Chapter 2

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srry it's been a while I've just been busy with volleyball and school. 

Simons POV

The light shines in through the coffin door  finally being open and as soon as it is I collapse to the floor. Srong steady arms wrap around me and I melt into them. I can hear someone whispering "Simon, Simon, Simon"  and I know who's holding me. But I dont flinch away in disgust or cower away in fear like I thought I would. Instead I nuzzle my head into his neck as Baz brings his hand up to run it through my hair. I pull my head back, cupping his face in my hands, then I lean in and- I startle awake and when I do I bump my head on the coffin wall. I'm still here. As I start to come to I also start to remember my dream...oh.  Why did I dream that...I don't even like Baz. I hate him. He's my enemy. At least I thought that I hate him...but now when I think about it, maye I don't. I think about how all I do is talk about him, and follow him around, and stare at his beautiful grey eyes, and his silky black hair, imagining my hands running through it. The more I think about it, and my dream, I start to realise that I don't hate him. I think I the opposite of hate him. And I realise that I've never actually wanted to kill him. In fact all I ever really want to do is...kiss him. But, even though I've finally realised that, it doesn't change the fact that I'm here, stuck in a coffin that he put me in. Because he hates me, and wants me dead. 

Bazs POV

" do we do this?" I ask Bunce since I've never really saved anyone before. I've always been the one who made them need saving in the first place. She takes a piece of chalk and makes two columns on the board. She titles them, what we know, and what we don't know.  "Okay, let's start with doing as many of these as we can, and then we'll make a plan asked on all of that." She says, twirling the piece of chalk in her fingers. "We know that the mage is lying about where Snow is," I reply, "and we don't know where he is." She nods her head in agreement and writes those down. 

. . .

After a while of trying to think of everything we can to fill the columns, we take a break to go and get scones. I tell Bunce I'm not hungry but she still gets a huge plate of them and brings them up. only when we're in the room does she realise snow isn't here to shove his face full of them, and she frowns a bit, tears filling her eyes. But she blinks and the tears are gone so I don't say anything. The reminder that Simon isn't here makes the dull ache in my chest grow, but I ignore it. We're sitting in silence but surprisingly it's not uncomfortable. Bunce breaks the silence. "I know that you like him." My eyes grow wide but I quickly fix it back to the sneer I'm so used to wearing. "I'm not sure what you mean Bunce." I know she doesn't believe me but I'm not that worried she'll say something. She must've figured it out a while ago, and honestly I'm not so surprised. I am surprised that shes the only one to have figured it out, really. She just raises an eyebrow and goes back to writing on the blackboard. Well, I'm too worried about Simon to care right now anyway, so I just join her, and we get back to work. 

Penelope's POV

I'm not stupid. I can clearly see that they like each other. I'm happy that at least Baz knows (I could tell from his reaction, he's quick to hide his emotions but I saw the surprised look he had for a second there) But Simon on the other hand... well, I love him but sometimes he's just so bloody dense. He truly thinks that the two of them are mortal enemies, and that Baz is an evil vampire that spends all his time plotting against Simon. Which I'm not sure about the vampire bit, but I'm pretty sure that Baz literally is never actually plotting. I just hope that we find Simon quickly so he can realise all that. 

Baz's POV

"I think thats all we do and don't know." I say to Bunce who's been staring at the blackboard with her thinking face on, for a minute. She turns around exasperated "I know that obviously, I'm thinking of what to do next." I sneer at her, but I'm also not sure what to do next. "Well how about we sleep on it and then in the morning we'll get to work, we need a good night's sleep before we find him." I can see from her face she doesn't want to stop trying to find him, neither do I, but she's right we need to sleep. And I need to drink before we start actually looking for him tomorrow.  "Can you walk me to my room?" She asks me. "Blood and bone Bunce, it's not that far." I reply, rolling my eyes. "I know it's just, I don't much like walking by myself at night, with Simon being kidnapped and all. I could be next." I stop sneering at her, for once."Yeah I'll walk you back to your room."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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