Just one text...

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A/N- sooo ngl this one is kinda boring, but I kinda had to post something, soo yeah bye lol


8:45 pm




"What...?" Espresso mumbled as he looked at the message Madeleine sent him.

I mean, don't get him wrong he did want to sleep over at Madeleine's house but it's just the message he sent him. Like...Without any context on why or if there was a special thing going on.

But Madeleine sent him another message.


9:3o pm

An Idiot I love: Lol sorry about that being in all caps, I was just excited I guess. Uhh but you still wanna come over? Sorry again.



Espresso sighed as he read the message over and over again but couldn't help but smile. He stood up and grabbed his bag as he was headed for the door. And soon enough he was headed to Madeleine's house.

As Espresso stood there with the wind blowing through his short hair, he stood in front of Madeleine's door. He raised his hand slowly as he looked up. He knocked on the door twice and waited for Madeleine to open the door. And quickly the door was flung open as it caught Espresso off guard to where he stepped back a bit.

"Espresso!! I honestly wasn't expecting you to come!" Madeleine said, grabbing a hold of both Espresso's hands.

"U-uhh..Y-yeah...." Espresso mumbled, flustered by Madeleine's actions.

And as Madeleine let go of both of Espresso's hands he moved just enough for Espresso to walk into his house. Espresso took off his shoes, and as Espresso looked around he smiled at the sight. It wasn't anything special but it smelt like Madeleine. And no matter how much Espresso was telling himself  'thinking that is weird' he still loved the smell.

"Do you want to head to my room?" Madeleine asked, breaking Espresso out of his thoughts.

"Hmm? Oh yeah." Espresso replied.

And quickly Madeleine took hold of Espresso's hand and led him upstairs and into his room, and once they got there Madeleine sat down on his bed and gestured for Espresso to do the same. Espresso then sat down next to him and looked around his room. It was set up like a small movie night, he looked back over to Madeleine who was smiling at him and Espresso quickly turned away again with his face heating up and flushing a dark red.

"Do you wanna watch a movie? I have a few picked out already!" Madeleine asked.

"Umm, yeah sure...we can watch a movie." Espresso mumbled.

And after that Madeleine got up, grabbed the remote and put a movie on and he laid back into bed gesturing to Espresso once again to get closer to him, to which Espresso did. He cuddled close to Madeleine and they laid there for a while watching movies and other things. It was nice to just hang out with Madeleine even though they were polar opposites.

>4 years later<

"Mmm..." Espresso hummed as he sat up in bed.

Why was I even thinking about that, it happened four years ago...

Espresso then quickly got up out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He looked up at himself in the mirror and thought about Madeleine, thinking about the time when they would cuddle, kiss, and just hang out. And he knew that he missed that, but never wanted to admit it. He took out his phone and searched for Madeleine's contact. Though it wasn't that hard to find, mostly because the only other people he talked to were Latte and Eclair.

He clicked on Madeleine's contact info and procrastinated about texting him or not, but in the end he ended up doing it. He sighed as he read what he sent over and over again, now he was procrastinating on deleting or not. But before he could delete it, Madeleine texted him back. And for some reason Espresso felt happy that he texted Madeleine. And they started an actual conversation and planned to meet up one day.

And once they finished talking Espresso took his shower and went to work.

>a week later<


Espresso took out his phone as he was sitting on his bed, it was a text from Madeleine.


11:42 am

An Idiot I love: Are you ready to hang out today?



Oh shit I almost forgot

Espresso then quickly got ready, and ran out of the house to the place that he and Madeleine were gonna meet up.

"Espresso!" Madeleine yelled.

Espresso stopped running to look at Madeleine, he looked just as hot as he did four years ago. With his beautiful long blonde hair, blue eyes the shun in the sunlight, gorgeous abs, and kissable lips.

"I'm really happy you texted me after such a long time!" Madeleine said, interrupting Espresso's thoughts as he grabbed both of Espresso's hands.

"Uhh...yeah." Espresso said, blushing at the sight of him.

"So where do you wanna go first?" He asked, letting go of one of Espresso's hands.

"We can go to the cafe first..." He said nervously.

"Alright let's go!"


"You know I had a great time today." Madeleine said smiling as they sat under a tree.

"Yeah me too." Espresso smiled, leaning on Madeleine's shoulder, "Hey Madeleine..?"


"Do you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, a partner...or have you been single all these years?" Espresso asked.

"I did date a girl for a bit but broke up with her after a little while, and now we're best friends. But other than that no....why do you ask?" He replied.

"No reason, just wanted to know if I could still shoot my shot." He joked.

Madeleine blushed at his joke and turned his head over to look at him, he put his hand on Espresso's chin and lifted it up slightly. Espresso turned his head confused at Madeleine's actions; As Madeleine leaned in closer to Espresso lips, as both of their glossy lips touched Madeleine couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Mostly because after four years he's finally able to kiss his lover again.

After a few seconds that felt like hours they pulled away staring into each other's beautiful eyes.

"Why'd you break up with me anyways?" Madeleine asked, tilting his head slightly.

"You were getting in the way of my work...I still loved you, I just needed a break..I'm sorry." Espresso apologized.

"It's fine! I-I think..."

"I'm not sure if you were trying to make me feel better but it didn't work."

Madeleine giggled a bit before leaning in for another kiss, " I love you."

"I love you too.."




Word count- 1097

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