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"Max stop bluffing" I mumbled, could this be true? I'm not buying it. I stood up before she could say anything. "Could you please get out so I can change?" She nodded and practically jumped out of my room. I knew I wasn't supposed to go to school (the doctor has admitted) but Neil forces me to get a great education. I can't stay in because if I'm ever away, Neil would get a phone call.

I got changed after thinking to myself in a shirt that was pure white, my denim jacket and my tight jeans that hugged tightly against all the right places. I didn't have comfy clothes, Neil would complain and tell me to man up. I reached out for my cassette on my night stand and shoved it into my pocket. No one knew that I listened to so sad (losing you), they'd all think that I only listened to rock and heavy metal. KNOCK KNOCK "hurry up!" Max yelled from outside my door.

A few minutes forward, me and my sister were already in the- my camaro. My camaro groaned as I twisted my keys.

In the back of my mind I visualised the benefit of me going to school while in the front was opposite. What if–what if I'm the problem to every situation that happens to be about me? Out of topic but yeah, what if. Am I the villain in this story? Maybe..

Time skip, we're in school two minutes late. People would say that's not a big deal but it is to me. Every teacher is completely strict towards me why? Because I guess I am the problem to everything But not the sports coach. So when I entered English class, all eyes were on me, the spotlight was on me. Everyone was shocked, eyes widened even the teacher. "Billy–welcome back and if you're late again you'll get an after school detention. A free seat is right on your left beside Steve." I shrugged and sat on the chair that was right beside Steve. Not to mention but everyone was still staring at me, I felt uncomfortable but dealt with it. "Anyways class–as I was saying, today in english we'll be doing a variety of poems and I might share some with the class, today's simple-" I'm pretty sure I zoned off on the last part thinking about the boy that was close to me. Should I believe max? I was absolutely flushed. I want to be with him so bad–no.. Yes? I don't know!...

"-ok if you have any questions, i'll be by my desk" the teacher completed scanning all students before returning to her desk.

Everyone scribbled in their books (including me) but I still felt a pair of eyes curiously glance near my face, stealthy trying not to get caught by the victim, me.

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