𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺

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The next day you woke up to the dwarfs talking and discussing something downstairs. Your first thought was to ignore everything and continue your dreaming but after not succeeding you gave up and started to listen to the conversation downstairs.
>>That thing yesterday almost killed her! Who knows what could've happened if it wasn't for me!<< seems to be Arthur. But what thing was he talking about? Yesterday seemed to be peaceful.
>>Well it didn't right? And besides you TRIED to save her and failed miserably.<< So he was arguing with Merlin about some 'thing' that almost killed someone, probably Snow. >>Oh shut up you weren't even there!<< Jesus if the house wasn't on top of a mountain they'd probably wake a whole village by now. >>Can you two stop for once?!<< Hans joined in. >>Pardon me, but I gotta ask. We want to help Red Shoes and Red Shoes only but what is that other girl doing in our house?<< Ok now they really got your interest.
>>I actually wanted to talk to you about her Merlin! Not did you just come home with a girl without telling us a little thing, but you just let her stay!<<
>>Woah woah it got dark and I let her stay! Besides, you're talking as if she's some sort of monster or even a witch! Does she look like a witch to you?!<<
>>I have to agree with Merlin, there is no way a girl like her can be a witch.<<
>>And still, Red shoes needs our help, this girl didn't talk to any of us yesterday, she doesn't need our help.<< Arthur tried to sound relaxed but you could've sworn you heard his eye twitch-
>>Oh don't go there Arthur! I know for a fact that you don't want to help Red shoes because she needs help.<< Okay what the hell are they talking about?!
>>Oh and besides you don't know if Green shoes needs help. I found her next to the castle ruins of King White and she seemed like she had nowhere to go. So sorry for being kind enough to help her!<<
Okay you certainly didn't want them to argue over you sleeping here so you stood up, fixed up a little and went downstairs.
>>Look Merlin I'm not trying to say you can't help people, but you know that right now we have our own problems to deal with! And Red Shoes just happens to be perfect for our little plan that we discussed!<< Arthur stated.
>>What Plan?<< Merlin jumped from hearing your voice behind him so sudden, and the others did too actually. Man, you really have to do something about those sudden appearances behind people's backs.
>>It's really none of your business...<< Arthur said shoving Merlin aside. >>Well I was asking him.<<you pointed at Merlin who had a smirk on his face now, knowing that you wanted to talk to him out of everyone else made him feel a little better to be honest. >>And besides, your Plan sounds very shady so if you plan on using an innocent girl for your own goals then-<<
>>Like I said, it's none of your business! And don't say it like that, you make it sound so weird!<< did that 3'2 inch of a dwarf just interrupt you?!
>>Hey look I'm just trying to see if you're some weirdo or not.<<
Arthur didn't want to argue and you didn't want either actually. So you just went outside on a walk, something you used to often do when you lived in the castle. Merlin followed you like a little chicken.
>>Coming with me?<<
You didn't really walk actually. You just went to the backyard to watch the sunrise, it was warm but the wind was cold wich made you feel comfortable enough to sit down. >>Sorry I caused you trouble.<< you apologised as soon as you both sat down. >>Nah, it's fine. Besides I'd get into any kind of trouble for you.<<
For a second you saw him literally melting and staring at you.
>NOTHING! I mean- I would gladly get into trouble if it means I get to help people...<<
>>Um...okay...<< ok that's a little awkward, cute, but awkward.
>>So what's the plan you guys have been talking about?<< he frowned for a second, then sat up straight at started talking.
>>Well, I'm sure you heard of the fearless seven right? So umm...that's u-<<
>>Hey Merlin! We're leaving in 10 Minutes! Go get ready!<< seems to be Jack looking for him.
>>Welp I guess this gotta wait till next time.<<
Merlin looked a little disappointed but didn't protest, he got up waved and ran inside. You still sat there. Enjoying the sun that was almost up already, the sky wasn't that orange anymore. But you were still curious. You've figured by now that Merlin and the others are the fearless seven. But that's it, and you still had some questions. Why do they need Snow and why do the heroes of fairytale island look like tiny grapes? Not that you judged but still. And the questions from yesterday still bugged you. Gosh the questions were piling up and no answers yet. Well, one thing is for sure, you'll keep a close eye on the dwarfs and Snow for now. You stood up brushed the dust off of your clothes and went inside.


Ladies and gentlemen, I did it. Two updates and they're not 5 months apart 😀
Anyways I'm rlly motivated rn and I hope it stays that way
Love y'all ✌️

ꕤGreen shoesꕤ 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/red shoes and the seven dwarfs ffWhere stories live. Discover now