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School wasn't the best but it was better than staying home where you don't feel as secure. Most of the teens there are scared of me, why? Because I win every single fight that stands against me, I look like I could kill someone, I am very muscular and powerful.

I have two friends, Tommy and Carol. I'm sure I have more, I think..

I am what you call a 'monster', I threatened Max's friend a month ago and I beated this guy up, Steve, Steve harrington. We have classes together and interact because of me. I usually spit out words that never pleasure him. His big curved brown hair, his honey brown eyes, he was the king of the school before he got slapped by his ex like a pussy. His crown fell waiting for me to pick it up.

The story behind the fight, it all began when I was baby-sitting max when all of a sudden I had a date night. I began to get ready with my radio blasting in my room.

I heard a thunderous knock on my bedroom door. I ignored it at first until it became louder. 'Ugh, what the fuck does shit-bird want' I wondered as I turned my radio off and sauntered towards the door. I flung it open as perplextion struck into my mind. "What's wrong?" I shrugged at the couple in front of me. "Why don't you tell us" my dad- Neil, determinedly confronted. "Because I don't know" I shrugged off, my anger building up"we can't find Maxine '' Susan worriedly stated. "And her windows open" Neil informed. "Where is she!?" Neil furiously asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "I don't know" I mumbled, knowing something will happen to me. "What do you mean, you don't know!" He got impatient. "She probably went to the arcade or something, I'm sure she's fine." I took my glare off of them and into my room. "You were supposed to watch her." Neil started getting more bitter. I wandered into my room to find my leather jacket not talking face to face. "I know dad, I was, since you guys were three hours late- and well I have a date." I wore the black leathered jacket and tossed my hair out now facing him. "Look, I'm sorry, ok."

"So that's why you,ve been staring at yourself in the mirror like some f@ggot instead of watching your sister" he growled quietly crossing his arms. "I have been looking after her all week dad! Ok she wants to run off and that's her problem alright!" I roared as I leaned over. "She's thirteen years old, she shouldn't need an all time babysitter. And she's not my sister." At that moment I knew I fucked up. He came darting towards me, gripping onto my collar vigorously slamming me to the nearest wall. I panted steadily as he stared at me.

"What did we talk about?" He reminded me. I didn't respond, no words. He slapped me forcefully, thrashing my head 270°. He tipped my chin up "what. Did. We. Talk. About." His eyebrows broad. I held my tears "respect.. And responsibility-" "that is right. Now, apologise to Susan." My eyes were placed stably still looking at Neils. "I'm sorry susan" my voice almost trembled. "It's ok Neil, really-" "No it's not ok! Nothing about his behaviour is ok. And he's going to make up for it." Now facing Susan. "He's going to call whatever whore he's seeing tonight and cancel their date" he simply requested- well demanded. "And then he's going to find his sister, like a good, kind, respecting brother he is" Neil turned his eyes and body towards me. "Isn't that right billy." My tears waited impatient as I stood where I was quietly. "ISN'T THAT RIGHT" Neil scolded. "Yes sir." Neil sighed "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you" he clenched his jaw.


"Find max."

They both left leaving me in tears.

I drove to my date's house and knocked. We had a little conversation inside before I had gathered the information that I was supposed to observe. Once I drove into the house's driveway I sighted Steve beside the door aware of the noise of my camaro. "Am I dreaming or is that you harington" I smiled playfully. "Yeah it's me hargrove, dont cream your pants." And that's where things got messy. We fought inside in front of Max's friends, Dustin (curly headed boy, brown hair with front teeth gapped, an unusual nerd), Lucas (short black curly headed boy, who's cool), Mike (black haired boy, who's akward asf) and Will (brown hair with a soft bowl cut, who's gay seceretly) . Did I win though? Hell yeah but it didn't hold back the guilt. His face was all bruised and scarred while blood streamed out my nose. He panted heavily on the ground.

"Let's go max" I almost whined. "no!" My heart dropped, what am I going to do? "Come on max, hurry up-" before I could finish she stomped her feet onto the wooden floor. "No. I care if you get hurt on a daily basis but you need to stop. I know you've been trying but hasten up. Now I'm going to stay here until you apologise to Steve nicely." She swung her hands knot her hips and both eyed me and Steve. I slowly turned to the taller boy who was sitting on the floor. "I'm sorry steve." We both held eye contact until Max grunted, signalling me to help him up. So I did, I held my shaky hand out (which I'm sure he noticed) and he accepted the offer. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes "is there a bathroom for me and Billy to clean up?" The young boys nodded and informed him on where it was. There wasn't much contact, so I cleaned myself quietly. It was awkward, we made some eye contact but never said a word.

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