Chapter 50

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In the freshly angry Zhao Light, now completely confused.

Standing beside her, zhao queer dressed in a small jacket, looked at her again and said, "The person I met today, when he heard me say this, showed a particularly shocked and surprised expression. Finally he told me that although I was married, the situation was indeed a little bit ominous, but he admired my honesty and courage. Saying that just by this, he felt that I was a very good person. I didn't know that at the time, and as soon as I thought of you, I said it to him directly.

But if I change my tune now, starting at least in Yizhou, I should be out of the game. After all, the person who lied the first time I met, even if he had admired me before, he might not like it afterwards. So I thought, it's not as light as if we were actually married. Since you like me, I like you too. Since we are all going to decide to be together later, why don't we just get married early? Zhao

Bao, who rarely speaks in ordinary times, but is particularly able to speak at key moments, once again speaks loudly.

Zhao listened unconsciously for a long time, and after a long time, she responded, and hurriedly retorted: "I don't like you, and even if we both want to get married, we can't get married now, right?" "Don't

like me, will you buy me a phone?" Don't like me, you would urge you to want me to go to college? Don't like me, will you consider worrying about my future? Don't like me, you will accompany me to do so many things? Don't like me, why are you obviously unhappy when you see that hot search during the day today? And, you took the initiative to kiss me! Feel

the lightness of this time, the cuteness of the simple and strong words.

So Zhao Hu didn't put up with it either, and said a lot at once.

Zhao Zhao, who was suddenly retorted by him, did not speak again. After turning her head to look at him, she quickly increased her pace.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Hao also subconsciously followed.

He was 1.85 meters tall, and almost all legs were under his neck. So just a few steps, he caught up, and now walked fast and light. Of course, they also quickly passed the handsome beauties who stood on the road, all kinds of concave shapes.

"And lightly, you are not confused, we could have been married a long time ago." You say that even if we want to get married, we can't get married. That doesn't mean that if we can get married, we're going to get married. Now that you have misremembered this matter, do we want to get married? Trust me lightly, marry me, and I will certainly not let you eat. I used to be ignorant and always made you angry, but I certainly won't be able to do it later. I have already sworn to this.

After chasing Zhao Qingqing in front of him, Zhao Hu turned around and fell backwards to talk to Zhao Qingfu.

"You turn around, walk well, don't accidentally fall down!!"

The teacher's preaching psychology reappeared in Zhao's mind at this time. Seeing Zhao Hu walking backwards, Zhao Light thought about it without thinking much, and Li Ma reached out to pull Zhao's arm.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Tuo tended to put his hand out. Then it became, and the two walked hand in hand again.

Just suddenly restrained, Zhao gently and subconsciously struggled twice.

But when he saw the thick-skinned Zhao Hehe smiled, he just wouldn't let go. In the end, Zhao Qingqing ignored him and let him hold on.


Zhao Bao, who had just been talking with a joking attitude, suddenly calmed down again at this time.

Putting away the deliberate hippie smile, slowly, he clenched the fingers of Zhao Qing's right hand. Suddenly tense up again, I was a little overwhelmed again.

Then on the pedestrian path on the outskirts of Pelican City, where there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, after leaving the red and bright red light area behind. Zhao Hu was on the dim street illuminated by street lamps, and slowly opened his mouth again: "Light, marry you, I am particularly serious." If there is no accident today, then the matter of marrying you, I certainly will not be in such a hurry. I'm sure I'll wait until we're both in college and have a certain financial foundation, and then I'll find the right time to propose to you. When someone proposes rings and flowers, I will definitely buy them. If it were possible, I would ask a few people to help us testify. Anyway, I'm sure I'll do my best to make you happy.

But now things can't help but think like I used to. Light, no matter what happens, I don't want to be separated from you. The thought that we might suddenly separate because of what is happening now makes my heart uncomfortable. So today, when I met the agent named Fang Yizhou, when the other party wanted to inquire about my emotional situation and ask us what kind of relationship we had, I directly said that you are my wife. Is it okay to gently forgive my selfishness? Please don't just want me just because of such a thing? If we're together, whether it's a breakup that someone else says or a private relationship, it's not what I want, and it's not fair to you.

So I thought about getting married, so we took advantage of this opportunity, is it really good to get married? We've been through so much that I can't believe our future will be worse than before. So let's not think things too complicated, we get married, and then let me use my married identity to go to that circle, okay? I know that this circle is actually not as bright and bright as people see. But at least for me, it was indeed an opportunity to change my destiny completely. So I want to try, I don't want to give up. I want a career, and I don't want to give up on you. So lightly, you can pity me, don't let me have any regrets. Let me be a winner both professionally and emotionally, and don't let me leave any regrets, okay?

For Zhao, Zhao Used to Use the Word "Ask."

In the past, when thinking about that word, Zhao Hu had a thought about how he could think of this word, how he could make himself so humble.

But no matter what he thought at the time, after he really saw Zhao Qing again. Zhao Hu hugged her at the time, a word that he felt inappropriate and somewhat embarrassed, and he said it easily.

And because of his last experience, this time he would never say these pitiful words to outsiders, he still said them to Zhao lightly and without hesitation.

For a long time, I didn't know where it was wrong. Anyway, it seems that since returning from his hometown after the last new year, Zhao Qing looked more mature than before. When she was facing herself, she was sometimes cold-eyed. But sometimes, when he has done something wrong, or when he wants to do something. She gave Zhao another kind, and the other party kept staring at him and kept examining him. When he does something wrong, the other party will definitely educate him and will certainly enlighten his feelings.

All that he thought of, in the end, came true.

Maybe it's because she wants to be a teacher, or maybe it's because her ideas are really a little bit worse than his.

Anyway, when the two were together, Zhao Yu found that Zhao Qingqing had a little bit of a brother as a son.

She always said that she didn't want to care about him and let him decide everything.

But when he made a mistake, she must have jumped out and was the first to correct it.

And if he wants to make the other party feel bad and make himself miserable, he will definitely make the other party feel sorry for him.

He broke with his family, and as soon as the other party heard the news, he immediately appeared in front of him again.

He was suddenly "resigned" by his former boss, and Zhao gently scolded the unscrupulous capitalist, and Lima took him to rent an apartment.

He went back in business and didn't have enough money on him. She immediately took him and bought him a computer and a camera.

He developed a yearning for college, and bitterly showed that he also wanted to study and want to make progress.

The man he liked didn't have anything at allThere is hesitation. Lima took him to the library to select books, and Lima decided to take him to move back to a new place.

At that time, when his money is not enough again. The other party immediately paid his own pocket and paid him half a year's rent.

He was reluctant to pay for the brand new furniture and tables and chairs and benches, and he was too expensive to buy second-hand. When she found the table and stool he made himself, because of the pain of his heart, the other party kissed him for the first time.

She could come back again, she took care of him again, she took him back to rent a house. She took out her own small group again and let him do business again. He bought himself a computer and a camera, she took herself to the library and agreed to take him to college with her, and she spent her own money to rent him a big house again. And she kissed him in the middle of the night, in a moment of excitement.

Everything is based on her heartache.

In Zhao Qing's body, Zhao Knew What it was that a real crying child had candy to eat.

Also know, a woman. Even if it is a little sister who is younger than him, as long as it really hurts him. It will be particularly good for him, and it will give him something that he has not thought of at all before.

So at this moment, even if such a self seems to be a little despicable, it seems to be a little looked down upon. It's also like I really made myself particularly humble and poor.

But knowing that the other party eats this, Zhao Bao still prays in the most humble way. He still used some pitiful words that people might be embarrassed to hear, and directly prayed for the lightness around him. He then stripped zhao of all his thoughts, saying that he really didn't want to let the other person go, he wanted to have a career and she, and he wanted to have it.

What was originally some exaggerated rhetoric, in the end, Zhao Hu said more and more sincerely.

In the end, Zhao He couldn't tell whether he was playing tricks or whether he was really sincere.

Anyway, the last time Zhao Gently left, Zhao Hu didn't want to experience it again.

Anyway, since the last time he had fallen out with his family. He went back to the house to pack his luggage, saw the text that Zhao Qingqing left for him, and the mobile phone left for him was up. He secretly swore that in this lifetime, from now on, there would be only Zhao Qingqing, a relative who really cared about him. When he finds the other party again, he will definitely seize the opportunity and never let the other party go again.

Since he grew up, he has always been only a light and light person who really cares about him.

The other party will buy him Coke, will buy his favorite Coke, mention it and put it in the refrigerator.

When the two of them go to the supermarket, they will give him bags of various balls that he likes to eat. Even if it is a simple noodle, he will put a few balls.

Since he came out to work, his food was used, and his parents never cared about it again.

But when the two were shopping, whether it was before or before, Zhao Qingqing would subconsciously buy him something.

The best jeans he had ever worn, the long coat he had to wear when he went out in the fall, were all bought for him by Zhao Qing. Later, the two of them went into business, as long as they tried on really good clothes. Zhao Qing would throw the dress they had worn directly to him, saying that he was wearing it very well, and that he would not put it in for others. So that now, he has never lacked all kinds of beautiful clothes on his body.

Buy him something he likes and dress him up as a spirit of the gods.

Teach him how to do business, how to make videos and deal with pictures. Tell him what kind of boy is the most attractive.

When he revealed the idea of reading, he did not hesitate to take the people he prepared, and there was never only one person.

In Zhao Qing's body, Zhao Can appreciate the long-lasting care and peace of mind. Around her, he could truly feel the sense of happiness of being cared for, being hurt, and being cared for. So such a person, how could he easily let go.

In order to retain Zhao Frigid, Zhao accustomed to speaking soft words, habitually selling.

Listening to his words and watching his dismal reaction, Zhao Qingqing did feel unwell and distressed as before.

In Zhao Qing's eyes, Zhao Should be a particularly calm, powerful and capable being. So when Zhao Hao now showed a bitter and miserable look, listening to what he said, he didn't want to be separated from her, and he didn't want the two to have no relationship in the future. How could Zhao Qingqing not be distressed, how could he not feel it.

"But the age of the two of us is really not right, even if we want to get married, we should be 22 and 20 years old, it is a little too early."

Having been confused and accidentally confused by Zhao, today, Zhao Qingqing can only soften his attitude.

"Aren't you 20 and 18? How 22 and 20 years old!

At first, Zhao Washuo suspected that Zhao Was lightly unwilling to marry himself, so he deliberately mispronounced the legal age of marriage.

At this moment, after realizing that Zhao Qingqing seemed to be really mistaken, Zhao Huang finally let go and had been holding Zhao Qing's hand. Then Li Ma took out his mobile phone and looked down at the scene.

"Can't I really get it wrong?"

After all, I wore it, and there were so many things in this world that were exactly the same as in the previous world. Therefore, for everything in this world, Zhao Qingyi is in accordance with the habits of the original world.

At this moment, zhao hao opened the baidu of this world, and checked it solemnly.

Zhao Qing felt nervous and panicked, so he stretched out his head and rushed to the front of Zhao's mobile phone.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the pedestrians on the street soon became less and less. Only a variety of cars and a few large rows in the distance continue to be hot.

After moving away from the red light fence area behind, in this relatively dim area with only street lights.

Zhao Qing and Zhao, like two idiots, put their heads together in the middle of the night to watch Baidu.

When I saw the legal age of marriage when I left the country, it was really 20 years old for men and 18 years old for women. Zhao Hu shook his head wide-eyed, motionless, silent, expectantly looking at Zhao Lightly.

Obviously, it was under a dim street lamp, and it was obviously in the uninhabited street that was not very bright.

But when the head of the crane was serious and looked at himself motionlessly. Zhao Qing lightly saw all his emotions through his cat eyes that seemed to be shining in the dark night.

Those eyes now seem to really speak. It seems to be saying again: "Look, look, now see what you say?"

Zhao Qingqing was stared at by him like this, and only felt Alexander.

But deep inside, not knowing what was going on, she seemed to be really a little bit of a rush to agree.

"Let's talk about this matter later, after all, it's a big deal!"

At the critical moment, sanity is greater than the rush, and in the end, even if there is a face of expectation, the eyes are shining. Zhao Qingqing also reached out and pushed aside the misty face that he was almost about to pour over, but it quickly calmed down.

"Well, after all, it's a lifelong thing, so think about it."

There was a hint of disappointment in his eyes, but on his face he was still doing something empathetic.

The two rubbed for a long time, and finally took out the printer and the notebook they had taken for a long time.

When the two were talking together and going downstairs, just out of the unit door of their own building, a big man suddenly jumped out of the door.

"You're dead—"

As soon as the man in the night made a sound, Zhao Lightly recognized the other.

Those who are subconscious in the other party reach out and pull to their own collars, and when they see each other lightly, they subconsciously freeze.

The zhao bird holding the printer next to him suddenly flushed over, and then involuntarily lifted the man who had made the bread in front of him to a solid foot.

"Light, run!"


The man who wanted to drag the light one obviously didn't expect the osterike to come here. When he was solidly kicked into his abdomen, he covered his sensitive part. Then he inhaled the rough air, twisted his facial features, and suddenly split his legs and knelt down.

Reacting to Zhao Qing, Li Ma ran directly with the zhao bird holding the printer.

The two of them ran rapidly in the dark village of Locust Tree.

After running out of the small village where the cranes had been living for four months, Zhao Qingcai looked back breathlessly: "You didn't hear it, is that my father?"

Even if Zhao Qingqing didn't kiss her father since she was a child, even if it was a lifelong child or this life, the other party was a light nightmare-like existence. But the strange thing is that as long as you hear the voice of the other party, you only need to see the figure of the other party. Even if the other party only made a little sound, only coughed once. Even if he wears very ordinary clothes and hugs himself tightly. As long as Zhao Qingqing hears a little sound from the other party, as long as he sees the approximate outline of the other party's body, he can miraculously recognize the other party. It is precisely because of this that I just heard the voice of the other party and suddenly saw the people rushing out around me. Because of the unexpected shock and long-term fear, she was still subconsciously stunned.

Thinking that Zhao Hu did not recognize the other party at all, Zhao Qing was busy confirming.


Zhao Said he didn't recognize it, that he thought he was treating the other party as a second-rate man and a robber who came out in the middle of the night.

But watching Zhao look at her breathlessly, asking him in particular seriously what he looked like.

Before the lie habit is about to be exported, the ghost makes God send, and the zhao bird still tells the truth: "I actually recognize it, but I know that you certainly don't want to see each other." Coupled with the fact that he did that kind of dress in the middle of the night in the dark, before he could say much to reveal his identity, I went straight to my feet! The

zhao crane holding the printer wanted to kick the other side of the waist.

But as soon as the cheap dad turned around, it inexplicably became where to kick.

That part is the most sensitive part of a man.

Thinking of himself at once, he may have completely offended the old man, and Zhao Hu was a little worried at this time. And either way, the other side is Zhao's light father. Feeling that way may leave too much of an over-expression in Zhao Qing's eyes. Therefore, while holding the printer and flying forward, while answering quickly, Zhao Hu carefully observed Zhao's light expression.

He thought that he was so young and old, undisciplined and disrespectful, and that the younger would have some opinion on him.

But at this moment, he saw Zhao Qing, who was carrying a computer bag, and suddenly laughed in the dark of night.

Zhao's light laughter was originally that kind of restrained, very secretly happy, hehe smile.

But gradually, she seemed to be unable to restrain herself. The sound grew louder and louder, and it became a very obvious haha sound.

"You, you don't see how funny his expression was when he was holding that part. That, his action, is exactly the same as the one staged on TV, haha, hahaha!

A sentence was laughed at with a bent overshoot, said intermittently.

Holding the small printer in his hand on one arm, laughing softly, if as he had expected. Laughing at the east and west looking a little unsteady, Zhao Guoguo reached out to support her.

"I didn't mean it, I wanted to take advantage of his lack of identity, solve him quickly, and take you away quickly."

In his own family, as well as in zhao's family, Zhao Has been taught.

Now he no longer wanted to be a multi-disciplinary peacemaker, knowing that Zhao Qingqing's desire to stay away from his father's mind had always been true. So this time, Zhao Hu was actually subconsciously thinking about what Zhao Was doing with a light mind.

At this moment, I saw that I seemed to be really right. When Zhao Hu was helping Zhao to speak softly, there was also a trace of pride and joy in his voice, and there was no worry at all.

"Kick it, kick it, if you don't kick him, God knows what he's going to do later."

The law and education of the Huaxia people are like this, as if the father has roughly manipulated the child, and it is the right thing to do. And if the children rebel, they suddenly become rebellious.

Obviously, this person does not have the slightest nurturing grace for himself. In those years of childhood, Zhao Qingqing did not have the slightest memory of the other party's good feelings for himself.

But just such a man, he squandered his own money, he grabbed her on the road and slapped her twice. Even if Zhao Qing lightly reported to the police, the police were actually biased toward him.

In a word, the other party is your father no matter what, and he has given birth to you. All of a sudden, Zhao Xiao, who had great confidence in the police and the police at that time, suddenly understood.

So in the time that follows, she doesn't fold those who don't have it. Just don't meet with the other party, just let the other party prosecute.

The way the law gave her the oldest was that she gave the other side five hundred pieces a month. The other was indeed her father, and indeed gave birth to her. So later, the five hundred pieces of so-called child support, she kept coming out. But for anything else, she visited him at home at least five times a year. For that one, Zhao gently cares about it.

And the situation at that time was that she did not give the other party alimony, and the other party could indeed use the weapon of law to force her to give money. But look at people, even if she doesn't go, the law can't treat her like that. So later, the zhao of five hundred pieces per month was still very good.

The result of her struggle was this for the elderly.

Call the police, the police can not manage the so-called family affairs. And people also said that the father gave the daughter two slaps, which is not enough for domestic violence. The father took thousands of pieces of his daughter, which is not a robbery. So in the end, Zhao Qingqing has been eating huanglian and endured.

Fight with people, the man is after all a middle-aged man in his forties who has been working for many years. Even if zhao qingqing is re-whipped, it is not the other party's opponent. Moreover, the other party is indeed the person who gave birth to him and raised him, and under the influence of traditional education, even if he resents that person, Zhao Qingqing really can't do anything to fight with others.

So in the end, against her bloody father. In fact, Zhao Qingqing had always felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he always felt that even if he only gave him five hundred pieces, it was actually the feeling of cheaper than the other party.

To that person, she actually had an uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling in her heart.

At this moment, after Zhao He gave the other party a foot, he thought of the other party's twisted cheeks, his hands covered, and he couldn't say a word. Zhao Qing was so happy that he couldn't control it, and he couldn't help but laugh in the dark of night without an image.

She was in the dark, twisting and turning, laughing uncontrollably.

As Zhao He supported himself and followed by a silent smile, Zhao Qing's heart was suddenly relaxed.

So this time, when the two of them passed the beautiful red light fence again.

See here, now there is no one. Seeing a few large rows of files in front of me, there is no one outside now.

When Zhao He smiled, he helped her with one hand and held the small printer that weighed seven or eight pounds in the other. Zhao lightly looked left and right, and then again without warning, he pulled her closer again.

Both had an experience of how to kiss.

So this time, when the happy Zhao Qing was approaching again.

Zhao Hu hugged the printer in his hand, then leaned over and lightly rushed over to Zhao himself.

The two men's brains, in the darkness, finally came closer little by little.

Illuminated by the red lanterns above, the two of them each held a small printer and a black computer bag. Lips to each other, each other to feel the unique temperature and breath of each other's bodies.

In such an atmosphere, Zhao Huang seized the opportunity on time and proposed marriage again in time.

Zhao gently raised his eyes, motionlessly looking at the Zhao Crane, who was particularly good at grasping the time machine.

She looked motionlessly with a scrutinizing look, at the obviously particularly clever Zhao.

After a long time, I saw Zhao Gong, who had been smiling, and a trace of tension appeared on his face again.

Even he pressed his lips against his own, his breathing a little short. Suddenly, Zhao Lightly felt that he had no more such consideration and scrutiny, as if it was meaningless.

Then, with regard to such a big thing as marriage, in the end, Zhao Qingqing was in such an atmosphere, just under the chase of Zhao Gong who obviously seized the opportunity, he directly nodded his head and agreed.

When she nodded, Zhao Hu was holding the small printer in one hand and the other around her waist, directly picking her up.

At that time, Zhao Qingqing did not know how he did it.

But in the darkness of the night, he was suddenly hugged by his waist, and his head suddenly hit the red light above. Look down at the printer in your left hand and your own crane in your right hand. Zhao Gently held the black notebook bag of Zhao Hu, and indeed had a feeling of being particularly happy.

This night, the two men who went out at twelve o'clock in the evening to get their notebooks did not finally return until two o'clock in the evening.

When he returned, Zhao Hao smiled and quickly reinstalled the printer.

Zhao Qingqing went to the Shen family's eldest and second eldest with a smile on his face and went to see their statistics.

If it is only seventy or eighty shipments, the so-called data is not difficult at all.

But today's shipments, it is estimated that there may be tens of thousands of pieces, so the situation. Shen Da Shen, who did this for the first time, was afraid that he would make a mistake and would make mistakes in the customer's address information, telephone number and order information. In today's situation, their reproduction will be checked again immediately. In this way, the speed is naturally slower.

In this case, although Zhao Light approached. The two serious people saw the exaggerated smile on Zhao Qing's face this time, and they also thought about it more, and they didn't bother to talk to Zhao Qingqing again.

So in the end, Zhao And Zhao was extremely excited. The people who were busy making money, including Sister Qin and Shen San, who were familiar with them, did not actually notice.

Even if you say that you stay up late to do data, people can't really not sleep at all.

Later, at half past two, Zhao And Zhao were light and urged everyone to go back to rest and wait for tomorrow.

There was a house rented by Shen San nearby, and the three brothers of the Shen family naturally went there.

Here, Sister Qin went back to get the quilt once, waiting for the thing to be taken down. She found that Xinxin had woken up unexpectedly, so in the end, Sister Qin took Mother Shen, who had coaxed the child today, to the place where she rented in Jiuzhu. Let Mother Shen hold the child and sleep in her bed. As for Shen San's girlfriend, after all, there will be classes tomorrow, and they will already leave.

Now when everyone was looking for a place to sleep, according to Sister Qin's words, she wanted to squeeze it lightly.

"Then I went to my room with my sister Zhao to sleep, so you can use Xiao Xinxin's quilt to squeeze it here."

Because Zhao Hao had nothing here, if he wanted to sleep, it seemed that he could only use the quilt that Sister Qin had just taken down.

But that quilt was so big, it didn't feel like Xinxin, it felt like Sister Qin's own.

But now, in such a situation, the other party has to live in her own house, and her baby also slept in the new bed of Zhao For a day. This time is no longer the time to count these.

So in the end, under Zhao Hu's inexplicable and a little aggrieved expression, Zhao Qingqing still took Sister Qin out of the new rental house to Jiuzhu.

When I went upstairs, I thought about the inexplicable performance of Zhao Que Cai. Think about the situation of the quilt on the other side of the zhao.

During sleep, Zhao Gently simply sent a message to Zhao Hu again. Let him pick up the quilt and give him his own quilt.


Seeing zhao lightly so tormented in the middle of the night, he used to just hate others. Now Sister Qin, who seemed to have been abandoned by others, could only shake her head helplessly and smile bitterly in the end.

Twisting and turning back and forth, at the end, Zhao Tsurugi went to sleep under the light quilt and a small mattress.

Zhao Qingqing, on the other hand, lay on his own bed and slept with one of his own summer cool.

As for Sister Qin, it was difficult to cover her own quilt and lie down to sleep beside Zhao Qing.

Today's whole day is really too tired, so in the end, it is difficult for everyone to fall asleep.

In the middle of sleep and half awake, Zhao Qingqing found that his phone flashed again.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, I found that it was zhao's message, and the other party first provoked her to say that her quilt was very smelly. Then the conversation changed, saying that she should not forget to get her certificate tomorrow after breakfast.

Bowing his head and laughing in the darkness, thinking of all that had happened today, thinking about the last unexpected foot of the Zhao Tsurugi. Zhao thought lightly for a moment, then raised his hand to reply with a "good" word. Finally, Zhao Gently turned off the phone directly, then put the phone aside and slowly closed his eyes.

One night of unexpected dreamlessness, the next day Zhao Light lightly got up at seven o'clock like usual.

Seeing Sister Qin next to her and Shen Mom and Xinxin in the opposite room sleeping, Zhao Gently and quietly got up with Mimi. Then she seriously folded in the room and put herself on the clothes she was currently doing. It was a rare makeup, covering his slightly floating eyes, and then he went down the stairs lightly.

By the time she came out of the nine-block unit door, Zhao Was already waiting below on time.

The clothes on his body were also changed, apparently back to the village of Locust Tree, and he changed his clothes specifically.

Looking at his same late-night but unusual spirit, Zhao Qingqing silently complained in his heart, and then he gave the bag on his body to The Crane.

"Did you get your ID card?"

Last night was so excited that I only slept for two hours. As soon as I got the bag, I subconsciously asked.


Zhao nodded slightly embarrassedly, and then she smiled and let Zhao Hu hold her hand.

When the two went out this time, they took a taxi.

As for where to go to get a certificate, Zhao He had already checked the place.

Then on the 25th of the last month of 14 years, on a holiday that seemed to be called Western Christmas, the calm zhao lightly and the zhao who should not have married now. Just by relying on a visa to leave the country, the ishida civil affairs bureau here is easy, and the one is easily married, and it becomes a real legal couple in the legal sense.

To be honest, marrying at will in this way feels incredible even to Zhao Qingqing himself.

But now it is Zhao Hu who is married to her, and she should be the only one in this world who should know the roots. It is the only person she cannot rest assured of until now, the only person who has fantasized about a real life. So even though it feels rushed and risky, it feels casual and risky. But in the end, Zhao Qingqing still planned to take a real risk, and also rushed crazy. For Zhao, Zhao lightly thought about not caring about reason and reality for the time being, and really taking a risk.

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