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"how's the shrimp soup?" she asked, the first dish she ever cooked I guess, "ohhhh that was really fucking amazing" I can still smell it.

"See I can cook" "I just don't do it you know but tonight I'm feeling like cooking for my one and only sweetheart" she said, sitting across me with the burned over cooked steaks beside her, she didn't even move a thing on that plate.

"mmmhmmm yeah Gordon Ramsey could never" I said and she laughed, "I know..."

"the steak look really good, you should try" It was me who cooked it, she look at the dish and back at me, "oh yeah yeah I forgot" my baby is about to eat burned steaks, "go on" I said.

She clear her throat before accept the first bite, she chewed smiling at me, I'm trying my fucking best to not burst out laughing, "good?" I whispered, she swallowed it and quickly down the wine, "Yes it's umm divine" she said it as if it's true, "really??" I put on a puppy face after forcing my Mina to eat my well cooked dish.

"Yesss you should try" "here" she brought it to my mouth, I looked at her nervously "open" I allowed it my mouth and quickly spit it out into a napkin, "Oh my god that's horrible how could you even eat" I drank out the the wine bottle.

"What do you mean? It got a very unexpected rich taste to it" she joked, "Don't eat it" I coughed.


"You kidding me??? I know how to cook a steaks better than anyone" I told her, "just watch me"

"Babe you can let me do it" Mina attempted to help, "nuh uh sit down" I point at her seat, "alright"

After 20minute "babe... it's kinda dark but I think it's fine I guess" I placed the steaks in front of her, "ohhh" she laughed and looked at me "what? It took me 20 minutes" I stare at her, "nothing it look really good"


"I'm fulled I think I'm gonna explode" I walk into the living room, but the light was turn off, candles was light up every corner of the house.

"what the-..." I saw the most stubby red rose bouquet on the couch, I went to pick it up.

Read the note on it,

                         for my one and only Vena x - W.V

A hand grabbed my shoulder, I quickly turned to face her, she handed out a tiny red box as she opened it, I gasped for air, I thought I'm going to pass out

"Vena, you are the most magical things that ever happens to me, you taught me how to love, before you I don't understand what real romance is. Anyone can buy flowers, candy, chocolate or jewelry, I've come to know that there's no love in that. The truly romantic things in life are those little things you do everyday, the precious moments I spend with you, you the only person I want to wake up to in the morning and the only one I wanna kiss goodnight, the first time I saw this hands I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them. My life started the day you crashed into my car, you never get out of my thoughts morning moon and night, you're always on my mind, and now that I've got you all to myself, the only thing left to do is getting married, so Vena Maramina will you marry me?" she took out the shiny diamond ring.

"BABY!!!! YESSSS YESSS YESSS A MILLION YESSS" happy tears rolled down my cheeks, she put the ring on my hand, it fit me perfectly.

"OH MY GOD!!! It's beautiful" I pressed my lips on her, she gave in. We melt into each other touch, "I love you Vena" she said through the kiss, "I love you Mina" she carried me up the stairs to our room.

Roses on the bed, roses on the floor, the sense of lavender was deliciously delicate.

She gently laid me down the bed, "say who I am" I whispered softly, "my wife" her voice, her, oh my lord I'm ready to die for her, I pulled her on top of me "it's like orgasm for my ears" I moaned, "oh really?" she kiss me hungrily while undressing me.

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