word is spoke to Y/n." He sighed.

Shit. I looked around and quickly and silently shut the door. Seeing a book case, I used it to throw myself up into the rafters, catching balance and holding my breath as Silco walked out the door and down the hall. I used the hole I had dug since I was a child to go into the rafters in Silcos office, and saw Sevika sigh and pour a glass of whiskey.

"Not a word of what?" I smiled, startling her, and letting my legs off the rafters. "Y/n. How long have you been there?" She looked up at me. "Hm, not long. So what's the gossip?" I giggled. "I can't tell you." Sevika stated. I scoffed. "C'monn aunt Sev!" I whined, dropping to the floor. "I can't disobey direct orders from Silco." She sighed.

"No, you cant.." I thought. "But you could, however, accidentally find the.. issue at hand." Sevika hinted. "And there could be a convenient witness." I added. Sevika nodded. "Its a file in the desk, I'll send Jinx over." she got up and opened the door. "But, its not pretty kid. Don't do anything stupid if you find it." She warned. I nodded and she left. I walked over to the desk, bending down so I could dig through the files.


Its been about 30 minutes of digging, Jinx beside me helping. "Last file, is there anything? Anything at all?" I looked to Jinx. "No, im sorry." She put the file back and offered a comforting look. "Hey, what are we even looking for?" She asked. I looked down in frustration. "I don't.. I don't even know." I scoffed. "Shit!" I stood up and kicked the desk as hard as I could. It slid forward, and there was a thump sound from inside it, like it was hollow. My eyes widened. Like the drawers could be removed. Like you can hide something.

"Jinx." I looked to her, "Help me take out this drawer." I pointed. She nodded and we wrapped our hands around it, eventually yanking it out. Thats when I saw it. Behind the drawer was a taped document. I took it off and looked at Jinx. "Whats it say?" She asked. I opened the document.

Documents on the bridge war? But why would... my eyes glided on a page about who led families in the  war my eyes instantly searched under Vander's name. What? Tears started forming in my eyes as I looked under Silco's name. No. "No.. why would.." I whimpered. "What is it?" Jinx leaned over.

Hot tears began falling down my cheeks as I stood up and hugged myself. "Y/n.." Jinx got up. "I'm so sorry.." she tried to reach for my shoulder but I smacked her hand away. She looked scared. I looked in her scared eyes, seeing my reflection. Did I always look like this? No something... Im...

Thoughts failed to form. I looked down to the file. Jinx looked at me and began putting it back. "Y/n? Are you okay?" She asked, worryingly shoving the drawer back into place. My family. I couldn't breathe. He lied. I felt nauseous. He did it. I rushed towards the trash to throw up. He's the reason. I clutched my stomach, laughing.

He lied. He's a liar.

"Y/n?" Jinx's voice shook. I reached in my pocket, taking out a small bag.

Forget your family. Habits are habits, old or new, take the pills.

My laughs turned to giggles as I looked to Jinx, she had moved closer and was looking at the bag in my hand. "Y/n.. don't." She mumbled. I opened the bag and held the tablet shaped pills on my tounge, reaching for Sevika's unfinished whiskey. 20 minutes till they kick in. "I'll see ya' later little blue!" I laughed, turning to her and smiling, walking out of the office.

I had walked out of the factory, and headed to some sort of bar in the fissures. I felt the drugs start to kick in as the loud music and lights of the bar made me weary and nervous. I ordered a shot, and thankfully nobody cared in the undercity about age. I paid and felt drowsy, unstable. Wait.. what did I order? I stumbled out of the bar, feeling eyes on me.

They're all staring at you.

Shut up.

I stumbled farther seeing people walk by, they're eyes judging me. I gripped the walls for dear life. What had I drank? I felt gravity pull me down as my head hit the concrete of the sidewalk. What am I... doing right now? Where am I? The weight of my eyes were like boulders. My eyes were unfocused but caught three figures walking up to me. Who.. are.. th



My eyes fluttered open, and I jolted awake. Overwhelming anxiety filled me as my eyes adjusted. Where am I?

I looked to my left to see a cup of water and a few meds on a desk. I looked around the room. What happened? Wait..

I know this room. Shit. My eyes darted around the room to see if she was in here. I groaned and sat up when I found my answer. Oh fuck me gently with a chainsaw, why oh why me?

"You're gonna want that water." Vi turned to me, taking out her headphones. "Shit.." I mumbled, my head throbbing. I rubbed my face with my hand and took two of the meds on the table and took a sip of the water with it.

"Have fun last night?" She smirked. I shook my head. "Fuck." I threw myself back onto her bed. Her bed. "Fuck, im sorry." I got back up sitting back up making it harder to tolerate my headache. "How did.." I cringed, realizing she had to find me to take me here.

"Some thugs found you passed out, tried to take you. You're just lucky I was there." She fully turned to me in her chair. "Just be more careful next time." She walked over to me. "Thanks for helping me. I.. I don't know what I was thinking." I mumbled while she sat next to me.

"God, I've been such a dick to you.. its not even.. it was because of Vander, how I thought he led my family into war on the bridge." I teared up again. "Thought?" She turned and looked at me. "Yeah, uh, I found out it was Silco who lead my family. He's been lying about it to me." I sighed. "Ah, so thats why.." she connected the dots to my actions last night. "I'm so sorry. That's probably really hard on you." She said, bringing her hand to rub circles on my back.

"I can't go back there. Not yet." I choked out. Vi furrowed her brows. "So stay here. In the spare room." Vi suggested. "No, its to far from Jinx. I take her to school so I need to stay close to her." I sighed. "I have a place in mind, don't worry." I smiled at her.

"How about we restart?" Vi said. "No more fighting." She smiled down at me. "Yeah.. Yeah." I smiled. "Awesome." She looked up. "I'm still gonna watch you today. To make sure you're okay." She looked at me from the side of her vision. "You don't have to.." I whispered. "I want to." She looked at me.

"Thank you, Vi." I smiled, feeling myself lean onto her shoulder. I noticed her face go a light shade of pink. "Of course. Tell me if you need anything." She wrapped her arm around my side and pulled me closer.

Maybe I need her.

I LIKE THE WORLD IN REVERSE (Vi x Reader) MODERN AUWhere stories live. Discover now