𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽

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After Merlin was finished with his running you and the others were surprised to see a copy of Snows poster in the field, it was so big that everyone would notice for sure!
>>Wow Merlin I...Thank you.<< Snow smiled at him and started to lean in slowly. Merlin didn't resist it but something about that situation didn't sit right with him. But the wish to become his old self again was stronger than that feeling. Arthur stood there mouth wide open, he didn't try to stop it but wished someone did. And as if you heard his thoughts you snapped your fingers and Snow fell over.
>>Oh no! Are you okay?<< Merlin helped her up, feeling a mixture of relief and disappointment. Arthur ran up to her. >>Are you hurt? Guys let's go we need to check if she's alright.<<
>>Arthur I'm fine I barely fell really-<<
>>Ah ah ah, I need no make sure my friends are safe.<<
He gently pulled her and they left leaving you, Merlin and the bunny behind. >>That was weird.<< you jumped and froze right after hearing Merlins voice behind you so sudden, besides his presence changed again, he felt taller and more intimidating. It literally send shivers down your spine. >>Yeah very...<< you still felt that guilt. You didn't want to hurt her it just sorta happened and then you realised it did. But why would you do that it's not like she did anything to you or made you upset...did she? Hell even if she did you would never use your powers against your sister! >>Let's go it's getting dark.<<Merlin pulled you towards the bunny from behind. And suddenly you were standing in front of a tiny dwarf again and that tall strong presence disappeared. >>We are gonna have a talk about this.<< you folded your arms looking up to Merlin who was already sitting on the bunny with a smirk, he did like to make you nervous, makes you kinda adorable. >>About what?<< he asked while his smirk grew even wider. You rolled your eyes but gave him a smirk back and hopped on the bunny. You arrived at home even before Arthur and Snow did. The others were at home already wich you knew since you saw light in the windows. Merlin helped you get of the bunny and after closing the cage went inside with you. You two greeted everybody, Hans made some tea and everybody went to the kitchen. To be honest it was a bit awkward for you because you weren't used to gathering with your close people and just talking, your mom was too busy planning her evil stuff and trying to improve your skills, your das was often on trips to sign different contracts and you didn't see Snow that often because of your mother.
After some time Arthur and Snow arrived and everyone invited them to stay and have some tea. Arthur said yes but Snow looked at you and said that she was pretty tired and left. Wait did she also know about you being responsible for earlier? If Merlin got it after knowing you had powers for 5 minutes and not facing you then Snow who knew for years and who was facing you had to know! But she knows you wouldn't hurt her so why would she assume it was you? On the other hand her behaviour the last days...
>>That's it.<< you whispered to yourself. You didn't even care about trying to be nice because she was not treating you properly and you needed answers. You didn't want to be obvious tho, especially with Arthur already being suspicious and Merlin knowing. You waited at least 10 minutes and went upstairs, saying that you were tired. And as you expected Snow wasn't sleeping yet. You didn't even knock you just opened the door and saw...Snow...but different...like she was herself but from the last time you saw her.
>>What in the shape shifting is that?!<< you whisper yelled not to be loud, if anyone barged in right now you AND Snow would have things to explain. At first you thought she just lost weight, anything could happen over these years. But there is no way in the world that she could gain it all in 10 minutes! >>Ohhhh crap...Y/n First of all don't Tell them. Just give me my father back and I'll give you the shoes. But I promise you that when I find the fearless seven they will put an end to-<<
>Hold up, are you threatening me? What for?<<
>>You don't have to play innocent no one is here.<<
Was she kidding? No? She looks serious so you guessed not...But what the fuck was happening right now?!
>>Snow I don't even know what you're talking about.<< she eyed you and her look softened, you did in fact look confused.
>>Wait you're not here for the shoes?<<
>>What shoes?!<< you looked at the shoes that she held in her hands and then it hit you. The shoes that your mother kept trying to get, so that's the reason for that sudden appearance change and everything. How could you be so stupid?!
>>...Oh...these shoes...<<
>>So if you're not here for them what for?!<<
>>Well it was more of coincidence, I was waiting for you at the castle and then you didn't show up so I fell asleep and Merlin brought me here. And what are you doing here?<< Snow's expression changed to a sad one.
>>...The day we ran away Regina got me...I was desperate that you would come and get me or at least notice it after I wouldn't show up but after a year of standing up to her...<< she frowned and looked a little angry now.
>>I saw you...next to her...laughing your ass off with that witch. You took my father after lying to him, making him trust you and then just sending him right into your mothers evil hands.<< you didn't understand a single thing she said, as far as you remember you spend all your nights and days at different villages and in the forest. >>I don't understand a single thing right now.<<
You didn't know what to say, there your sister was blaming you for pairing up with your mother and tricking everyone. But you were innocent! You didn't remember anything like that.
>>Snow that didn't happen what are you-<<
>>Look your reaction confuses me! I know what I saw and what I heard! You threatened me that you will find me and end my bloodline after my escape. But seeing you being confused confuses me even more.<< you threatened your sister? When?!
>>What happened after your escape though?<<.  >>I came back to the palace and found these.<< she pointed at the shoes. >>Then Regina almost got me and I flew away on a broom. But you weren't there...in case you don't remember.<<What the fuck? But your mother couldn't make clone since that required potions and your mother sucks at it. But you were innocent so it couldn't be you. You came here for answers and just got more questions. >>Look I don't know what is going on but I assure you I didn't do anything. Good night.<< you went back to your room. You were so angry, not the fact that she accused you but that she didn't believe you! You didn't go near her these past days so why would she assume that you're here for her?! You didn't even know she had these shoes! You were about to partially destroy the room, you already lifted half of the furniture but remembered that this wasn't even your house nor your room. And your look fell on your little journal. The little spell jar you wanted to make! You quickly went to the kitchen to grab a pot. After going to Merlins room again and finding the right recipe in your journal you quickly began to do your magic. There was a way of making a spell jar and turning it into a potion after. Some things just didn't exist as potions so you had to improvise a little from time to time. After finishing you closed the window and the door to prevent any unnecessary eyes. You started to do your magic and a purple light appeared. At first you thought it didn't work but when you took a closer look some purple fog came out of the bottle and that meant it worked. So now your only mission was to somehow make the dwarfs drink it. The thing you made actually was a potion that could make one immune to curses. If the fearless seven would become themselves again they would be stronger wich could be helpful for your search and to defeat Regina.
So you went to the kitchen and started cooking. You added the potion and gladly for you the food didn't smell or look any different. You served the food and started chatting like nothing happened. The dwarfs ate some and...nothing? WAIT NOTHING?!

ꕤGreen shoesꕤ 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛/red shoes and the seven dwarfs ffWhere stories live. Discover now