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I opened the unlocked door to my- Neils house and surprisingly Max hastened towards me with open arms. I trembled back at her force "Agh careful max, i'm still hurt." She loosened her grip and frowned "are you going to be okay?" She curiously asked looking up to face me. "Heh- yeah, i'm going to be fine" I smiled at her weakly. "Uh, is Neil home?" She shook her head in response "Since I've got a phone call from the doctor saying you're alright and you're going to return, they left and said they'll be back tomorrow at like three in the afternoon" she informed. "It's six, can- um I invite my friends over?.." She gave me puppy eyes. She stepped back "yeah, yeah whatever" I chuckled.

I was nervous, I lounged steadily onto the couch and fidgeted with my shaky fingers. Why am I scared? I shouldn't be that scared, right? I stand up sauntering to my bedroom upstairs.

Euh, why did I walk away? Am I that terrified? I closed my bedroom door when I heard the sound of the front door opening. Her friends have arrived.

Why do I have to deal with this? Out of everyone in the world you have chosen me! Me.. I am tired of being dragged into arguments and fights. I'm tired of being abused or hurt every fucking day! If I wasn't so scared of pain I would've killed myself already. I am so.. So fucking tired of this shit.

I collapsed onto the edge of my bed and let my tears tumble down my cheek. Tiny sobs escaped my mouth regardless and unexpectedly. I glared down onto my hands, I rue everything bad that I have done in my life. Tears collapse onto the surface of my hands. I'm just a misunderstood teenager silently begging for help and comfort.

My dirty blonde curls fell beside my face, my mouth trembled, my eyes a light shade of red.

I feel utterly exhausted. I scooted onto my bed and slammed my head against my pure white pillow. I closed my eyes gently, my eyelashes dripping wet. I wonder if this'll be my last night alive, maybe.

"Are you really home alone max?" Steve uttered out. "Uh, no actually Billy just walked upstairs. Mind getting him for me? I'm sure he's in his room, the first room to the left by the way" Max mumbled. Her friends sat quietly on the rug setting up a board game, DnD. "oh ok, i guess." Steve shot up and scanned the area he was in before spotting the stairs. He jerkedly sauntered upstairs to follow Max's commands (well~). He heard soft sniffles while approaching the lion's den. "Huh, is he sick or something?" Steve whispered to himself under his breath. He twisted the knob lightly before pushing. He sighted the young boy curled up upon his bed, tear stains on his face, red eyes and an unnoticeable frown that only Steve could discover. Steve thought this was cute but also concerning. The new king crying!? He never saw him cry, well almost..

I awoke, my eyes glimpsing my area, I could smell a sweet fragrance opening with lime, lemon, orange, apple and coconut leading into a soft floral heart resting on a sweet base of vanilla, musk and gentle woods. It smelt familiar. I didn't bother to think, I sighted my digital clock, I only slept for a good fifteen minutes or so. I didn't bother to think about anyone. I shuffled out of bed and travelled towards my bathroom. When I sighted myself in my own reflection. I washed my face making sure my eyes don't look as red. My hair was puffy and messy but I didn't bother to fix it. I ploded to my one and only closet and selected an oversized comfy black hoodie along with a pair of oversized trackies.

I lazily strolled down the stairs and yawned softly. "Hey billy" a muffled voice from the lounge. I slowly widened my dull eyes, max had a big spoon full of vanilla ice-cream in your mouth. The ice-cream made her cheeks look full, like it was soon going to burst. I saw her friends sitting down playing a game. I sauntered to her "Max, how much have you eaten? You know you can't have to much-" "relax, i've only had a few spoonfuls." She continued on gulping down the ice-cream with no hesitation.

I lifted my hood to rest it on top of my head as soon as I felt other eyes on me. "Why do you look like you've just woken up?" Will questioned me. "Because he did, you idiot!" Dustin whisper-shouted to Will. I chuckled softly as the two boy's argued. "Did I miss something?" A voice called from behind me. Steve.

"hey billy," He took a deep breath. I turned and lifted my head to face him. "Uh–h, ah sorry um do you mind if we stay for a couple of hours and have a movie night, and feel free to join" he glared breathlessly. He looked at me like he'd seen his crush ask him out. It was quite awkward when we both stared at each other silently, was I catching feelings? "Oh um sure whatever" I gently replied, he was still staring. "Cool."

So yeah we all chatted, they were actually not as bad as I expected. Goofy but funny jokes were passed around, I laughed with them, I smiled.

Me and Steve have been getting closer and I–think I like him.. Is that a bad thing..?

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