Chapter 11

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   I do not own haikyuu, demon slayer, or really this book, this book was originally made by melodythemagicwitch so go read the first part there before this or it will be really confusing, and these animes also belong to their rightful owners. this is not canon in any way and could even be seen as an alternate universe of some sort! enjoy!


As Hinata opened his eyes the light from the window caught his vision, immediately shielding them from the light he realized where he was. He was cuddled up to Kageyama and felt a hand that was laced in his hair, mid-way stroking itself in between the soft strands on his head.

   The realization set in fast as he faintly remembered being sang to, to sleep whilst simultaneously being pet like a house pet. he shot up quite abruptly, nearly waking up his boyfriend in the prosses, and with his still face flushed with embarrassment he went over to his pack where he had pulled out 2 pieces of paper and a navy blue pen.

   Sitting back down next to Kageyama, -totally not smiling softly, lingering on the thought and ideal of being lovers- Hinata put the pen to the paper and started writing. 

 'Dear Uncle Kagaya

    I hope you're doing well. Currently, I have a faint clue that may reveal the identity of the Marechi, but I cannot prove it yet. as evidence is stretched thin and may be hopeful assumptions. Rest assured, I'll keep researching this issue, and I'll do everything in my power to protect the Marechi.

   Other than that I have no more leads or ideas, may I ask you to ask Sanemi once more, as I thank you in advance

   Apart from our serious conversation earlier, how are you and Aunt Amane doing? I really miss spending time with the littles and I hope it's not too difficult to take care of them. Please feel free to ask me for anything you need - you and your family have done so much for me and I would love to repay you in full account someday.

   Until then, goodbye!   

   Hinata Shoyo

   Hinata sighed and leaned back against the wall deep in thought. though unfortunately, he may have thought a bit too much, remembering something that made his spine shiver: the dream. The small boy wondered what his family was trying to warn him about. However, he shook his head after some contemplation, trying to reason with himself. He concluded that his dreams were just a product of his own mind and he was being paranoid. He reminded himself that his family was no longer alive, so it was impossible for them to communicate with him.

 Though still suspicious about his nightmare he picked up the second piece of paper and started writing in an attempt to distract himself.

   'Dear Shinobu-san and kanroji san

   Guess what? I have a boyfriend now! He's tall, has short black hair, and is absolutely adorable! I'm not sure what to do next, so I was hoping for some expert advice. Kanroji-san, could you please assist me? And please make sure to inform Obanai-san so he doesn't get mad at me for spending time with you.

that aside- Hey there, long time no see! How's life treating you? Shinobu, spill the tea - has Tomioka finally mustered up the courage to ask you out? And Kanroji, when's the big day? Don't leave me hanging! Just kidding, take your time and enjoy the engagement process.😏?

   But anyways, I have to patrol the place now, they chose the worst spot for this training camp! it's covered in thick trees so no sun gets in... the perfect place for a demon, so I can't write much but I hope I can see you guys soon!

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