Hoping you will stay

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Kira was waiting for the last of the audience to fill their seats when someone caught her attention. She looked to see a staff member leaning over her.

"Excuse me? Can I see your ticket?"

"Yes. Uh, here you go."

She handed over her ticket and watched the staff member look it over.

"Thank you. Are you Kira?"


"Follow me please."

After gathering her things, Kira followed the staff member down the stairs, along some corridors, and down some more stairs. The further they went the more anxious she became. Where were they going? Was she in trouble? Is she being kidnapped?

Then she spotted something that made her stop and stare, or rather someone.

"Hello! Are you Kira?"

Kira could only nod in response.

"It's nice to meet you! I'll take it from here, thank you."

The staff member left, but she barely registered it. Standing in front of her was Bible. Apparently, she could get starstruck. Kira was sure she wasn't giving off a great first impression as she stared at him, but Bible continued to smile at her.

"I'm Bible. Jeff told me that you're a big fan of KinnPorsche. Did you travel to Thailand just for the show tonight?"

He motioned for them to start walking.

"Um, no, but I timed my trip so that I could see the show."

"Well, thank you. It's nice to see fans from around the world. Do you have a favourite character?"


"Really? Not Kim."

"Oh! Yes, I mean, both -"

Bible stopped in front of an open door and peered inside.

"Don't worry. I won't tell Jeff. Speaking of, he should be around here somewhere. Ah. Jeff!"


"Someone's here for you."

She looked inside to see Jeff sitting in a chair getting his makeup and hair done.

"Huh? Who - oh! Kira!"

The singer tried to get up, but the stylists weren't finished.

Bible ushered her into the room.

"Go on in! I'll leave you two alone. It was nice to meet you, Kira. I hope you enjoy the show."

"You, too. Bye!"

Later she would reflect on the fact that Bible had somehow known who she was without being introduced to her, but for now, she admired Jeff in the mirror.

He smiled at her through the mirror as he let the stylists finish, thanked them once they were done, and then they were the only two in the room.



"I hope you don't mind being dragged backstage."

"What? Oh, no, of course not. Thank you! This is so cool."

"I, uh, don't have much time before the show, but I hope we can talk after?"

"I'd like that."

"Okay. Good. Um, for now, would you like to meet everyone?"

"Huh? You mean..."

"Come with me."

Kira followed Jeff along the corridor with wide eyes until they reached a large room full of people.

As soon as they stepped into view Jeff regretted not keeping Kira to himself in the dressing room. He noticed the curious eyes and mischievous smiles that appeared on his friends and co-workers' faces.

"Jeff! Is this - I mean, who is this?"

"Everyone, this is my - friend, Kira. Kira, these are the guys."

She bowed in greeting to everyone and was a little startled when one of them bounced over to them with a bright smile.

"Hello, I'm Barcode. Nice to meet you."

Kira smiled at the young boy. He was even cuter in person.

"Nice to meet you too."

Barcode continued staring and grinning at her until Jeff pulled him aside.

She was starstruck again as Mile and Apo approached. They were even more handsome in person. Mile held out his hand and Kira shook it in a daze.

"Hello, Kira. I'm Mile. It's nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the show tonight."

"I, uh, yes, nice to meet you."

Jeff was definitely regretting introducing Kira to the others now. He wasn't sure he liked the way she was looking at Mile and Apo in awe. She hadn't looked at him like that when they first met after his show.

"Hi! I'm Apo!"

Apo waved at Kira, and she felt her cheeks heat up as she shyly waved back.


"Okay, Kira, you should go to your seat. I saved you one in the VIP section."

"Okay - What? Really?!"

"Yeah, you'll be closer to the stage this way."

"Wow! Thank you! You really didn't have to -"

"I wanted to."

"Fifteen-minute warning!"

"Jeff, you still need to get your mic on."

Jeff looked down and raised a hand to his ear.

"Oh, er, but -"

Mile put his hand on Jeff's shoulder.

"I'll find someone to show Kira to her seat."

"Okay, um, Kira? I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, okay. Oh! Good luck, everyone!"

With a final smile at Jeff, Kira followed Mile out of the room and Apo joined them. They walked down the corridor with Kira between the two actors.

"Are you enjoying your time in Thailand?"

"Yes, very much. I wish I didn't have to go home."

Mile and Apo shared a look above her head.

"What if you didn't?"


Apo stopped a staff member.

"Oh! Excuse me, can you take our friend to the VIP section please?"

"Of course."

"Thank you so much."

Mile smiled down at Kira.

"Bye, Kira. Enjoy the show. I'm sure we will see you again soon."


"Bye, Kira!"

Kira watched the pair walk away, Mile's last words not even registering in her mind. This evening had already been a whirlwind of excitement. She didn't know what she did to deserve it, but she hoped the luck that she had been experiencing since yesterday morning didn't run out. The night had only just begun and she tried to focus on enjoying the show rather than wondering why Jeff wanted to talk to her afterwards.

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