Chapter 4 - Post-Winter Hunt

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It's now morning and the two slowly get up from their slumber, Kaya was the first to open her eyes, she feels the embrace of something warm behind her, and realized she is cuddling with Jason. His warm body made it comfortable for her, part of her wanted to stay with him and continue to sleep, but she knows her pack is likely worried about her, especially her father. Even though she is likely worrying family about her, she is still in trance with Jason's warm embrace. Finally realizing what is happening, she starts to blush very heavily. Jason is sound asleep with his arms wrapped around her torso, his arms nudging her boobas. Jason feels the movement and slowly stirred awake, realizing its Kaya, he decided to hug her tightly. Kaya feels his tighter embrace and blushes even more.

Jason: Mornin fluffy~

He says seductively. Kaya was startled at his words. Her bush was more apparent at this point.

Kaya: M-Morning...

She says embarrassed. He let go of her embrace and slowly got up. Kaya followed suit but notice that he was shirtless and only had his boxers on. At the sight, she blushed even more, so much she squealed at the sight, Jason immediately noticed and looked back at her, revealing his fit body. Jason smiled at her embarrassing position and decided to hug her, holding tight to her body and embracing her warm and fluffy body. Kaya tensed up at this gesture but embraced him as well.

Jason: You are looking beautiful today Kaya~.

He says seductively to her. As he expected, Kaya tensed up even more. He chuckled and let go. Getting new clothes for the upcoming day. Kaya just sat there staring at Jason with hearts in her eyes, not of lust...but of love.


Jason and Kaya are ready for the trip back to the den, Kaya with her equipment, and Jason with his. Right as Kaya was about to start walking towards her den, Jason halted her.

Jason: Wait, I have an idea to get there faster, and it would be useful for transporting the kills.

He says as he motions for her to follow him to his shed. Opening it reveals a Can-Am Defender 6x6.

(A/N: Similar to this but a four-door, they don't offer a four-door option but imagine that it does exist

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(A/N: Similar to this but a four-door, they don't offer a four-door option but imagine that it does exist.)

Kaya is confused about what she is seeing, she remembers seeing Jason's weird machines in his garage but nothing similar to this.

Kaya: What is this? It looks interesting.

She asks getting a little closer to the vehicle. Jason puts his equipment on the back of the bed.

Jason: Want to find out? I'll tell you more on the way.

He says while entering the UTV, and starting the engine, it roars to life. Once Kaya enters the vehicle and places her things on her lap. The blue UTV quickly zooms out of the shed, zooming across Jason's property and quickly entering the path Jason made to easily get to their den. Dodging tree branches and slowly crossing a small river they then make their way to the den.

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