3 - Crossed Arms and Crossed Paths

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Y/n's Pov:

"Someones awake." I smiled, reading a book and sipping coffee looking at Jinx who had barely woken up and gotten dressed. "Yeah, thanks for waking me up by the way." She snapped. "Wow, not a morning person I see." I replied calmly. I took another look to see her in a short black crop top and low waisted black cargo pants and spiked belts.

"You're going out like that?" I eyed her. "Yes, mom, have a problem?" She barked back, annoyed and dripping with sarcasm. "No, I don't. I just wasn't expecting to drive little miss 'My Chemical Romance' to school." I laughed to my self.

"Ha. Ha." She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna annoy Sevika until you're done." She waved me off, walking out the doorway. "Yeah, don't let the door hit 'ya on the way out!" I shouted, in return recieved a middle finger.

I made sure to mark my page, shoving it into my bag and snatching Jinx's aswell, making my way to the bickering woman outside the factory. I sighed upon the sight of Sevika and Jinx in another infamous shouting match. "Yo, what up aunt Sev?" I asked. "Y/n, for the last time. I'm not your aunt." Sevika sighed. "Sureee, you know you love me." I poked her.

To be honsest, I was expecting her to deny it, hit me, or tell me off, but no. Sevika sighed. "You should get to school, you'll be late if you don't go soon." She said walking away. Bingo. She loves me even if she won't admit it!

"Gag!" Jinx yelled, also noticing Sevika's lack of denial. "You're just jealous." I nudged her. "She's right though, we should go." grabbed her arm and took her to my car.


Upon arriving at school, we received our schedules and lockers, along with Senior-freshman partners. "Oh fuck yeah!" Jinx side hugged me. "Hm?" I jumped a bit, startled. "We're so lucky! We got parntered! I was scared I would get my sister, but I didn't! I got you! This is such an awesome coincidence!" Jinx squealed. "Oh wow, yeah! That's awesome, we'll have so much fun!" I smiled.

Underlaying my smile was uncertainty and suspicion. Coincidence? Or Silco getting his slimy no good cycloptic way to keep eyes on Jinx? What if Viktor's in on it too? How many people hear are acquainted with him anyway? I need to keep my eyes peeled and not let my guard down.. I shuddered the thoughts down.

"We should find our first classes, we'll meet at the front for lunch break, and catch up then, yeah?" I asked her. "Yeah, works for me!" She smiled back. "Great, see 'ya soon!" I waved. "Later 'gater!" She giggled back.

8:17 am

I looked around the hallway reading the class numbers, hoping to find the correct one. I double checked my schedule to read the first hour class.

122, first floor, Art with Ms. Medarda.

I walked into -what I guessed, hoped, and prayed was- my first class and chose a seat relatively towards the back. I was a few minutes early so I pulled out my phone to check my messages.

Sea Slugs Group

Mattie - 7:24 am
Yo last night was lit, good job y'all
West - 7:31 am
We're just lucky we didn't get caught.
Vic - 7:31 am
Ah yes, dad west to save our group!
Carmen - 7:32 am
More like daddy West 😏
West - 7:33 am
Vic - 7:34 am
Mattie - 7:34 am

Mattie - 7:45 am
Yo where's Y/n? That girl's always on her phone..
Vic - 7:47 am
Wait thats a good point
West - 7:49 am
Carmen - 7:50 am
Cut it out west.
I heard Y/n was starting highschool today, she's probably busy.
West - 7:54 am
Awww our baby's all grown up! 🥰


You - 8:24 am
Im at school guys 🙁


"Y/n?" A voice interrupted my drama reading. I snapped my head up to be greeted by a shocked blue haired friend of mine. "Caitlyn! Hey!" I smiled setting my phone down.

"You're here... in a topside highschool?" She questioned. "My brother works here, so I got a scholarship." I put my phone in my pocket. Caitlyn sat down and set her stuff on the table, sitting next to me on the square table.

"So, you weren't here yesterday, I can help show you around?" She tilted her head. "Hm, yeah that works." I nodded. "Whats your schedule?" She asked. I pulled out my phone to check when a boy with blonde hair approached our table. He looked me up and down like prey.

"Ugh, another trencher? Just what we need. Let alone one from the fissures." He spat. God how I hated the undercity split. After the bridge war ended, Vander and Silco split the undercity. Vander's side, the Lanes -the poor- and Silco's side, the Fissures -the poor but with lots more crime- which resulted in division amongst undercity folk.

"Get lost, you aren't part of our conversation." I spat, looking at my phone the whole time. "I don't understand why any topsider would talk to you. Especially a Kirramann" He rolled his eyes. "No, my friend was right, you should leave." Caitlyn scoffed leaning over to look at my schedule over my phone. The boy look disturbed and stuttered something meaning to be offensive before scoffing and storming off.

"Looks like we have... three classes together." Caitlyn observed. "Thats good, at least I won't be alone for three out of eight classes." I observed. She nodded and we began to talk about other things.

The next few people filed into the classroom over the next 10 minutes and the first bell rang. It had some sort of rhythmic chime like bells. Fucking fancy pricks and their fancy schools. I spat in the back of my mind.

"Welcome, class." A voice spoke, closing the door. "My name is Ms. Medarda, I teach the art class here." She sat on her desk. "Right now, this is the begginers class, so we will be doing easy projects." She stated. She continued to do some explanation and take attendance. As she finished calling the last name the door burst open to reveal a panting student.

"Ah, you must be Vi. Late on your second day," she stated unamused. Vi? "You can take the empty seat over by Kirramann." She continued. Shit. Vi sauntered over and plopped in the chair across from me, man spreading and arms crossed over her chest. "For today, your assignment is to connect with your table peers." Ms. Medarda stated.

"'Sup, I'm Vi." Vi stated, glancing at the table. "Caitlyn." Caitlyn introduced awkwardly. Vi, Vi, Vi. Vi hurt Jinx. Don't trust her. Don't trust Vi. "Y/n." I smiled, staring daggers at her with my eyes. She must have noticed cause she shifted and narrowed her eyes. "Pleasure to meet you." She stated not to anyone in particular, but I know by her glance, energy, and body language that it was directed towards me, and it was more than dripping in hidden sarcasm. I smirked at her reaction.

"You aswell."

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