Risk of losing you

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As Jeff watched her leave, he wondered if he had just made the biggest mistake of his life.

The only thing that allowed him to drive away from Kira's hotel was the fact that he had her number. He had a way of contacting her.

When he had asked to look at the address of Kira's hotel again, she passed him her phone and he felt a little bad as he copied the address and sent it to his phone. Now he had her number. It felt like his character, Kim, from KinnPorshe had rubbed off on him, but otherwise, he might never see his soulmate again and he couldn't risk that.

Jeff had made up his mind on the drive to her hotel that he wouldn't try and complete their soul-bond tonight. As soon as he got home, he would be researching if it was possible for people whose soulmates had died to be someone else soulmate too. Even if his research didn't come up with anything, Jeff was sure that he would have to see Kira again to make sure, but it didn't feel right to try and kiss her tonight. He could wait to test their bond.

Once he was home, he forced himself to get ready for bed before settling down to do his research. Who knew how long it would take to find the answers he seeked - if he could find them at all.

Jeff hesitated before entering his first search. He was nervous about what he might find, but he was also hopeful. Although he hadn't gotten to spend much time with her, he could tell that Kira was sweet and joyful, intelligent and independent.

There wasn't a lot of useful information to be found. Articles on what happens if your soulmate dies before or after bonding was plentiful. Due to the virus attacking those without soulmates, it had become a real concern about what would happen if your soulmate died before you met them.

The consensus was that you wouldn't. If your soulmate dies before you bond with them you will still receive your soul-mark, although it will fade with time due to the bond never being formed. If they after, then you are already bonded and so are safe from the virus.

However, there was little to nothing about bonding with a new soulmate if your first one died, or finding out your soulmate had been bonded before.

It made Jeff sad to read about it. He wondered how Kira would feel about the possibility of having another soulmate. Most people believed you only got one, which is likely why there wasn't any information about the possibility.

With more questions than answers, Jeff fell into a restless sleep.

When he showed up for rehearsal before the show the next day, his fellow cast members could tell that something was on his mind.

Apo wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"What's up little brother-in-law?"

Bible sat on Jeff's other side.

"Did your concert go well last night?"

Jeff half smiled.

"It went really well."



"I think I met my soulmate."

"Really!? That's awesome. Why don't you look happy?"

"What happened? Did you lose them?"

"No, I drove her home. I even got her number."

"Her?! What's her name?!"

"Kira. She's English and is here, in Thailand, travelling."

"Good thing you're fluent in English!"

"So why did you say you think shes your soulmate? Wasn't it obvious?"

"Well, I thought it was, but she..."

"She didn't feel the bond?!"

"She's already bonded. Her soulmate died."


The two were silent for a moment, not knowing what to say until Apo perked up.


Mile looked up at the call of his name and came straight over to Apo.

"Yes, darling?"

"You told me once about a friend of yours who lost their soulmate?"

"Umm, ah, yes, I know who you mean."

"Did you also say that they bonded again? They had a second soulmate?"

"Yeah, I thought it was rather beautiful that they got another chance at happiness."

Apo turned to look at Jeff with a 'there you go' expression.

"That really happened, P'Mile?"

Mile noticed the hopeful glint in Jeff's eyes and glanced at Apo.

"It did. Why do you ask?"

"Jeff met his soulmate last night -."


"- But they've already had a soulmate, who died."

"I tried looking it up last night but I couldn't find any cases of it happening before."

"Ah, yes, my friend was shocked when they realised, but I assure you that it is possible."

Bible clapped Jeff on the shoulder and smiled.

"Great news! So, when are you going to see her again?"

"Actually, she coming to the show tonight."

"She's a fan? Awesome! Invite her back stage afterwards."

"Is that alright?"

Jeff looks up at Mile as he says it and the older man grinned.

"Of course! Let's go sort it out."

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