Chapter Fourteen

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taehyung let out an exhausted sigh as jumi drag him around the shopping mall he never knew taking a kid to mall could be this difficult.

the younger has been running around the mall pointing on everything her eyes landed on getting excited over a little things her eyes paused on and taehyung has almost spend his cash on buying different kind of toy and snacks for the female it's not like he was complaining but he was totally drained from exhaustion and the girl show no sign of stopping soon which makes Taehyung regretting why he did think of taking the girl to this place of all place.

Yet it still the best thing he had done today and he couldn't help but to let out a chuckle at the excited look on the smaller face at the different kind of stuff she found at the mall and it was as if she was seeing everything for the first time today.

He barks out smile when he saw the female struggling to get the big fluffy bear on the glass.

"uncle tae tae i want this"jumi yell to him with a pout pointing at the big fluffy teddy bear making taehyung let out a sigh.

there goes his money.

He plopped down to the girls level and flashed his boxy smile to the giggling girl while stroking her hair before nodding making the girl jumped up in excitement before running to hug the big teddy bear.

Taehyung chuckled jumi was exactly a copy of jimin starting from his eyes smile to her chubby cheeks and her small height jumi was six years old yet she didn't look like it rather she was more like a four years old kid she was very small just like his father and taehyung could see another resemblance which doesn't belong to jimin and for some reason taehyung found the resemblance familiar but he just couldn't pin point where and who but he doesn't want to pry either.

His heart melt when he watched her cuddling up with the big teddy bear so taehyung rushed to her and scooped her from the ground spinning her around making her to burst into a fit of giggles.

"Your daughter is so cute"he heard a voice from behind catching his attention as he turns back to find one elderly female walking towards him with a wide smile on her face.

"She look so much like you she is exactly your copy"she express with a smile waving at jumi who ignore her and quickly run back to cuddle with her bear.

taehyung gape looking back to the excited female.

"Really?"he said his deep voice was filled with confusion."but she's not even my baby"

He completed and there's a hint of sadness in his voice.

The woman let out an awkward laugh.

"Wow i bet if you have a daughter she is going to be so pretty just like her"she said giving him a small smile before going away.

Taehyung sigh of course he likes to have kid one day but it has to be delay because of his work and also his fiance is a busy person and he wants to wait till he get married to jungkook but watching jumi now he started to have a second thought.

He was cut off on his thoughts and let out a chuckle when he saw jumi struggling in dragging the big fluffy bear he quickly rush to her and took the big bear from her hand.

"All right baby time to go home your daddy might be waiting for you"he declared making the smaller pout.

taehyung chuckled pinching her cheeks."i will buy you ice cream on our way back"he added and jumi face lit up immediately nodding her head firmly at the male.

Taehyung chuckled before interwined their hands together while carrying the shopping bags on the other hands and they walk out of the mall going into the car as he help the female into the front seat and help her buckle her seatbelt before they finally drove off.


Jimin and jungkook drives home after a long tiring day from work jimin let out a sigh catching jungkook attention as he look at him.

"Are you that worried about leaving your daughter with taehyung"

Jungkook ask looking at jimin whose eyes were glued on the busying street from the rear window of the car as they drives home.

Jimin let out a sigh before shaking his head and jungkook snort loudly rolling his eyes at him.

"You are Just pacing around in the office and you seem lost during the meeting"

"No I'm just worried jumi will give taehyung a hard time"

Jimin answer with a sigh he knows her daughter too well he knew jumi doesn't like interacting with strangers and after she came back from Busan she has become extremely quiet and that worried him a lot but now he was glad the female was finally adapting to her new environment but still he couldn't understand why jumi felt so attached to a stranger like taehyung all of a sudden to even volunteer to go with taehyung instead of staying with him.

Jumi sudden action towards the other male was really surprising since it is not something she do everyday unless she's with her love ones.

"Don't worry taehyung is good with kids I'm sure you are just overreacting"Jungkook express seeing jimin nodded as he intensely inhale while brushing his hair back with his eyes looking to the busy night street.

jungkook could not help but to get curious about the male,his life and his daughter and started to wonder what could be the reason for the male cold wall especially around his daughter but he didn't want to pry and he pray one day they would be close enough to share each other personal life.

If that was even possible.

They drive home in a complete silence since nobody was in the mood to start a conversation anyway.

They finally reach home jimin went out immediately bowing to the male who opened his mouth but unable to form out a word since the smaller had already rush off.

Jungkook let out a sigh before joining the male who went into the building but what he didn't realize were the two pair of eyes watching his every movement with a blank expression.

"So this is where you guys are living"the stranger smirk before letting out an evil grin.

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