4 - Relative Repeating

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Vi's Pov:

"You aswell."

The girl, Y/n, spoke slowly, smirking. Now, there were only three thoughts going through my head in this moment. 1, Who the fuck does this girl think she is? Just because she's relatively attractive she can be a bitch? 2, She looks above the average topsider, well, below, wearing fancy trencher clothes, and 3, if she is a trencher, why is Kirramann so close to her like they're best friends?

"So, you a topsider? Ive never seen you in the undercity." I eyed her suspiciously. "Hm, born and raised fissure folk. You haven't seen me because you obviously don't walk past the lanes. Most likely 'cause of 'daddy's orders,' because if you did you'd know exactly who I am." She leaned forward locking her hands together. "And who are you?" I quizzically raised my brow. "Not someone to fuck with." She hissed in a low voice.

"Hm, I think you forgot who you are talking to." I leaned forward, hands on the ends of the table getting face to face with her. "You think I have no idea who you are, Violet Hound, adopted daughter of Vander Hound, leader of the lanes?" She asked nonchalantly, as if it wasn't creepy at all. I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off again.

"You're probably here only because your father bargained for you to go here, meaning you and your siblings got a scholarship, otherwise you couldn't afford it. Not that I'm judging. You have two brothers, Mylo and Claggor, and a sister, Powder," she smirked. "Oh, forgive me," she faked mistake. "Jinx." She spat the name and laughed.

Anger bubbled in me. She doesn't even know my sister, she has no right to say her name, I shot up pushing the chair back with a screech as she leaned back amusement in her eyes.

"You have no right to say her name! You're just-" "Ah, sit down, you're causing a scene," Y/n shook her head mocking disappointment. What the fuck. She's gonna act civil now? After insulting my name, and my sisters? "You don't even know my sister you no good entitled fu-"

"Violet Hound." The art professor cut me off. I looked up to see the class watching with curiosity, and the teacher watching with frustration. "Please sit down, and don't cause anymore scenes today. As for you, Y/n, whatever you're doing to prevoke miss Hound, cut it out." She sighed. Y/n raised her hands in defense and gave her a thumbs up for understanding. "Yes ma'am." I mumbled as I pulled my chair back towards me and sighed, plopping into it.

"So.." Caitlyn awkwardly started. "What do you want, pilty?" I looked at her. "Just trying to start conversation.." she mumbled. Y/n stared off into space bouncing her leg with her arms crossed.

"You two are friends, right?" I glanced at the two, seeing Caitlyn closer to Y/n's side of the table. Y/n nodded and moved her gaze to my eyes. I looked into her e/c eyes, that seemed brighter in color, yet shined duller than most people from the undercity. "How would you be friends? Y'all are from different sides." I questioned. "My brother, he went topside to continue his studies. Me and Cait met through mutual connections." She shrugged.

I realized her eyes haven't left mine, and even though there was deep hatred -for no reason- towards me showing in them, they were quite beautiful. In fact, most features of the girl was. What the fuck are you saying? Shut up, she's an ugly bitch who hates you for no reason. Totally ugly and not at all in anyway relatively attractive. I told myself.

"What about your brother now? What's he do?" I leaned back. "He's a science professor here, he helped me get a scholarship topside," Aha. She's probably just using her brother for the school. And she judged me for my scholarship. Two faced asshole. "I think I have an assistant period with him." She added. "Interesting." I spoke. "So, what's your status of the lanes? You said you were important." I questioned.

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