Chapter 8

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[08 The Grey Thing]

|| Your POV ||

   A tired sigh escaped you as you plopped down in your car seat, shutting the door and throwing off your uniform's visor. That man was the worst, you thought, recalling the angry man who had yelled at you at the drive thru. "Last time I ever work that position," you muttered, starting your car.

   The feeling of being watched remained, and had become worse since last night. The police had staked out at your house, and thankfully nothing had happened, but it did result in more paranoia and a crankier Uncle Luis from a lack of sleep.

   You tried to think about you upcoming date with Nico to make yourself feel better, but it was to little avail. Interestingly, your mind wandered to Jack afterward, and you wondered how he was doing. Probably a lot better than I am. You could not help but be disappointed in yourself that you never asked for a away to keep in contact with him last night at the party, but yet again, you had been drunk and upset with your friend, so the thought did not manage to cross your mind.

   Checking your texts, you noticed Vie had messaged you, wanting you to come and hang out at her apartment. Having nothing else to do and not wanting to be at your workplace for another second, you pulled out onto the road and started in the direction of your friend's home.

   Vie opened the door, letting you inside. "Took you long enough," she said with a light punch to your shoulder.

   You returned the gesture. "Didn't want to see your ugly face."

   She stuck her tongue out at you and moved past you, leading you to her room. You noticed the pile of textbooks stacked on her bed as soon as you entered. Your friend sat on one of the beanbags she had in front of her television and took up a controller. "Hope you like Dungeon Lurkers II," she said.

   You rolled your eyes, sitting in the other beanbag and picking up the other controller. "Hell no. The first one was way better."

   Vie snorted. "Okay. If you have trash taste, maybe."

   You put a hand to your chest, faking a stuck-up voice. "Well, I, obviously have the superior opinion when it comes to video games. You see, actually, I am a highly regarded editor of the official list of the top one-hundred best video games of all time. I have Dungeon Lurkers II ranked far below that list."

   Vie mimicked your voice as she booted up the game. "Oh, yeah? What place would that be?"

   "Three thousand, five hundred twenty point five."

   "Point five?"

   "Point five points better than Dungeon Lurkers III."

   Vie gasped, pretending to be offended. "How dare you—"

   The main menu's theme blasted about three times louder than it should have and the both of you jumped in your beanbags.

   Vie quickly turned the volume down. "I can hear my mother coming to beat my ass from here."

   You chuckled. "I used to get in trouble as a kid for staying up late to play games, too."

   "You didn't as a teen?"

   "Nope. Parents died."

   The both of you blanked, sitting in the awkward silence as the title card played on the screen. Perhaps there was a better response to her question.

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