chapter forty nine

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"I will never follow you!!"jumi shout sniffing the tears that trickled down her cheeks.

"W...w..hat you mean by t.. that"

Jimin chokes his heart breaking,his tears flowing freely looking at the determined look on the girl's face.

he know her daughter too well and how stubborn she could be sometime but too think she would abandon him just like this made his heart scream in pain.

He had suffer a lot on her for the past few years but this is all he get,this is all he deserves,feeling unwanted by the person he love the most.

His head hurt like hell,he felt suffocating all of a sudden,he couldn't breathe,he just needs to get away,at least in that moment.

The two notice his actions and quickly rush to him,taking his hands in worry.

"Are you okay,please talk to us.....we are so sorry,please forgive us!!"

Taehyung says desperately,his own tears fell from his eyes.

"Yes please we love you...."Jungkook added with tears in his eyes but Jimin harshly pulled out of their grip.

"This is all your fault!!!,you stole my daughter from me!!"he yell accusingly startling the two who flinched staring at him with pain evident on their faces.

"If only you didn't... d..didn't..."

He croak out trembling taking a step back,sungwoon sigh deciding to step in and went to him taking his hands making the male look up through his blurry vision.

"For now,let get out of here"he said placing an arm around his shoulder and Jimin gives him a nod,this is what he needs after all.

To get away from them.

The two stare at him with pain expression they were full remorse and sadness.

their eyes were desperately begging the male not to leave them but jimin pay no attention to them and follow sungwoon until he felt someone or something hit his back making him turn back.

"You are not leaving me!!....jumi will not let you leave"jumi cried throwing on whatever she found at them.

if it not for this current situation,they would have certainly laugh at her cuteness but they could not especially when she was crying this bitterly.

"You always leave jumi first!!! never visit me for once in Busan,i always wait for you everyday but you never come....all my friends play with their appa but you are always away"

"But here Kookie and taetae always play with me and i see you everyday,i don't want to go back to Busan"

Jumi yell through her sob and Jimin felt his heart shattering into pieces listening to the bitter truth from her daughter.

he was dumbfounded and sad at the same time,he didn't know being so engrossed in his work to cater for her would affect her this much.

The thought of his daughter being sad and hurt froze his heart,he remember everytime he wants to come back she would cried uncontrollably and got sick afterwards but he would not be there for her.

But after some time she stop crying instead she would give him a bright smile whenever he wants to go back but deep down during those time,he knew she was just trying to accept and understand their situation even in that young age.

She is acting like a grown up because she didn't want to be a burden on him.

he thought if he works hard and provide her with everything she needs she would be happy.

He thought if he sacrifice his freedom and the time he spends with her to give her the world,she would be proud.

But instead he almost lost his precious daughter,the one he promise to never let her cry.he didn't want her to ever feel neglected because of him being a single father yet he did and it stings his heart so bad.

his lips tremble and the anger he felt the moment ago flew away instantly he rush to his daughter and pulls her into his arms  before breaking into a uncontrollably sob.

"I'm sorry baby,I'm sorry for leaving you,I'm sorry for not being the perfect dad you want,I'm sorry for not being enough for you"

Jimin says through his cries rocking the crying female hugging her tightly.

Sungwoon heave down a sigh before deciding to leave,it's the best thing he could do anyway.

"A.appa!!,don't l..leave j.jumi, d..don't leave t.tae tae and Kookie too"jumi hiccups through her sob and Jimin gives her a bright smile despite his tears blurry vision.

"I can never leave you sweetheart"he say placing a kiss on the girl forehead.

"and i won't leave Kookie and tae tae too"He added looking at the two male who wobbles their lips,a tears of happiness escaped their eyes.

Jumi giggles happily wiping her tears and break the hug looking back at her father.

"Really?"she repeat,her face lit up and Jimin smile nodding his head.


"I promise honey"he confirms and intertwined the pinky finger the girl reach out.

Jumi bounce in joy like a child she was until he felt two arms suddenly wrapped around him making her stop.

"Tae tae,Kookie"she gasp out with a frown when he saw the tears in their eyes.

"I can't believe you are our baby....our princess"

Taehyung croaked and reach his trembling arm to caresses the girl hairs while jungkook just cling tightly onto her with no words shared letting the older do the talks because what matters is,he had a girl he could call his.

His blood and real daughter.

Jumi giggles,her small arms wrapped around the two with a spark of happiness crossing their features.

Jimin watch them with a smile on his face,the domestic scene welled his heart with joy.

just a few minutes ago he was very angry at the two for taking away his time and youth but if their fate had not intertwined,jumi would never existed and he wouldn't meet the two either and they are the best gift he ever received.

Once again,jumi have made them work,she had made him see what he couldn't see in her own view despite being so young.

the truth is,she was not doing it for herself but him who would be miserable and regretful for life if he leaves the two males who crawl into his life and made a mess out of it.

He was very grateful and thankful for them for giving him the best gift of life.

Park jumi.

Without wasting time,jimin smile and went to join the group hug making the girl let out a giggle.

"T..thank you jiminie,t..thank you so much for her"jungkook sniff burying his face into the girl while jimin smile.

despite how his unspoken love turn into unbounded betrayal,how his comfort became pain and having to deal with a horrible past which once turned his thriving heartbeats to a dull lifeless throb.having to deal with a memories which turn his life upside down and what he once believe turn out to be a lie.

Yet he would stick with them and made it a sweet melody of memories to look back on and now he sure have many good days upon the stressful one with a lot of challenges.

"You are welcome jungkook"

They didn't know how long they stay there,letting the silence poured out their emotion hiding deep inside.

indulging in that feeling that they haven't felt in a while,their hearts fill with the warmth of each other,cherishing the warmth of their contrasting bodies indulging the solace from their varying heartbeats.

they would stick together and made their lives bright like a sun,twinkle like a star and filled it with love and have many good days upon the stressful one with a lot of challenges and a life to look forward to.

Few more chapter to go,hehe😅.

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