Chapter 46

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No matter how important learning is, it is not something that must be done overnight.

So the next day, after opening his eyes, Zhao Qingqing said hello to Sister Qin in the same room, and he came early to help the first floor of the fifth floor.

The good thing about the first floor is that when they are stinging, there is no one underneath, and they don't bother others too much.

But even then, it's possible to argue with someone next door, or someone upstairs who is particularly sensitive to sound. Plus Zhao's tools are still rented, so no matter what they make, they need to be tight and fast.

So in the morning I went over there and saw the cranes folding inside. Zhao Qingqing did not ink with him, and quickly showed Zhao a few pictures she had found on the Internet before going to bed last night.

Zhao Hu looked down at her phone, saw something above, and repeated the question of consciousness: "Nordic log wind?"

Of course, while talking, he also subconsciously brought out from the large table fresh from behind him a breakfast he had just bought when he came.

"No matter what kind of Noreo and TEP, we're going to use this wood anyway, try to do as much as we can, and try not to waste it." Look at this wooden couch, isn't it the kind of backrest stool you're in the house where the owner just makes a piece of sponge and puts it on, and acts as a couch thing? And we put it in that hut, the shelf where we put our customers' things. And there's the kind of special bench that's in the room where the picture is taken, the kind that's wrapped in sponge and cloth, and we've got a few more. In this way, the sofa in the living room will not have to be bought in the future, and the shelf in the conference room will be saved. Even the eating table in this living room, we don't have to buy it, let's make it all ourselves. Zhao

Tsurugi they bought a lot of long boards and all kinds of short wood, like complicated cabinets or something, so that the ostrich folded must be for the tho. But to make that simple shelf, and the boxy table and stool or something, Zhao Qing feels like it can be done. So she carried the churros bag in her hand and sucked on the beans that Zhao Tsurugi bought and were still hot. Waving her fingers, she showed Zhao the picture she was looking for online, and said that in the future they could buy a color with wood and re-dye all the wood products.

"I'll see!"

Zhao Looked up at his girlfriend who was eating an early meal, after just seeing each other's lips. He quickly lowered his head and quickly flipped up the phone in his hand.

Zhao Qing was confused by his behavior, and after a quick reaction, she looked at Zhao With a smile. And the straw on the mouth sucked grunted, and the side of the mind watched the reaction of the crane.

After Zhao Crane was made to laugh by her deliberate grunting, he smiled helplessly. Then he looked up at a copy of the scriptures and said, "I feel that I can do all that you say!"

The so-called shelf is actually an enlarged version of the shoe shelf. The couch stool or something looks similar to yesterday's big table. So the zhao bird that was settled down gave Zhao Qing a particularly satisfactory answer.

"Then do it!"

Seeing zhao lu like this, Zhao Qingqing did not deliberately make a mistake, so he urged Zhao Lu to continue quickly.

Now they only spent money to buy four sets, one set needs more than a hundred regular desks and office chairs,

but if the bed, the table in the conference room, the shelf in the back, and the eating table in the living room and the couch are all made by themselves, they can indeed save a lot of money.

Now, since zhao tsurugi have brought wood and planks, it seems that they can also do it. Zhao Qing did not hesitate to do so, so he urged Zhao Hu to dry with him.

The two spent the whole day folding furniture that needed to be made by themselves.

As soon as they got busy, the two did not want those who did not have it, and their attitude and mentality were adjusted very quickly.

This time, these carpentry jobs are indeed the first time that Zhao Huang has really done it.

So as last night, When Zhao Tsurugi was doing it. Although sometimes he did it with the instructional video on his phone, he inevitably did something wrong.

But no matter how many times he did the wrong return to work, Zhao Qingqing did not punish him, nor was he in a hurry, and encouraged him normally.

The gradual zhao was not in a hurry, so he began to study it calmly again.

Studying, folding, gradually the pieces of furniture they needed, slowly took shape on the hands of the cranes.

Boxy eating tables, wooden benches with backrests, and high shelves for lots of things. There were also low benches that needed to be placed lower in the studio, and the osters were finally made. In the end, he even used the rest of the waste to get two headstands for the people in his room.

When Zhao Qing was busy, Zhao Qingqing helped all the time.

The two men made the hair shape of the furniture on the first day, and the next day began to use sand and rented sanding machines, and slowly polished and polished.

Everything, when you start doing it, there's a little bit of a sense of novelty and excitement. But the more you do, the more you will feel monotonous and tired.

The next day, when he looked up, he suddenly saw Zhao Qing, who was suffering with himself. Seeing that she had deliberately taken off her beautiful long skirt and short hump feather coat today, she deliberately wore flat shoes and old clothes and old pants to work on the light of the day. In Zhao's heart, he once again felt uncomfortable.

Just when the cranes once again drilled the horns and became silent again. Sitting not far from her, with gloves in her hands and sand paper, Zhao Qing, who was quickly polishing the table, suddenly opened her mouth again: "Zhao Huang, if you are admitted to college in the future, what major are you going to study?" Zhao Was

only sure to retake the gaokao a few days ago, and now he has only borrowed books to buy, and has not really started.

So at this moment, after hearing Zhao's light inquiry, he looked down slightly embarrassed. But then he looked up and looked at Zhao Qingqing, who was not far away, and replied with particular seriousness: "I especially like the architectural profession, especially the design of the houses inside." I felt like building a house and designing everything inside it myself was a particularly cool thing. But it's just a joy, and if one day I do get into college, I'll probably choose a finance major. Because I want to make money, I want to make a lot of money. For

a young person, most people who go to college should choose a major that they like to be interested in. Because a lifetime is too long, I can choose the opportunity I like to specialize in my life, and that is it once or twice. If you get it wrong, it's a lifelong thing. Therefore, when students finish the college entrance examination, most of them have enlightened parents and students who have plans for themselves, or even have no plans. They will instinctively let their children choose what they like, and students will instinctively choose what they are interested in.

Like Zhao Hu, it is very direct to say what you like, but for what reason you choose another one, it is really rare.

But from the beginning, Zhao He never regarded Zhao Qing as an outsider. So that kind of people who like architectural design, but for money, still want to choose a financial profession. He didn't care, and he told people far away especially bluntly.

Sure enough, Zhao Qingyi heard him answer this way, although he was surprised, but did not show too much of an expression of opposition.

She just took the sand and subconsciously continued to wipe the gradually smooth tabletop. Then he slowly smiled and said, "Finance is also a very good profession, as long as it is your own choice, no matter what you choose." In fact, it is all good, it is all your own choice. And I tell you, most universities can study a second major. In addition to this, college graduates, if you want to go to graduate school, you can also cross-professional. Graduate students can cross, master's degrees, doctors can cross. Even in the future, as long as you are interested, you can choose to silently learn the major you are interested in for a lifetime. Anyway, learning is a lifelong thing, as long as you think for yourself, you can learn the old in a lifetime. "

Zhao Qingqing's appearance at this moment is really too serious, too close, too gentle, too cute.

I feel really happy to have such a girlfriend and a green plum bamboo horse again.

So Zhao Que smiled and didn't speak for a while.

The two of them each did the work at hand, each smiling silly.

After a long time, Zhao Hu stopped the buzzing machine in his hand. Then he looked at his girlfriend again: "That light, if you get into college, what major would you like to study?" Or, what career do you want to pursue in the future? Both

young people who have not taken the college entrance examination so far and are still far away from school. Today is a thorough opening of the conversation box, and the road to discussion of the future has been thoroughly opened.

Compared to Zhao Hu's hesitation and slowness when he said his ideals and professionalism, Zhao Qingfu waved his arms back and forth to answer this question. The answer was not hesitant at all, especially the hammer interception and iron hammering: "I want to go to the best teacher university in our country, and when I come out of school, I will be a teacher from now on." But my goal this time is a bit big, I want to be a teacher in college. In this way, while doing what I am interested in, I should not be particularly tired. However, college teachers are not good, so I should still have to go to graduate school this time. "So in order to realize my ideals, when I was in college, I had to make a lot of money. In this way, no matter how many years I will study for future masters and doctorates, I can support myself without distraction, without pressure, and I will continue to read.

After saying the ideal Zhao Light, she thought in her head that in the future she would seize the gift of fate to her. Seize the opportunity of the rise of e-commerce, make a fierce profit, and let yourself completely achieve financial freedom. Then, after that, live without worry.

And as soon as Zhao Hu heard her say ideals, the whole handsome face seemed to be full of smiles at once. Even the pair of beautiful eyes that usually looked particularly large and charming were suddenly completely up and squinted.

Such a smile should be particularly ugly to put on the average person. But because of Zhao's youth and arrogance, he squinted his eyes like this without a look of jealousy, and he looked at the unexpected special infectious, especially the current age, and also felt particularly sincere. Anyway, Zhao Was thinking about things lightly, after suddenly seeing him laugh like this. Although the man had not yet spoken, she smiled with her for no reason.

"Light you this professional choice is good, I have been thinking you are suitable for teachers since before." If you are a teacher, you must be the best and gentlest teacher in the world. It seems

that since this year, Zhao Qingqing has liked to preach.

So after Zhao Gently said his ideals of professionalism and the future, Zhao Had a feeling that he was sure to be so. And she had a clear plan for her future, and Zhao felt very handsome, so he couldn't help but be happy for her.

"That's how I feel too!"

There is no one in this world who does not like to hear good words, and it is the kind of good words that they like the most and are most willing to hear.

Zhao, who attaches great importance to his profession and is very proud, laughs again when he hears Zhao's praise.

The two were blowing business here, and both were serious about each other's confidants.

Half an hour later, after Zhao Lightly and suddenly received Sister Qin's call, she could no longer laugh when she held up the phone.

"Light, did you hear me?" You look at our groups, and there are other people's Weibo hot searches, zhao hu seems to have suddenly become famous. Now the people who add our group have suddenly become much better. Originally, in the morning, someone in the group sent a picture saying that it was not your little boss. I recognized it, but it wasn't too much of a wait. I thought there was a stranger who casually photographed him, so I came over and asked. But now suddenly, more and more people are coming to our WeChat group. Every one of them who came in was inquiring about zhao bao, all talking about weibo hot searches. I felt that I could not contact you anymore, so I immediately called you. There are also a few of us who have been riding since this morning. Did you and Zhao Really not see anything at all? As

Zhao Qing gently held up the phone in a daze, Sister Qin's voice was getting louder and louder. It also seems to be getting more and more excited, and in the end it is simply a little hypertrophic.

"What happened to the light?"

When I saw my girlfriend answer a phone call, my face suddenly changed dramatically. Zhao Hu instinctively felt that it was inappropriate, subconsciously put down the things in his hands, and went straight over.

"I know Sister Qin, I'll take a look at it now!"

Zhao Qingqing did not tell Sister Qin that she usually handled things with their small group silence. Nor did it say that the zhao tsurugi in these two days may have been busy with work, and may have blocked all their groups, temporarily leaving everything to her. When it was time for the evening, he would go to Shen San's place to get the goods, and then he would deal with the matter of shipping and looking at samples.

My mind seemed to be thinking a lot for a while, and it seemed to be completely blank.

Looking up at the approaching Zhao Que in a daze, Zhao Zhao immediately opened his mobile phone Weibo directly.

As a newcomer to the Internet, she used to like to read Weibo. On weekdays, she even habitually looks at Weibo hot searches every day.

But since she met zhao again, she had to go out with zhao every five to take pictures and record a few videos. No matter how this kind of thing works, she has to dedicate two or three hours each time.

So in order to make up for the wasted time, she later deliberately reduced her time playing mobile entertainment.

Coupled with the fact that she has been busy renting a house with zhao hu and folding these things these things these days, where is the time to read Weibo.

Sliding his fingers quickly, he saw a headline at the bottom of Weibo: "The most handsome brother who has left the country is fresh and does not accept rebuttal!" After the special title, Zhao Light quickly clicked in.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Qing's expression at this moment was really a little too serious.

She rarely ignored herself, so at this moment, even if Zhao Qing didn't say a word, Zhao Hu instinctively felt that something should be wrong. So this time, without waiting for Zhao to answer lightly, Zhao Hu hurriedly closed his head to the past.

Then soon, he saw a picture of himself on his phone.

On the photograph are familiar streets, the neighborhood streets he has often seen in recent days, and rows of red and joyful lanterns specially hung up to celebrate the New Year. And in that patch of red, he was wearing a blue sweater and black jeans. He was looking up at the top of the stream, smiling at those things.

At a glance, Zhao Hao recognized himself, and in the moment, looking at this special social software called Weibo, he quickly understood what was happening.

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