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Jermina Arrived at the "Wonky McConnell" at 8:21 PM, like you actually cared. Anyway as soon as he walked in, Valentin stumbled over to him, drunk as a skunk, saying "Whoa there Jermina! I don't know what a hand is, wait there it is! Okay bye! Gotta take a shat!" And with that Valentin ran to the bathroom, and through the door you could hear: "Oh boy! It's like a shower head! Oh....... THERE GOES ONE CHEEK................ AND THERE GOES THE OTHER! I AM ASSLESS NOW!" Jermina walked away from the bathroom to the bar. He sat down, and as soon as he sat down a girl teleported to the seat next to him. Jermina sunk down in his seat, "Female" he murmured and fell on the floor. Jermina crawled across the restaurant and stood up at the trash can. An Asian lady walked up to him and said, "Die." She walked away. Jermina pulled out his tazer and tazed his face. He lay on the floor until a brunette Female human being girl animal mammal creature bent down over him and said, "wanna go out?" Jermina had a seizure and said "YEAAAAAASAHUAHFAHHHAAAHHHAHA." She said "Okay the day of tomorrow at 5 PM, bye." Jermina watched her walk out. He got up and got in his truck, pulled up to his house and passed out in his underwear.

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