chapter-twenty six

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"with your condition i advise you to stop drinking because it going to make it worse and if you don't stop i can't guarantee you will be able to reach your birth time"the man stated staring at the male who let out a defeated sigh.

"Thank you doc,i will make sure he did just that"Jin said glaring at the younger who shrunk on his seat.

The two finally rise up to their feet and Jin shakes the male hand before going out of the room and let out a frustrated huff.

"I think you should listen to the doctor,you can't go around drinking and you're pregnant for crying out loud"

Jin scold turning back to the defeated younger who looks to the floor,eyes in daze with a small frown on his lips.

"I..i'm sorry"he mumbled audible and Jin rolled his eyes before sighing deeply.

"Are you really okay,I still think you should stay in the hospital"he express worriedly and hoseok instantly let out a small smile.

"Yea I'm really fine,beside it starting to get really stuffy in here"he added chuckling making jin breathes out in concerned brushing his hair from his face before turning back to him and takes his hands.

"but you really have to tell me if something happens,okay?"he express with concerned making hoseok nod and his smile widened.

jin was amazed at the male on how he still held his smile despite all the shit he's been passing through,to him hoseok is the strongest person he ever met and he is really starting to get worried for the younger's now,he wonder if everything is ever going to be okay with him.

"I can't believe yoongi never visit for once Just wait till i catch that bastard"
Jin spit out venomous and hosoek frown deepy,his eyes glossy as he was biting his lips from crying out in pain upon remembering his husband who practically abandoned him just for having his child.

He doesn't deserve all this,everything was not his fault,it all because of his goddamn fate,the one that filled with pain.he desperately wanted to die yet he couldn't because of the little life inside him.

Yoongi's seed.

"It's okay hyung,let just go home"he says quietly and Jin let out a sigh,the one he didn't notice he was holding and follow hoseok who was already walking away.

They drive to his house in a complete silence since nobody was in the mood to start a conversation anyway and throughout the whole journey hoseok was staring blankly outside of the car and the smile has left his eyes.

Jin pulls into the driveway and parks the car before snapping a desperate eyes back to the younger.

"Are you sure you still want to go inside,you can come over to my house if you want,I mean i feel uneasy to leave you with that bastard"

"Hyung,I'm really going to be fine beside yoongi hyung is still my husband,i doubt he will do anything to me"he interject the male who pressed for the tenth times before sighing in defeat.

"Okay,I'm just going to see you get comfortable in the house"he says and the younger gives him a grateful smile.

They unbuckle their seats belt and went out of the car,they went to the door and hoseok press the code which is his birthday's number and it open immediately making him to smile softly recoiling on the memories as if it was yesterday.

It was yoongi idea,after they debate on what to use for their password since he is a forgetful person and he always forget everything including their password,he finally comes up with his husband birthday date which he'll definitely never forget and since then it has always been like that.

The door creak open and hoseok let out a content smile before going into the room only to stop in surprise when they saw an unfamiliar male on the sofa watching TV while giggling softly.

Yoongi walk in on them and instantly halt immediately.

"Hyung do we have a guest?"hoseok ask his eyes going off between the two and Jin desperately wanted to slap the shit out of the male in this moment but for now he still decided to hold it in for hoseok sake.

"Hyung,Who are these people?"

Taehyun ask scanning the two from head to toe and yoongi place a kiss on the younger's lips crumbling his husband's heart as he stare at them in shock.

"It my ex husband"he answered and hoseok felt his heart shattering into a thousand pieces,he felt someone repeatedly stabbing his heart as many tears flowing down from his eyes.

Jin stake toward him and throw a powerful punch into his face making the male stumble back surprising Taehyun who stare at him in horror before quickly goes between them in panick and Jin harshly push him away and grab yoongi by the collar of his chest.

"How dare you!!,how dare you do this to hobi,you asshole!!!"jin yelled,his eyes blazed furiously sending the male a hard look while shaking the male ferociously cutting roughly at his neck with the shirt but yoongi look unfazed by his actions and harshly remove his hands pushing the male back with a force making jin stare at him in disbelief as he stumble back.

"That enough!!,this is between me and hoseok you're not allow to butt in"

Yoongi flare back glaring back at the already glaring eyes of the elder who was snarling at him.

"The fuck i wouldn't care bastard!,you literally abandon your husband in the hospital while busying fucking around here,you're a disgusting pig yoongi,a heartless jerk who deserves to rot in hell!!"

Jin shouted,all his vein popping out of his neck and the way he was glaring ferociously at them was starting to hurt his eyes.

Yoongi blink trying not to get affected by the male insult word and turn to hoseok who was sobbing quietly on his position and he looks so pained breaking something in yoongi's.

his heart was telling him to stop hurting his husband and rush into his arms and whisper a soothing word to him,peppering him with kisses but his head was saying otherwise,it was telling him he did the right thing and that the male deserve the hostility and he was going to do just that.

he's going to follow his head because there's no way,he won't keep getting hurt if he keeps holding onto the male.

"I can't do this anymore hosoekie,i can't keep pretending everything was fine which is not,you have done what you wanted and it's time to make my own decisions,i don't want to be with you anymore so i think it better we part way"

he says,his voice shaking and he was trying hard to keep himself balanced but hoseok was having it the worst,he was holding himself from breaking down and his tears flow like river,he pray desperately for the elder to not say the word at the tips of his mouth,the one that will wither his heart and crumble his soul.

"Let divorce Jung hoseok"he confess and that's what it takes for hoseok to lose it and fall to the floor,his heart heavy and his world came crashing down before his eyes.

All the shout and noise were starting to get faintly to him as everywhere were starting to get blurry,he felt the sudden tiredness wash over him as he slowly close his eyes and peer into the dark world.

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