You bring me peace

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Jeff had just finished performing at his first official concert. It was a different experience from singing in shopping malls. Although it was a smaller crowd, it felt intimate, and he enjoyed getting to spend time with his fans like this. He was always grateful to his fans whom he had nicknamed Saturdays and tried his best to make them happy.

When he had sat on the barrier that separated the fans from the stage, Jeff had felt a little strange but chalked it up to being so close to his fans. However, the feeling stayed with him throughout the concert and even now as he got ready to leave there was a niggle in the back of his mind telling him that he was forgetting something. Instead of leaving out the back, his instincts told him to go back to the main hall where he had just performed.

As he entered, the feeling came back full force. Without the other emotions that performing had brought him, Jeff could feel exactly what this feeling was. It was peace. Ever since he had started his journey as a singer ten years ago, everything had felt like a struggle. He had expected it and wouldn't have changed it for anything, but suddenly feeling at peace like he did now, made him realise how tightly wound he had been. There was no mistaking what kind of feeling this was, he had found his soulmate.

At the age of 27, Jeff had been expecting, hoping, to find his soulmate, but that didn't make it any less of a shock. His life was a little chaotic at the moment. The drama he had just starred in, KinnPorsche, had made a bigger impact than anyone could've expected. Tomorrow was the first day of their world tour where the actors of the show would be performing in front of fans. Since it had aired, he had noticed his popularity increase, he started to get recognised more, and management had taken advantage of this by packing his schedule full of appearances. Now was not the best time to introduce someone new into his life.

From the edge of the room, he looked at the girl who must be his soulmate. She was sitting in one of the chairs that had been laid out for his concert searching through her bag. Jeff guessed that she was foreign and felt relieved that he was fluent in English. He had heard about soulmates that met each other and couldn't speak the same language. At least being able to communicate was one less thing he had to worry about.

He watched as she put her head in her hands. She seemed upset and Jeff was instantly concerned. Before he had a chance to think, his feet were taking him toward the girl. His manager tried to stop him, but he waved the man off telling him that it was okay, this fan wasn't a threat. As he stood only a little way away from her, he suddenly felt nervous and awkward. Taking a deep breath, he spoke to his soulmate for the first time.

"Are you okay?"

At the sound of his voice, the girl looked up at him and Jeff watched as her eyes widened in recognition. He smiled what he hoped was his most friendly-looking smile. Once the shock wore off, she suddenly stood up.

"I'm fine... um, thank you."

As she stood up, she knocked her bag off of the seat next to her and Jeff bent down to pick it up for her. Handing it to her, their fingers brushed and any doubt he had about this girl being his soulmate disappeared. He had heard that physical touch between soulmates for the first time was especially strong and it was true. His skin buzzed as he stopped himself from reaching out to touch her again.

"Are you sure... you seemed upset?"

"Huh? Oh, my, er, my phone died. No big deal."

"What about getting home?"

"I'll find my way. Somehow. Umm... it was nice to meet you. Great show tonight. You're very talented."

Jeff blinked stupidly as his soulmate bowed and started walking towards the door. He couldn't let her leave like this.

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