Chapter 13

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   "mmm" the light coming through the trees blinded Hinata as he shot up from his sleep, "what happened?" he said rubbing his forehead with the back of his right forearm. he felt a gentle hand push him back down, " just stay here for now..." it sounded like Kiyoko, "who was that" asked another voice, which sounded a lot like Yachi's.

   " I'll tell you all, wait... where is everybody!!" he jumped up and landed on his feet, his ribs still stung a little but due to total concentration, most of his wounds had healed, except his arm and some ribs of course.

   some people were digging through the remains of the now broken cabin-like thing they were staying in, others were trying to make a fire, and the rest were out trying to find anything useful, Noya had found the bamboo strips and brought me over to Akaashi, Daichi, and Suga who were trying to make the fire.

   "thank you," Daichi said and he looked back over to the pile of kindling they had tried to light on fire with the ashes from the grill thingie, it was not a bad idea because some of them were still hot and looked pretty reddish-orange, but so far it was not working.

   "Here let me try," a voice said as they pushed themself into the group's center, "Shoyo! your awake!!!" Noya said hugging him accidentally making him wince, "please don't do that, as of now I have about 3 broken ribs a fractured hand, and a broken arm, so, yeah," Hinata said as he crouched down to the fire pit.

   he breathed in and out then vibrated his hand, causing friction with the air, it lit his hand on fire again, and since it was only his hand this time he put it out much faster. his other hand reached up toward Daichi signaling for the bamboo strips which he happily handed to Hinata.

   the redhead laid them out on the fire and everyone watched as the strips caught fire almost immediately,  "cool!" shouted Noya getting people's attention.

   seeing Hinata, people rushed over to see if he was ok, to which he responded with a fake "never been better," but Sugamama knows better from hearing about his 3 broken ribs, a fractured hand, and a broken arm, so let us just say everyone knows the truth now.

   "I guess you are all wondering who the heck that guy was, let me tell you... everything." he said shifting the atmosphere fast. "let's get the biggest thing out of the way first, demons are real" he would've braced for a bigger reaction if everyone had not just seen what had happened.

   "but what about you? how did you do those things with your sword and all?" Tanaka asked, "good question" Hinata responded, "there are things called demon slayers, I know the name is not very creative but it fits, Members of the Demon Slayer Corps are divided into ten different ranks. From lowest rank to highest, these ranks are Mizunoto, Mizunoe, Kanoto, Kanoe, Tsuchinoto, Tsuchinoe, Hinoto, Hinoe, Kinoto, and Kinoe. but, the 10 people who are the strongest get to be something called a hashira. getting more on the topic of your question, there is something called breathing styles, my style of breathing is storm breathing, there are 13 techniques and I actually created this breathing style. demon slayers use these said breathing styles to defeat demons. what you just witnessed were some of the techniques and using a combination of speed and smarts to win."

   "ok, so that guy you fought was a demon, but how did we not know about any of this before?" asked Akaashi, "it's simple really, people just refuse to believe they exist. so the demon slayer corps has had to work in the somewhat shadows for the past, who knows years," he said sitting on a fallen tree crossing one of his legs.

   "cool! so your one right! what rank are you!" bokuto started fangirling with a sparkle in his eyes, "I'm a hashira" he responded like it was completely normal. "oh! so your one of the top 10! that is so cool! can I be a hashira!?!?" he was practically screaming at this point. "no, but you could be a demon slayer, if you got strong enough you technically could be one, but to do that you would have to defeat 50 demons or a member of the 12 kizuki" he answered resting his head on the palm of his hand.

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