Chapter 16

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 [16— Trigger Finger]

  "Vie told me about what happened with that cult! I knew something was up!"

   Nico was visibly trembling where he stood. You knew he'd never managed a gun, and it was obvious then in the way he held it, and you wondered where exactly he had even gotten it.

   "Step away from [Name]!" He said, seemingly trying his best to sound threatening, though the stammer was making it difficult.

   You shook your head, feeling the panic course through you. "No, Nico!" You exclaimed frantically. "You've got it all wrong!"

   Jack's knife was in his hands in an instant, moving toward your friend. You reached out to stop him, but Nico had beat you to it. "Come any closer to me, or to [Name], and I'll shoot you!" he threatened.

   Though you weren't sure he really had the guts to do it, you did not intend to make the risk, and it seemed that Jack did not either, as he stopped in his tracks.

   "Nico!" you yelled. "Listen to me! He—"

   "He was in a cult, [Name]! H-He's crazy! He's just trying to trap you! Hurt you!" Nico shouted back.

   "I— I—" What were you to say first? You were clueless on what to do to even stop the situation. "Nico, put the gun down!"

   "No, [Name]! None of us are going anywhere," he said. His breaths came out in fearful shutters. He was just as afraid of the situation he'd put everyone in as you were.

   You picked up on Jack's hand flexing against the handle of his knife. You only had so much time before one of them struck first. "I know you're just trying to protect me, Nico," you began, "but I need you to listen. Jack isn't what you think!"

   "What kind of person walks around in a cult mask with a knife, if not a cult member?"

   "This is just a misunderstanding!"

   Nico eyes darted between you and Jack. "Then what? Who is he, then?"

   "He's..." You were quick to trail off. You hadn't gotten the chance to get the truth out of Jack. The said masked man looked back at you, as if also awaiting your explanation, as if waiting for you to back him up. You fumbled for a lie, for your own scenario, but nothing could come out so quickly under so much pressure.

   "Exactly," Nico said to your silence. "You have no idea who this guy is. Not really."

   "Neither do you! Y-You don't..." You clenched your hands into fists. "You just jumped to conclusions with what Vie said!"

   Before you knew it, Jack was rushing toward you.


   A loud bang split through the air.

   Your heart skipped a beat as pain splintered through the side of your neck. Eyes widening, your body was a statue.

   Everything happened too fast. In a split second, Jack was on you, taking hold of your stiff form. His mask took up most of your vision. You heard him say your name, how distressed he sounded, but had taken a few moments to register it as you finally processed the fact that you had been shot. Nico had missed his target.

   Nico was just visible past Jack, his face screwed with terror and regret. His hand shook hard enough for his gun to slip out out of his hand and into the tall grass below. "Fuck... Shit...!" He managed out through his airy breaths. He staggered as he attempted to move closer. "[Name]— [Name]! I'm so sorry! I'm so—!"

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