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Thursday 10th March 1977


Three gangly, noisy, highly excitable teenage boys jumped onto Remus’s bed at the crack of dawn. It was not the same as when they were eleven. For one thing, Remus’s legs were a lot longer; for another, they were all much heavier.

“Gerroff you wankers,” Remus grumbled, “What time is it?”

“Time is immaterial,” James said, wearing a brightly coloured pointed party hat, “It’s your birthday.”

“Your seventeenth birthday!” Sirius added, wearing a polka dot party hat at a rakish angle on his head.

“You’re of age!” Peter said, lunging at Remus with a fourth hat, snapping the elastic under his chin.

Remus glared at them all, stony faced.

“You’re going to make me wear this all day, aren’t you?”

They nodded, all three, in perfect unison, the streamers on their conical headwear bobbing and flashing in the dull morning light.

“It’s impervious to water,” Sirius explained cheerfully, “So you can even shower with it on.” He winked, and Remus hoped he wasn’t blushing. Sirius had been in his bed only hours before, for a very different reason, and Remus was finding the quick transitions harder and harder to deal with.

Only half an hour later, and Remus had showered (hat still firmly on his head), opened about fifty birthday cards wishing him many happy returns (“I didn’t think I knew fifty people!”) and eaten a generous slice of Mrs Potter’s chocolate cake.

“And you’ll get your proper present later,” James said, cryptically, “At the party.”

“You lot are mad,” Remus said, as they filed down into the common room, “You shouldn’t go to all this trouble.”

“Shut up, Moony.” Peter said, good naturedly.

“Happy birthday Remus!” The girls chorused in the dining hall. They were all wearing party hats too, apparently thanks to Lily’s persuasiveness.

“Nice one, Evans,” James winked at her, giving her a sly nod with his elbow, “New you wouldn’t let the side down.”

“Oh, bugger off, Potter,” she elbowed him back, looking very pleased and a bit flushed.

The usual three round rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ accompanied Remus’s birthday breakfast, and he was so used to it by now that he even stood up and gave a shy bow once they’d finally finished. Then the owls arrived.

There was a card from Ferox, which was unexpected - Remus hadn’t been sure if they were still on speaking terms after their last meeting. There was also a note from Dumbledore.

He cracked the cherry red seal quickly under the table, and read it as fast as possible.

Mr Lupin,

Many happy returns for the day.

I understand we have a few things to discuss. Please present yourself at the headmaster’s office at 4pm this afternoon.


Albus Dumbledore.

“Here we go.” He sighed, under his breath. Sirius, who had an annoying habit of reading over his shoulder, leaned in,

“Do you want someone to go with you?”

Remus shook his head, but smiled at Sirius, trying to be kind,

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