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I sing with impertinence, shading impermanent chords with my words

I borrowed your time, and I'm sorry I called, but the thought just occurred

That we're nobody's children at all.

After all.

Thursday 20th December 1976

Sirius sang in the shower. Remus wasn't sure if this was a new thing, or whether he had been doing it for ages and Remus simply hadn't noticed - he'd typically been avoiding Sirius's showering times. Anyway, as Remus dressed, he listened and smiled. He didn't have a bad voice, really - nothing special, but in tune. He was obsessed with The Doors at the moment, and had perfected an imitation of Jim Morrison's deep American holler,

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon now TOUCH ME BAAABE," he bellowed over the hissing of the taps. It might have been endearing, even alluring, if he didn't spoil it by singing along with the trumpets, too, "BA-DAH Ba-daah...!"

He exited the bathroom in a fog of steam, his skin flushed, his shirt damp from his hair. "What?" he cocked an eyebrow at Remus, "No applause?"

Remus rolled his eyes, opening the dorm room door,

"Hurry up, I'm starving..."

It felt weird to leave the isolation of Gryffindor tower, where they had already made themselves at home, and to enter the rest of the castle, where everything was the same. They were early to breakfast, and the two Ravenclaws, a girl and a boy, sat closer to them this time.

"Isn't it ridiculous that they serve this much food when there are only five students?" The girl, who had large cat-eye glasses and a mass of freckles, remarked, "It seems so wasteful..."

The plates in front of them had filled with fried eggs, bacon, sausages, black pudding, baked beans, fried tomatoes and toast - not to mention cereal, porridge and fruit juices.

"Nah," Sirius replied, watching Remus pile up his plate, "You've clearly never seen Moony here eat."

"Shut up." Remus replied, his mouth already full.

Still, the Ravenclaws watched, fascinated, until Remus was too embarrassed to eat any more. Fortunately, at that moment a distraction arrived in the form of the morning post owls. One landed in front of Remus. Three in front of Sirius.

"You're popular." The Ravenclaw boy leaned over. He was skinny and smallish, with a beaky nose.

"Don't encourage him." Remus said. His own package was soft, and wrapped in lavender coloured paper. It was from Lily, he had no doubt. Sirius had five or six brightly coloured envelopes - none red, Remus noted with relief. No howlers from Walpurga this year.

"We're going ice skating before lunch," the Ravenclaw girl smiled, brightly, "The lake's frozen over. Want to come?"

"Sounds good," Sirius nodded, tossing his unopened post aside. Remus collected it up before they left the breakfast table, and took it up to the room with them.

"Are these all Christmas cards?!" He asked, flicking through.

"Oh, yeah, I think so." Sirius shrugged, opening his wardrobe and rummaging through the bottom, pulling out drawers and old shoes he didn't wear any more.

"Who are they from?"


Remus frowned, then caught sight of something on Sirius's bedside table. Another pile of unopened cards. He started opening them. Sirius clearly wasn't interested.

'Dear Sirius, have a wonderful Christmas, lots of kisses, Imelda.'


'To the boy who holds my heart, merry Christmas and all my love, S.'

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