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Beca's point of view

Chloe and I have been doing better since our last talk and me ghosting her and Ryan and I've been getting closer to him too, even though I still have my doubts and insecurities, I have been pushing through for Chloe. We decided since we had been doing well, that we would have a girl's night out to try and cheer Aubrey up. Aubrey hasn't been the same since her divorce from Stacie and I don't blame her. Who would be okay after that? But she deserves happiness, so that's what we are doing. Emily was nice enough to volunteer to babysit for Ryan under the condition I let her use my car. I protested at first but then Chloe gave me her puppy dog eyes which I can't say no to. So here we are on our way to pick up Aubrey in Chloe's car.

We get to Aubrey's house and knock on the door to get her to come down. After five minutes Chloe looks for the hidden key to the house and opens the door.

,,Bree, where are you? It's time to go!" Chloe yells once we're inside. We don't get a response, so we make our way up to Aubrey's bedroom where we see Aubrey pacing in front of her closet, not knowing what to wear. I step into the room.

,,Aubrey, what the hell? Why aren't you dressed yet?" She spins around quickly.

,,What? How did you guys get in? And I haven't been out without Stacie in forever so I have no idea what to wear." She's starting to stress out and looks like she's about to puke, so Chloe goes over to her and grabs her hands.

,,Bree, breath. Just wear what you used to wear when you and I went out when you were still trying to get Stacie's attention." This seems to calm Aubrey down, so she nods then goes to the back of her closet, picks an outfit then tells us she will be ready in five. Chloe and I back out of her room and wait for her downstairs. Downstairs, I pull Chloe in for a kiss.

,,You have a gift for calming people down, and I wanted to say you look gorgeous." Chloe giggles a bit before kissing me again.

,,Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." Aubrey comes down and we are ready to go. We head out to the club and Aubrey starts drinking right away. Chloe is close behind her and I stay to drinking non-alcoholic drinks because I told the girls it's their night to cut loose and I'll take care of them. Chloe hadn't had a night out since Ryan was born and Aubrey hasn't been out since she caught Stacie in bed with Jesse, so they both deserve it. Plus, Chloe tends to get very touchy whenever she drinks so win-win for me.

We went out on the earlier side of the night so by 9 PM the girls are already drunk and ready to leave. I pay the bar tab and lead them both to the car.

,,So did you two have fun tonight?" They both nod their heads before Aubrey grabs me in a hug.

,,You're the best little hobbit a friend could ask for." I laugh.

,,I'll let you get away with that, only because you're drunk right now, but thanks I do try." Chloe then kisses me.

,,Let's go home, I want you now." My face starts to heat up and thank God it's dark out now so neither of them can see but I increase our walking pace to the car so we can drop Aubrey off, then get home.

On our drive home, we are crossing a bridge and I see a car on its side that looks suspiciously like mine. Chloe and Aubrey are both starting to be sober. I drive closer, so I can see the car more clearly. I startle because I recognize my license plate. I stop the car.

,,What are you doing, baby?" Chloe asks me and I see that she's sober again. Chloe and Aubrey are both confused why I stop, but I don't answer as I get out of the car. Is Emily still inside with Ryan or are they both out of the car? I want to take a step forward, but I can't because another car is coming closer...

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