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I'm back in my room, taking off my dress changing into a nightgown.

The room bell rang, I opened it and saw a man which I assume worked here holding a tray with a glass of champagne and a twenty dollar bills, "your order" he smiled, "I didn't order anything.. maybe you have wrong room" I said, "no it's your room", "no it's not" I tried closing the door, "She told me to bring it here" he lower his voice, "who told you" I know who, "I can't tell you, I'm sorry", "then I'm not taking it" I tried closing my door again but he said, "Ms.Venable" I smirked and took the tray in, "thank you" he nods.

The twenty was new, it's not the one that flown away, she properly saw that.

No note, no nothing just the dollars and champagne.

I down the champagne and get on with my night, thinking about her, she's insane, mad inane, stupid insane, crazy insane, insanely hot...

Stop it Vena, she's so mean. No don't stop girl keep going, no don't fall for her, yes do fall for her. My thoughts was louder than Lady Gaga screaming.


I woke up the next morning feeling like swimming, I jumped into a purple bikini, updo my hair.

Went up to the pool, the pool was there, the sky was also there, the restaurant from last night was right next to the pool, everything was there and she's there.

I pretend to not see her, walking pass her laying with her sun glasses on and a black nightgown with the same book in her hand, half ate croissant and black coffee sat beside her.

I put all my things on one of the table before letting myself drown into the pool, I was almost drowned but one of my leg save me, I definitely heard her laughing, "what" I glance at her, "what" she looked over to me, "what's so funny, care to share?" I raise my brow, "nothing" she turn back to her book.

This bitch, I would throw her in this pool right the fuck now.

I haven't been in a pool for so long, I drank pool water as if I haven't taste a drop of water at all. Bitch, you're not from a desert.

The water taste weird like a motherfucker's ass, I let myself float on the water, looking up admiring the blue sky, sun shine bright above me, bird flying high, then something landed on my forehead. I quickly wiped my hand over it, GOOD JOB BIRD, right on the spot. A white fresh shit chilling on my head.

"It's not Halloween yet" she sat up lower down her glasses, "fuck you" I said, she chuckled. While she was having so much fun seeing shit landing on me, another beautiful masterpiece made by a bird landed on her arm, "the cream supposed to be in the coffee" I choked on my laughter, she gagged rubbing away the shit.

"Funny, huh?" I got out off the pool, taking my things. "Very funny" she murmured, "enjoy your shit Ms.Redhead" I leaned down to her smirking, before left back to my room.

| FLAMETHROWER | Wilhemina VenableWhere stories live. Discover now