After the fairytale ends

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They travelled in silence for a while until they stopped in some traffic. Jeff asked to look at the address of Kira's hotel again and she passed him her phone instead of attempting to read it out to him.

They chatted briefly about her time in Thailand and if she had enjoyed it. Kira found Jeff easy to talk to and felt surprisingly comfortable in his presence. She hadn't seen many celebrities in person, let alone talked to any before, so she wasn't sure whether she would be starstruck or not.

As Jeff stopped outside her hotel and they said goodbye, Kira felt odd. It was like she didn't want to go. Before she could force herself to open the door, Jeff stopped her.

"Kira! Where are you sitting tomorrow?"

She was surprised by the question but answered anyway.

"Somewhere far away, at the back, but I don't mind. I'm just happy to have got a ticket."

"What's your seat number?"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding the point behind his line of questioning.

"Um, I don't know... I can look it up?"

"Please, if you don't mind."

Kira searched her phone for her ticket.

"Okay... P147. Why?"

"No reason."

Jeff smiled easily at her, acting as if he asked all his fans where they were sitting at his concerts.

"Um, well, thank you for the ride. It was really nice of you."

"No problem. Enjoy the show tomorrow and the rest of your trip. I hope you find a reason to stay in Thailand a little longer."

"Thank you... And good luck for tomorrow. Bye!"


Kira closed the door behind her and waved through the window before entering her hotel.

When she got to her room, Kira laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. As she replayed the day in her head it all seemed like a dream.

Winning the concert ticket, meeting Jeff Satur, having him drive her home because her phone died. It all seemed too unreal, and yet it had happened to her. It was like it was fate.

Jeff was just as friendly as he had seemed in all the videos she had watched. Even though she knew he could speak English, it had been a little weird talking to him in her language. She was so used to hearing him speak in Thai.

Kira wished she could speak Thai. She knew a few words and had picked up a few more whilst being in the country, but she thought it was such a cool language.

She thought back to how she had felt around Jeff. Ever since seeing him in KinnPorsche, she had fangirled hard, watching every video she could find of him and listening to his music on repeat. However, nothing could prepare her for how she felt when she actually met him.

Thinking about it now, it made her feel sad. Being around Jeff had made her feel things that she hadn't felt since her soulmate died. Things she thought she would never feel again. There was an instant connection, a familiarity, and it filled her with hope.

Kira put her hand on her chest. She could feel her heart racing beneath her palm. It was wrong. She shouldn't be feeling this way. She had already had her fairytale romance and Jeff has his waiting for him somewhere out there. It was unfair to even dream about the possibility of something different.

Her soulmate had made her promise before he died that she would find a way to be happy. No matter what form that took, she shouldn't let her happy ending die with him.

That had been the reason for her trip. They had been saving up to travel together before he got his diagnosis and decided to turn it into an extended solo trip.

The events of the day along with her busy mind left her feeling exhausted. Pushing herself up, she managed to get herself ready for bed, but as soon as her head hit the pillow again she was out like a light.

The next day, after a relaxing morning, Kira headed to the venue for the KinnPorsche World Tour concert. It was a new idea for her, the actors of a TV show holding a concert, but knowing how talented they were, it made sense. She was excited to see what they would perform.

Arriving at the venue, there was an air of excitement from the fans who had already arrived. Once she entered it hit her how different today would be from yesterday. Jeff wouldn't be close enough to see his smile or the shine in his eyes.

Sitting in her seat at the back of the arena, Kira smiled sadly at the thought that despite the adventures of last night, she was just a fan.

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