Chapter 16

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(I'm going to try and switch it up and for you guys and add austins pov)

🦋4th August 2019🦋

I wake up to Austin, he is laying on his front with an arm across my like a seatbelt with his head on my chest. My heart races thinking about it, i try to wrap my head around whats happened in the past 24 hours. I look down to see him sleeping so peacefully with a smile spread across his face, the way he looks so happy makes it impossible to fight back the smile that is slowly forming. I start to play with his hair with one hand and turn on my hand with the other. I chuckle as I open twitter and see three of the trending hashtags #elvismovie #AustinButler #ElvisPresley.
Curiosity gets the better of me and I click on the Austin Butler hashtag. My smile is instantly wiped away when I see the tweets.
'Austin looks so horrified at this girl. Who even is she?,
'Can't believe he's going after whores like this when he could have me.'
' This girl looks totally horrific, I mean she isn't even pretty, must be a good at head for him to want her'
I scroll and scroll and scroll, all the tweets are pictures of us leaving the club and nasty comments about me. I go on tiktok to calm myself down and on my fyp is a video.

"So guys, I was on twitter this morning and guess what I just saw. This picture of Austin and a girl leaving a night club in Queensland Australia. This girl looks heavily intoxicated and is struggling to walk, she looks like a literal hooker with that skimpy outfit. Someone check up on Austin and see how he is because he doesn't look happy with her."

I can't take it anymore, I go back on twitter and post:
'Hey guys, its me, you know? The skimpy dressed whore leaving the club with Austin. You have no idea what is going on between us, you have no idea if we are happy or not. All of you guys saying horrible stuff like you have never been drunk before. All you bitches be jelous.'
Beneath the writing i post a picture of Austin lying asleep on my chest just to make everyone even more mad. The weirdest part is that I never even knew Austin was famous and now I have him back in my life all of his fans and stuff to do with him being famous is everywhere. I cant escape it, pictures of me and him are everywhere and not many people have nice things to say.

I lay staring at the ceiling for an hour contemplating if staying with Austin last night was a good choice. My phone starts vibrating over and over again. I quickly pick it up and unlock it so I don't wake Austin up. My tweet has blown up and people.are retweeting it and commenting. This time the comments showed a whole new side to the fanbase.
'You tell them girl!'
'You two are so cute 😍'
'Go girl 🥳'
There is still the occasional comments calling me names but it doesn't really bother me as I have Austin and they dont. That is all that really matters to me at the moment, that I have him back. All of a sudden I see Austin look up at me. I quickly close all my tabs on my phone.

"Morning handsome." I whisper softy to him whilst scratching the back of his head with my nails.

"Morning beautiful." He says in a deep croaked morning voice that sends butterflies to my stomach.

"How did you sleep?" I ask looking the eye.

"Like a baby in your arms." He chuckles and puts one of his hands on my waist.
"Listen India, i know this sounds weird but I was wondering if you wanted to bs, you know, official? I know it seems rushed but it just feels like I never left. Like we never separated and I mean, I just really like you and I dont want to.ever lose you again."

His sudden gush brought me to happy tears. He sits up with an inquisitive look on his face. I smile lights up on my face and I put my hands on his cheek.

"Of course I'll be your girl!" I squeal kissing him shortly but sweetly. "I couldn't think of anything better!"

He smiles and hugs me and I kiss him again. I couldn't help but blush and smile.

"I cant wait to show you off to everyone, I have an event to attend next week. Do you want to come with me?" He asks moving some out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

"Of course I'll come with you, I cant think of anything better." I say as he sits up and looks deep into my eyes.

"Your so handsome Aus." I kiss his forehead and start moving off the bed.
"But I need a paracetamol and a cup of VERY strong coffee. Do you want anything?"

He grabs my arm and pulls ms back into the bed and starts getting out himself.

"No, no, you rest your pretty little head. I'll go get you the drink and paracetamol."

"Your a sweetheart." I kiss his hand and lie back down.

(Austins POV)

I walk out the room, my smile reaching from ear to ear. I still cant believe she said yes. I walk shirtless into the kitchen and see Jasmine sat down by the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal. She turns around and looks at me and stands up. On her way out she turns around to look at me.

"You may have India fooled, but I'm not having this. I wont have you hurt her again."

"I'm not going to hurt her, i promise."

"You were not the one who had to sit with her whilst she cried on her bedroom floor. Your not the one who had to help her learn to love herself again. You are NOT the one who had to watch her hurt herself to feel ok. So don't think
you can waltz back in here like nothing happened."

"She did what to herself?"

"She cut herself Austin, because you left, you broke her. Seeing you with Ruby Hawks she was a different person. I didn't see her smile for weeks Austin. Fucking weeks."

She walks off and I stand in shock. She hurt herself because I left? I caused that much damage to her.

I walk over to the cupboard and grab a cup and a mug and take make a cup of water and a cup of coffee. I make some toast and grab a paracetamol.

I walk into the bedroom to see her, lying on her phone. I cant help but just look at her and take in her beauty, she is so perfect in every way.

"Hey, I made toast too if yiu were hungry."

"Wow, thanks Aus." She smiles and takes the plate.

I place the paracetamol, coffee and water on the bedside table. I bed over and kiss her on her forehead and walk over to my side of the bed and get in. She puts her phone down and shuffles over to me resting her head on my chest.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asks looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.

"How about viva las vegas?" I ask knowing she will say yes.

"Omg, you know the way into my heart!" She squeals quickly grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.

We spend the whole day watching Elvis movies cuddled up together and enjoying each others company. Everything felt just perfect. It got to about 9:30 pm when i looked at the time.

"Shit, I need to get some sleep. I'm on set tomorrow!"

"Awwwh, I'll miss you." She says with a frown on her face.

"How about you come with me? I can show you around set and you can meet everyone?" I suggest.

"That sounds good! I'll drive us there then tomorrow."

I put my hand under her chin and kiss her. I get up and turn the light off and get back into bed cuddling back up to her.

The boy next door (with Austin Butler)Where stories live. Discover now