chapter-twenty eight

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Kim Taehyung drives to jungkook company and let out a gasp when he saw many reporters that has already swarmed the place.

He quickly pick his phone that was buzzing off beside him and let out a sigh before picking the call.

"Yah!!!i told you to stay still where the hell are you"

He heard his manager yells making him to roll his eyes,should he just sit still when it concerns his fiance.

Taehyung doesn't want justice nor clearing his name to the public,he just wants his fiance not to get a wrong idea about him.

"sorry hyung,i will come back for the press conference.....i just need to see jungkook real quick"

he confess and before the elder could protest,he quickly disconnect the call and dial namjoon number and the call was connected after a few ring.

"Tae!!,where are you?are you okay!,are you hurt,where are you right now!!"

"Breath hyung"Taehyung exclaim with a chuckle and heard the elder exhaling sharply.

"I'm in the front of the company but everywhere is swarm with reporters"

He added scanning the entrance with a sigh.

"Okay,wait for me i will come and get you right away"

Taehyung nod exhaling sharply."but what about Kookie,is he alright"

He asked and heard the elder sighing deeply.

"I don't know,he wouldn't let anyone enter his should come first,I will flash you when i reach out"

He confess and taehyung frown.

funny thing is,he was worried for his lover instead of himself.

They finally disconnect the call and Taehyung put his phone in silent because of his manager and started waiting for namjoon to come out and get him.

After a few seconds,namjoon comes out through the private exit of the company and waves at him from the distant.

Taehyung quickly wore his cap and his dark sunglasses before sliping out of the car and namjoon helps him sneak into the company without them knowing.

Many eyes were snap towards them as they walks in and Taehyung could noticed their sneering and whispering about him.

He knows they wouldn't dare to say it to his face unless they want to lose their jobs yet he could still felt their judging and disapproving eyes on him as if they were disgusted.

Taehyung decided to ignore them for now because what matters right now is his fiance.

The two finally stand in front of the jungkook's office and namjoon look at him in concerned.

"Are you going to be okay?"he asked Taehyung who nod with a small smile.

Of course he wasn't okay,he's really panicking inside.

Namjoon sigh giving him a light pat on the back before walking away and disappear into the elevator.

Taehyung breathes in and out for a moment before knocking on jungkook door only to hear a silence in response.

After debating whether to go inside or not,he finally takes courage and open the door.

The door creak open and he peered inside only to find the male bored into his work,signing some files on his desk.

Taehyung was disapointed a bit,he could see the male can still work with all the chaos.

"H-hello."he says nervously.

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