Chapter 19 - Happily Married

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After the fiasco with the feline tribe up north, and Jason's family return back home south, Jason's family beforehand, said their goodbyes, and his mother, ever so extra, said a more extravagant goodbye to Kaya. Jason's father said his goodbye to Aponivi before he left for the den, with a firm manly handshake/pawshake, and Justin, Jason's brother, said his goodbyes to Kotori, who both bonded pretty greatly with their fondness for outdoor activities, Justin even introduced Kotori to the sport of Basketball, which Jason is now bothered by since he'd probably have to install a basketball hoop for Kotori to play with.

Time passed as everyone had already left, Jason and Kaya were back home relaxing after the somewhat stressful hike they were supposed to enjoy, Jason and she enjoyed their free time as the time off Jason acquired from work was about to end, and he had to go back, but in the back of his head, he remembers the words of his mother she said to him privately before she left. "You should propose to her, it's been long enough and Justin, your father and I all agree that you two are perfect for each other, both personalities match, and will love each other indefinitely. Please go out and get a nice ring for her, she deserves a life with you Jason. May God bless you both" She said as she hugged him.

As the two watch TV together, he ponders on the idea of proposing to her and hatches the perfect plan. He plans to set up a perfect night with her on the couch, it is supposed to snow later this month and they both love to watch the snow slowly and quietly fall, with a cozy fire in the fireplace, he plans to get the measurements of her finger while she sleeps, but make it into a necklace so she can wear it comfortably in her wolf form when she needs to. In his head, it's the most perfect plan, and Kaya wouldn't suspect a thing.

Time passes as it is already snowing a lot, they're calling for a blizzard later this week, bad enough that Jason's boss told him to prepare, he understands the distance might not be best for travel, but he's already quite caught up with his work so he'll allow him to stay in, Jason is thankful to him and he does indeed prepare, he buys some extra food and water in case they are bunkered in for longer. When Jason built the house, he assumed it might storm bad enough to lose power, so he bought a backup generator in case they do, so the fridge and freezer can stay powered in case, He has the fireplace and already cut enough wood to prepare, already had a large stockpile in the back room.

Jason cut so much wood to the point he offered to give wood to people in the town who were in need of it, to which they all agreed happily, even some paying him in return, which Jason tried to deny but they pressured him to take, in which he reluctantly did so. Kaya even noted that with this much wood, we wouldn't even need to use the heater in the house, Jason nodded. "I sometimes over-prepare for things that don't last long, guess I get it from my mother," he says as they both chuckle.

"At least we'll have more than enough for the entirety of winter," Kaya says as they both cuddle together on the couch. The fire in the fireplace is ablaze and is warming the room comfortably, the wood burns quite slowly so Jason doesn't have to resupply the fire often, Jason sets the couch toward the window so they both can watch the snow slowly fall, Jason has a playlist of songs that fit perfectly for this situation. The snow continued to fall as they both cuddled and kept each other company. Jason was screaming in his head, contemplating when the right time was to propose. As the sky grew darker, and the snow got heavier, Jason knew what to expect, he knew the power would go out, and already prepared candles to light up the house, he already had the fireplace and battery-powered lights, but he really wanted to set the mood, he told Kaya and she agreed, they both grabbed matches and lit the candles. And right as they were about to finish lighting the last of the candles, the lights flickered and turned off. "Jason-" Kaya spoke as Jason interrupted her. "Don't worry, I got that backup generator, should be kicking on soon." Right after he spoke, the generator kicked on and the power came back on, and so did the lights. "If you already knew the lights would be back on, why light candles?" Kays says as she sits back on the couch. "I feel like having candles and the fireplace for light would make it feel more cozy." Jason says as he turns off all the lights, "I already fueled the generator when it started snowing, I had a feeling it would start so I thought to be prepared." He explained.

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