Chapter Nine

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When I walked into my room, Becca and Maddie were already asleep, so I got into my bed and tried to sleep as well. I lied awake for 15 minutes, unable to fall asleep. I eventually gave up and took my phone out and went on TikTok. I was replying to comments on a video that Miguel and I made on set yesterday. Although, as I kept scrolling through the comments there were some that read: 


bro yall are so cute UGH

i ship you and mikey

you guys are both so attractive 

couple goals

miguel x y/n for life

I smiled at those comments, but immediately I had questions. Did Miguel post something about our relationship? I kept scrolling through comments until I came across one that said:

bro theyre not dating miguel only likes hot ppl lmao

My happiness turned into sadness and rage. People always tell you to ignore your hate comments. To not give them the power of making you mad. Fuck that. 

I wrote a short reply to the comment:

well... surpise ig 😙

I left my comment section and kept scrolling on my fyp. Within five minutes, people were aready blowing up my phone, commenting about me and Miguel. Luckily, this time everyone was nice and were sending the sweetest comments ever. All of a sudden my phone buzzed, a message from Miguel.

come outside

Of course, without hesitation, I went outside. Miguel was waiting there for me. He smiled and said, "Y/n. Hey" He pulled me in and we kissed. "Should we go somewhere else to make out? Because everybody always walks in on us" I said. "I was just gonna suggest that we go on a walk." He replied. We got our shoes on and left the room. When we were in the elevator, I said, "Um, Mikey... I kind of told our fans that we're um... dating." He looked over at me and smiled, "Oh good. I want them to know that you're mine." He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the elevator.

When we got back from our walk it was 3 in the morning. We said goodnight to each other, kissed, and parted ways. I was so tired that I immediately passed out the second that my head hit the pillow. 

I woke up at 1 PM the next day, VERY LATE for me. Good thing that it was still the weekend, otherwise I would have been very late for work. When I got out of the room, everyone looked like they just woke up as well. Banks was asleep on the couch, with Tristan trying to wake him up, Jordan was getting coffee for him, Becca, and Jacob, and everyone else was just staring into space. "Why does everyone look hungover?" I asked. 

Everyone snapped out of it and started laughing. "No we're just INSANELY tired." Miguel said from behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "Good morning love" he said, kissing my neck. Everyone turned to stare. They were visibly holding back smiles, but didn't say anything. I walked over on the couch and sat down, Miguel doing the same. "So, since everyone's so tired, should we just sit around in the hotel and not do anything today?" I offered. "YES." everyone replied. 

I pulled out my phone and began to scroll on my fyp. I came across a ship edit of me and Miguel and I couldn't stop smiling. I turned my phone over to Miguel to show him. His face instantly lit up, and he got so excited, it was the cutest thing ever. I instantly liked the video, saved it to my favorites, and commented on it, saying " 💗💗". I went back to the comment section of my video and I found the rude comment the person had posted. So many people were dragging that comment and saying how Miguel and I are the perfect couple. The person who posted the rude comment instantly apologized, and I knew that it was genuine. I sighed and put my phone away.

Miguel noticed. "Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. I explained the whole situation to him and showed him the comment. He instantly got his phone out and found the person who wrote the comment. He replied to it, saying, "y/n is actually very hot imo, and yes we're dating." I started laughing. He smiled and hugged me. We got out the TV remote and turned on a show, (you can choose whichever one you want) and he put his arm around me.

Halfway through, my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number, but I had a strong gut feeling to answer it. I got my phone, got up, and told Miguel, "I gotta take this call really quick I'll be right back." He nodded and I walked away. I answered the call as I shut the door to my room. "Hello?" I asked. Hi, is this Y/n L/n? the person on the other line said. I stood there confused for a second. "Um, yes? I'm sorry, who are you?" I said. 

Y/n. Hey. It's dad.

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