Chapter 15

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   It was the morning since that is what days do... repeat. and so here goes the same process every day. wake up, don't want to do the thing you are supposed to do... do the thing you are supposed to do. then after that, you just... collapse.

   Well, that was how Hinata's life was going currently, and honestly, he was kinda sick of it. but oh, today, this was gonna be exciting, he was gonna get to use his full strength, and he was gonna kick this demon's ass so hard! y'know, the normal 15 year old boy's dream.

   "Alright, everyone!" Hinata said clapping his hands together with such force "wake your ass up!" added Kageyama, for some reason snarling, "shut up" Hinata whispered slapping his back gently, which to Kageyama it felt like getting his with the hilt of the sword.

   "What is happening?" a couple of people asked, waking up and rubbing their eyes. "I have a plan!" the redhead said (hey that kind of rhymed!... never mind) putting on a smile or a smirk, hard to tell.

   "no! five more minutes" another voice complained. "hmm," said Hinata out loud, "this calls for drastic measures! only the people who come out of this room in the next ten minutes get breakfast!"

   everyone's ears perked up, silence, then. "move it!" "no!" "get out of the way!" everyone was shouting and there standing in the midst of it all, somehow not getting stampeded on, was Hinata, honestly very proud of the chaos he created.

   soon after everyone was outside Hinata and Kageyama joined the fray, "ha!" Hinata laughed, "don't you know all the food is gone? it was destroyed unless you wanna eat dirt-covered raw bacon"

   everyone's heads turned to Bokuto, "what!" he yelled "ok, well maybe I was thinking about it" he said blushing out of embarrassment, at least everyone got a good kick out of it.

   "ok! here is the plan!" everyone straightened up as Hinata went and got a stick to draw in the dirt with. he started drawing something, it was not great but you could at least tell that there were 3 people, Hinata, Kageyama, and Hotaru.

   he also drew a clump of stick people that one could only assume was the rest of them. "we're gonna use Kageyama as bait!" he said standing up. . . . . .  "what!?!?" the crowd roared. "shhh!" Hinata hissed back.

   he got back down to continue drawing, ignoring the many confused looks he was getting. he drew a circle around Kageyama and an arrow from him to the clump of people, then with his stick, he pointed south.

   "Are you saying that we should take Kageyama and head... whatever way that was? but that is the exact opposite of what you just said" Iwaizumi stated being careful to keep his voice down. "the demon is most likely already healed, and if it is healed it would most likely be here right now, watching us trying to get the upper hand. so, using the images we make another plan, in other words, the one he will think we are doing, so when we send Kageyama out he won't think that it's a part of the plan. you all know Kagemaya is the marechi, so Hotaru won't be able to resist him." Hinata pointed out.

   "that... actually kind of makes sense, not really but yeah it does," Kageyama said, staring at the badly made drawing, trying to make it look like they actually understood what the heckie was going on.

   you could see he was nervous, he was the bait, and he could die if Hinata was even a second too late. but, being the stubborn fifteen year old he was, he went along with it. he trusted Hinata probably more than Hinata trusted Hinata. with every molecule, every atom in his body, he did.

   "alright so" Hinata crouched down once more, "let's do a little bit of a run-through of the plan shall we?"

   (time skip to after everyone knows the plan)

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