Chapter 13

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>>So, you're Snow White, your father, King White disappeared  and now you're trying to find him? Alright ummmm...<< Merlin was speechless, all this time it was Snow White.
>>Wait, didn't the family have two kids?<<
Bingo, Two.
Snow told her part, it's your turn now.
But you wanted to tell him somewhere private. You didn't mind your sister but she didn't know about the kiss and all that stuff, you wanted to tell her another time.
>>Where is your sister?<<
Snow didn't answer, she just looked at you and tried not to make it obvious. You knew by the look on her face that she was asking for permission to tell him. No gave her a no, you should be the one to tell him. But no matter how much you tried to hide the uncomfortable expression, Merlin noticed.
>>Green Shoes, you okay?<<
>>That's...<< You tried to find the right words, you really wished you could get some more time to think of a better way to tell him. But in the end it's better to just hit him with it.
>>That's not my real name.<<
Merlin's eyes widened a little, but he got himself together soon after. >>Gosh I really thought that you were about to say something serious.<<
>>That's not all-<<
Merlin interrupted you.
>No no no I totally understand. We are a bunch of strangers I wouldn't trust my green self too. You just had a face as if you were a witch or even a gremlin under a beauty spell as well!<< he giggled at the last part.
But you didn't laugh. In fact, when Merlin said the last part your face frowned even more. Now you were really scared.
>>Alright you guys...I'll leave you alone for a moment.<< Snow felt that she had to go now and leave you some privacy so she got up and disappeared behind some trees. And the second she was gone Merlin was human again.
>>Merlin.<< you sounded serious and yet scared. He stopped smiling, getting a bad feeling in his chest.
>>My name is Y/n. Y/n Snow.<<
>>You're Snow White's sister?<<
>>Half sister. I'm the daughter of King White's second wife, Regina.<<
Merlin's brain clicked. But he wanted you to confirm that.
>>What are you on about?<<
>>I'm a witch, Merlin.<<
He stopped, he felt embarrassed for the joke earlier but most importantly he felt weird about you. He really wished you would have told him.
>>Oh...<< he needed a moment to process. But the silence made you even more uncomfortable. Some could say it's nothing, just a stupid reveal. But it was indeed hard for you.
>>Why didn't you tell me?<<
>>If you knew that I'm a witch how high would the chances of me getting your help be? Would you even consider helping me?<<
He didn't say anything. Sounds dumb. But silence is also an answer. You looked at him, hoping that he would say something. But he turned to the fire.
>>Did you kill?<<
>>Did you kill people, Y/n?<<
Seriously? That's the first thing that comes to his mind? Of course you didn't, you'd never harm a peaceful human. But there were people who died because of you. Like that village where u stayed once, everything burned to the ground. No one survived. Except you.
>>No.<< you really didn't know what to say. You just told him you're a witch and after everything he asks you if you killed people? There is one thing you knew for sure, he would never even think about asking Green Shoes that question.

You were tired and fell asleep. Merlin still sat there. He wasn't disappointed or anything. It was just a bigger turn than he expected.
He noticed the fire running out so he got up and went to look for more sticks.
>>Would I even approach her if I knew right away?<< he had that question on his mind for 30 minutes now.
>>You still think that's important?<<
Merlin turned around and saw a dwarf version of himself.
>>Well, no. Not really. I just mean that I'm a hero and heroes don't usually date the bad guys. That only happens in books and fanfics.<<
>>I'll ask you a different question. When you got turned into me, were you still a member of the fearless seven?<<
>>Of course I was and still am.<<
>>Now when Y/n revealed her secret to you was she still the girl with the nice personality you fell in love with?<<
>>Well...It's different here.<<
>>Ph my God you really are a dingus.<<
Dwarf Merlin face palmed himself.
>>Did her personality change? Did that smile become evil in your eyes? Didn't she save your asses while running from the guards? Did she attack you in any way while staying at your house? Is she not the same girl who fought next to you a few hours earlier? Did any of that change?!<< He was silent, then shook his head.
>>That girl was the only one who tried to help you and saw the good qualities in you while you looked like me! She liked me first you idiot! And now this girl who loved you for you is crying because you didn't make her feel the same way!<<
Merlin ran over to the place where he left you. He ran really fast and was hoping you were still there. Only to run into you.
>>Merlin! Thank god! She took Snow! We have to-<< you clearly panicked and he tried to calm you down. You looked like a mess. Eyes still puffy from crying and it hit him in the chest knowing he was the reason. >>Who took who?<< Be rested his hands on your shoulders and tried to calm you down while talking.
>>Regina! She took Snow right in front of my eyes! I couldn't even do anything it happened so fast!<< you were scared, lord knows what Regina was up to.
>>Hey hey it's alright. Calm down.<< He hugged you. Tight. But still left room for you in case you wanted space. Then, he proceeded and cupped your face with his hands. >>We're gonna find her alright? Do you know where she could've left?<<
You nodded and you two made yourself on your way to Reginas castle. No one said a word this whole time.


Idk I think this chapter turned out weird
I mean it's going where I want it to but isn't it exaggerated? I mean I have a feeling that Y/n is overreacting but idk you guys tell me what you think:)

ꕤGreen shoesꕤ 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/red shoes and the seven dwarfs ffWhere stories live. Discover now