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The lunch bell rang repeatedly telling us to evacuate our classrooms and roam into the cafeteria. Tommy and Carol rushed to my side. They saw the look on my face. "You look flushed, what happened, is it about a girl?" Tommy drawled curiously. "No, it's nothing" I seductively replied. Tommy stared at me while we settled down on a free table that no one dared to sit at because I declared that it was mine. Tommy always felt suspicious when I exchange my expressions, he's used to seeing me serious, not anything else. "Ok–" Tommy broke slight eye contact. "Bullshit" Carol admitted, thirsting for drama and gossip. I shrugged and looked down at the food, then started poking the meaty stew with the plastic cutlery that was given. Tommy smirked, "Well, is it about a person?" Of course it is! I gave him a short glimpse before staring back into my tray of substances. "I knew it! Is she hot? Is she-" "no, it's something different.." He began staring at random random people from afar and inspecting them. He glanced at this one guy, he realised and bursted out "WAIT ITS STE-" I flew over to cover his mouth that was desperate to finish the sentence. "Zip it, yeah it's him!" I whisper-shouted furiously. Deep inside, I was scared that they might ditch me and tell the whole school. My furious look turned into a worried one. To my surprise Tommys smirk grew wider, a victory smirk I saw when Tommy achieved something. "Hand it over" he looked over to Carol and reached an arm out. "Fine, in class" Carol rolled her eyes. "Wait, what happened?" I froze and they both started to burst out laughing. "Yeah, we made a bet. I said if you ever fell for Steve then she would give me five bucks. Of course she agreed." I opened my mouth to speak but shockness took over which made me almost breathless. "Congrats i guess" Coral divulged. I smiled warmly as they both stared at me like they've seen a cute kitten in the pet shop. "You should show your soft side more often, it's less scary." Tommy admitted, Carol nodding along. "Right, you're always expressionless and angry like-" I bit my lip forcefully, tilted my head slightly and furrowed my brows signalling Carol to shut up. She halted.

I broke eye contact and looked somewhere else while Tommy and Carol chit-chatted. My eyes scanned the cafeteria then stopped when I saw a couple of guys sauntering towards me giving me the 'i'm going to kill you' stare. I guessed these were new kids because I've never seen these teenagers before. One had black straight hair, buff but not as buff as me. The other one looked taller than me, brown curly hair, they both looked strong. "Oi you, are you the new 'king', you look quite fit to be one" brown haired boy said. I straightened my face "yeah why? Want some advice or something" I slightly smiled. Everyone peered in to listen, my friends behind me while we sat. "hah, yeah-no we are here because we want to face the person that everyone feared. We are here to fight you, one v two." I gave them my annoyed look. "Can't do. Just came out of the hospital still gauzed." I rested one arm on the table shoving the tray away as they angrily stepped closer and closer until we were inches apart and I had to stare up. "We weren't asking" The black haired boy spat.

I sighed. "Look I would but I can't. Maybe another time when I'm not severely injured." I clenched my teeth hoping for them to walk away but they didn't, the worst thing was that I was feeling weak and everyone was watching. Well shit, they looked furious. "..Don't you guys have something else to do? You guys look like you need some good education." Everyone cackled at my lame joke. Smoke shot out of their noses like angry bulls preparing to charge. Brown haired boy grabbed my collar, yanking me until our faces were only a couple of inches apart. I opened my mouth but nothing came out of it. I could hear the heavy breathes from the guy above me. He loosened his grip "Y'know what, okay. I think we would make good friends anyway" he said, sounding phony. He striked his head towards my ear, his lips touching my sensitive skin. "In the bathroom now, don't make it any worse, kitty." The pet name cringed me and made me slightly shiver. He pulled away and they both walked off. I waited for them to be out of sight before making an excuse to my friends.


"Hm?" I closed the door behind me and saw 4 pairs of eyes search me. What were they doing?

"I'm Liam and this is my friend Noah," brown haired boy, Liam greeted. "M'kay–what am I actually here for?" I stood by the door not trusting myself to go any further because y'know.. I don't trust them.

Liam came closer, invading my personal space. "Oh nothing" he sarcastically stated. He grabbed my waist with one arm and the other lifted my chin up. "You really are pretty huh. Think I might use you" he bit his lip. I pushed away feeling disgusted by the touch. "Don't fucking touch me" my voice was firm. He chuckled as he dragged me away from the door and against the wall, pinning me. I clenched my fist and shot it at him, making him stumble back and groan, clenching his jaw. Then I felt a fist collide with my face, it was Noah. "Hah, feisty ay?" Liam spat out. He darted towards me, again grabbing my waist but his hands slowly travelled down behind me. I tried to push him off but his grip was sturdy. He dived down and started biting my neck. Shit fact: my neck is fucking sensitive.

I bit my bottom lip to hold back the noise that would come out of my mouth automatically but winces managed to escape. Tears tumbled down my cheek, get me out of here. There was no way of asking for help.

He finally rose up but to fiercely punch me in the stomach. I stumbled back, my back grinding against the cold wall. "Fuck you" I anounced, my voice raspy and broken. But that did not stop him from beating me the fuck up. It was torture, blood trickled out my nose, my cheek was bruised, my neck was throbbing and worst of all, my upper body was suffering.

"Please-please!" I begged but they had smirks on their mouths, somebody please help me. His leg slotted in between my legs, supporting my weight. I couldn't stand up because they abused my legs thoroughly. "Hm, I don't know–should we Noah?," He uttered. "Shall we have some more fun?" Noah's smirk grew wider and he nodded. Fuck you. Noah blocked the bathroom door with a chair (that was randomly there) and approached me. Liam stood up straight and I instantly fell on my knees. I whimpered and breathed harshly, lifting my head up slowly. There they were, satisfied and delighted on seeing me weak on my knees and glancing at them, my eyes screaming for mercy. "This will be fun–fun.." Noah mentioned, thrilled.

I knew what was going to happen.....

The bell rang and (almost) everyone groaned in annoyance.

We all settled down in our seats, we still had English this session since we didn't get to do it so often. I noticed that Billy hadn't come yet, probably late? "Ok do we have everyone here? Mhm–wait, where's Billy?" The teacher questioned everyone. No one answered because no one knew. "If he doesn't come in the next three minutes then—Steve will go look for him." I nodded but as time went by, Billy has been absent. "Steve go" the teacher pointed to the door, signalling me to get Billy. I left the room and started looking around. I looked everywhere, where the fuck is he? I peeked outside to see his camaro still in sight. I heard sniffles and sobs from the bathroom as I walked by. Which stopped me and made me walk backwards back to where I heard it. I opened the door cautiously and found Billy slumped against the wall on the cold tiles. My breath was hitching as I hastened my pace towards him. I fell on my knees and grasped his shoulder revealing–hickies!? "H-hargrove what the fuck happened!?" He opened his eyes and let a tear slip out of his ocean blue eyes. "He-the t-two boys.." He frowned. I slithered my arms around his waist and lifted him up still holding him. "They hurt you?.." I sighed angrily. I lifted his chin up so he could face me. I spotted a few white marks near his mouth "what are the white things on your face?" I asked gently but curiously. He looked like he had almost gagged "Hargrove, what are the white stuff from." Now starting to realise I widened my eyes "did they–did they rape you?.." His lips trembled and he nodded, breaking eye contact. What the fuck was the first thing that blew up in my mind. What was I going to do? Some ideas flew into my mind and I chose one of them. He stared at me blankly and shut his eyes, dropping his head on my firm chest. Shit.

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