Chapter 12

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You wanted to kiss him. You really wanted to but something told you that now isn't the time, that some things aren't very clear, including yourself.
But nonetheless you did, ignoring that voice in you head.
You forgot about everything around you two. Even stopped breathing for a moment. He was so gentle, barely touching you. His lips brushed against yours and your head started spinning. But you didn't pull away.
Merlin who was now feeling more secure, put his hand on your cheek. He didn't want you to pull away. You two practically melted in each other's arms.

Merlin pulled away. Simply because both ran out of air.
>>I don't feel any different. Wasn't this supposed to break the curse?<<
You were surprised at those words. Did he really still care? After that talk?! Disappointing to be honest. But you knew why it didn't work. He didn't kiss you. He kissed Green Shoes. Not Y/n. He didn't even know your real name so how would he even know that he loved you? But how would he know? You lied to him this whole time.
You were sure now. You had to tell him. You loved him and you wanted him to love you. All of you.
>>Merlin...Can I tell you something?<<
>>You can tell me anything Green Shoes.<<
That's not your name, Merlin kisses you and didn't even know your real name.
>>Actually, my name is-<<
You heard a LOUD sound from behind you. Coming from the forest. You recognized the sound you heard earlier that day, the roar that also came from the forest.
Suddenly, you saw three giant creatures coming out of the woods. One of them having Snow thrown over it's shoulder.
>>Quick! Run!<< Merlin took your hand and ran into another direction. >>They have Red Shoes!<< you wouldn't just leave her there! She's your sister! >>I'll get you to a safe place first!<< is he kidding? You literally have powers like he did. And you even saved his ass once so why so protective all of a sudden?
>>I can fight you know!<< You were even stronger than him?! Well he didn't know that...But still. You didn't even wait for him to respond. Shooting the beasts with your powers. But Merlin pulled you so you missed a little and only got one to the ground.
>>Merlin!<< You shouted, but he didn't even budge. He brought you to a tree across the bridge. >>Alright stay here. When I free Red Shoes I want you to get her over here as soon as possible and keep her safe. I know you can do this.<< You wanted to object but how could you? He was right. Snow was unconscious and needed someone to stay with her.

Merlin ran over to the creatures and went to the one who's leg broke a little from your magic. It has stood up by now but couldn't walk that well. He managed to throw it in the water with just one zap. Then he went right for the one who held Snow. You watched from afar. You weren't that worried about him since he was a professional. He knew what he was doing. And god, he looked good doing it too. You almost missed your cue because of staring.
>>Green Shoes! Now!<< You sprinted over to Snow who got a little more conscious by now. You quickly ran with her to the tree but one of the giants got you. Well, at least Snow was safe. You tried to get out but he held on too tight. So you used your magic to get out of it's grasp. Merlin on the other side, lost concentration because he was worried about you. And slipped. You quickly helped him with your powers and now he was standing back to back with you. >>I'll take the one with the hammer hand.<< Merlin said. And you didn't object. Your main task is to be with Snow so you'll get over with the other one quickly.
>>He's all yours hun.<<
>>Already giving nicknames sweetie?<<
>>That was more of a joke.<<
You shrugged your shoulders and sprinted of. But it turned out that the hammer hand one was easier to defeat. So Merlin took your place after fighting and you went to check up on your sister.
>>Y/n? Where is Merlin?<< she started looking for him but you quickly covered her eyes. >>Don't look! Not now.<<
You turned around as well to not make things suspicious. No one knew about the potion after all. You sat there for about 20 more minutes before hearing a bridge fall and the dwarf cheering. >>Hey hoo Ladies, victory is mine.<< he did a winner pose but it was too early to celebrate. The last giant somehow got back up and grabbed him, dragging Merlin with him into the water. You jumped right after him and tried to lift the giants arm. Using all the magic you had. But no use. You saw Snow who had also jumped to help you. You both tried and couldn't do it. That's when Snow took the shoes off. And being a lot stronger now she lifted the arm and dragged Merlin and you out.
But being exhausted herself she passed out as soon as she got on land. You woke up first, confused because you only remember blacking our in the water while saving Merlin from drowning. Wait! Merlin!
You looked around in panic only to find him laying next to you with his back turned to you. You relaxed a bit but we're still tended about the situation. >>Oh, you're awake. Are you alright?<< It was Snow.
>>Yeah, just a little on edge. Thank you. I owe you one.<<
>>No need to thank me.<< she gave you a kind smile.
It got dark already but gladly Snow already prepared a fire.
>>Wehere did the shoes go? Did you loose them?<< You asked. She shook her head and pulled out the pair of red shoes from behind her. >>I don't know how he will react or how they will. But I hope that they will help us nonetheless.<< she didn't even look at you. Her eyes focused on the fire.
>>They will don't worry. Besides, I've got things to confess too so...<<
you didn't finish the sentence, you knew that she got it already so you didn't see a point. Besides,you heard Merlin groan and waking up. >>What happened-....Who's that?<<


We're getting near the end guyssss :D
Does someone even red these notes like I put my soul in here aight u better read em >:O
I just wanted to say that your comments are so motivating like every time someone comments I think to myself „Dayum someone cares 😭"
But fr your comments motivate me so freaking much. I don't know if you guys realize it but I am so thankful for every comment/vote etc. I feel appreciated fr. :>

Anyways, see y'all in the next chapter! <3333

ꕤGreen shoesꕤ 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/red shoes and the seven dwarfs ffWhere stories live. Discover now