chapter-twenty four

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The door suddenly open,catching the three attention as they snapped a look back and hoseok instantly crack out a smile when jumi peek into the room while holding jimin's hand and upon seeing hosoek,jumi giggles and rush to jump on his laps making jin and namjoon release a chuckle.

"I mishe ywu my pweety baby"hoseok coes at jumi who giggles while playing with the male's stomach.

"Brat you're here again"Jin snickered and pinch the younger's cheeks who giggles at the affectionate gesture.

"Can i sell her,please"Jimin demand plopping tiredly on the chair beside hoseok's bed and buried his face into his palm with a stressful sigh escaping his lips making the elder gives him a reassuring pat on the back.

"If you promise to give me a discount"

Jin snort derision while namjoon slap him on the shoulder making the male wince dramatically and glare at his boyfriend.

"What!!"namjoon gape while biting his lips from smiling making jin rolled his eyes while Jimin scan the room.

"But where is yoongi hyung,i don't see him around lately?"

He asked and hoseok smile drop immediately while namjoon and jin heaved down a sigh making Jimin twitching his brow in confusion.

"How is your health,are you sure you're okay to be fully discharge"

hoseok asked and Jimin notice how the male quickly change the topic,he couldn't help now but to get curious at their demeanour action.

"You should be worrying about yourself hyung,you're so pale,i hope you can get discharge soon"

Jimin stated concerned and there's a hint of sadness in his voice making hoseok let out a bright smile and tells him he's going to be alright soon which calm the smaller a bit but not entirely.

"So where is jungkook anyway"

"I hope i could drag that workaholic out of the office one day"Jin sneer out at the mentioned male making Jimin chuckle.

"his ass won't ever leave his company it like he's glue to it"

"Don't talk bad about Kookie!!"jumi shout scrunching her face and the room burst into laughter except Jimin who let out a scoff.

"Did you just take kookie side instead of your appa"namjoon chuckle shaking his head in disbelief.

"Leave her,Jimin deserves it"hoseok added with a laugh.

"I bet two thousand dollar,jumi like jungkook more than Jimin"Jin chips snickering and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"you cannot compare me to someone she just knew a month ago beside I'm his appa,she won't---------"

"Yes i love Kookie and tae tae more"jumi chips in without hesitation and the room uproarious with a laughter while Jimin was staring blankly at his daughter who was giggling with them as they laugh harder.

"Bitch you just know Kookie and tae tae"Jimin says snapping a betrayed look at his daughter.

"But tae tae and Kookie are good they buy me a delicious food and toy but appa is bad always yelling at me"She point out and stick her tongue childishly at Jimin who rolled his eyes her demeanour action.

"You get what you deserve,that's why they said blood is thicker than water"

Hoseok sneer sarcastically before pinching the girls cheeks making her to burst into a fit of giggles.

The four joked for awhile talking about random things while jumi was busy running around the room disturbing there little discussion from time to time.

It was getting late and Jimin decided to call it a day by taking his daughter but jumi runs back to hoseok lap and place a kiss on his stomach.

"little baby,i will come back to see you soon"

jumi giggles happily and the only thing circulating in the room were the beating of their heart as they froze in place.

"i want it to be a girl like me"jumi clapped her hand in excitement and Jimin wanted to pinch his daughter so hard for talking rubbish but the reaction he get in return makes him says otherwise,he thought they would just laugh it off and say it's one of his daughter expensive joke but nobody did and they were not even denying the accusations since their head were hanging low which surprise him.

"Hyung,w-what is she talking about"Jimin stuttered out,his heart has started to race now.


"Please hyung I'm not talking to you"

Jimin retort roughly cutting namjoon off and the elder slip his mouth shut immediately when the younger throw a dagger towards his way before snapping it back to hoseok who let out a sigh and look back to his lap eyes in daze with a small frown,he hesitate a bit before taking a deep breath.

"Yes jimin,your daughter is speaking the truth,I'm three month pregnant"

He confess with a few tears trickling down his face and Jimin heart drop at the confession.

"Three months?........and you never thinks i should know"Jimin says quietly unable to stop the tears that manage to crawl out of his eyes,he never felt more betrayal in his life than this moment.

"Why hyung......i thought we were best friends,do i even meant anything to you"

the younger blurt out,his voice coming out as a whisper and hoseok hang his head low while sobbing quietly and nobody dare to speak up including jumi whose eyes were going among the two male who were crying bitterly with a pout.

"I'm really sorry Jimin.....i have no excuse but please don't say that,of course you mean a lot to me,you're my best friend------"

"Then why.....why did i have to find out that you're pregnant by myself"

Jimin cut in with a scream rendering the male speechless and he harshly wipe his tears away.

"Congratulation hyung,although it's too late"he spit out and angrily drag jumi away with him to the door and slammed the door shut making the trio release a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell him the full story?"namjoon asked and hoseok let out a tight smile.

"Because it better to tell him the good one and get angry at me than tells him the bad one and get sad about it beside i don't want jimin to cry because of me,he has passed through so much,i don't think he deserves anymore sad story in his life"

Hoseok expressed,his face blur with tears and jin sniff and pull him in a bone crushing hug.

"hosoekie,what am i going to do with you"the elder said with a tears trickling down his eyes and namjoon couldn't help but to get emotional too as he wipe a few tears off his eyes.

Jimin angrily drag his daughter away with him only to freeze when he heard a sniff,he look down to see jumi tearing eyes and how she was biting down her lower lips from crying out.

"Appa why are you crying,did jumi do something wrong"

Jumi pout and Jimin sigh dropping to her level and stroke her hair giving her a small smile.

"No you did nothing wrong.....but juminah how did you know hobi was pregnant"

"I feel something in her belly and it's a baby"jumi pout and the elder sigh he finally understand why his daughter felt attached to hoseok recently it was because of the child.

"Did you fight with hobi?"

"No juminah let go home"Jimin smile and ruffles her hair before rising to his feet only to hear his name called in surprise.

He turned back and lock gaze with the last person he wanted to see,the rounded face that hunt him all his entire life and make his life a hell walking towards him with a smile on their faces and their black shoes clatter on the tiles floor towards him.

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